
  • 网络polygraph;PowerLab
  1. 经右心室穿刺,通过多道生理记录仪记录右心室压力,并以此反映肺动脉压力。

    The right ventricular pressures were measured by polygraph system for recording pulmonary artery pressures .

  2. 采用BL-420E+四道生理记录仪检察其对小鼠离体肠肌的影响。

    Detect the effect on mice myenteron in vitro by BL-420E + four channel polygraph .

  3. 应用PowerLab多道生理记录仪测定大鼠MAP,用全自动生化仪测定血清CK-MB含量。

    MAP were detected by multi-path physiological recording instrument named as Power Lab. The content of CK-MB was measured by automated biochemical instrument .

  4. 方法:麻醉犬iv甲基葡萄糖苷100、200mg/kg,用多导生理记录仪和电磁流量计测定心脏血液动力学参数。

    Method : Methyl Polyglycoside ( 100 、 200mg / kg , iv ) was administered to anesthetized dogs and cardiac hemodynamics parameters were measured by using polygraph and electromagnetic flowmeter .

  5. ZTGMS对呼吸系统和心血管系统的影响则在x射线及动脉造影引导下,行股动脉插管至肝固有动脉介入给药,在六导生理记录仪上记录相关指标的变化。

    The effect of ZT GMS to respiratory system and cardiovascular system were recorded by six channel physiological recorder after ZT GMS administered from femoral artery to proper hepatic artery under x rays and arterial contrast .

  6. 方法30例怀疑睡眠呼吸障碍(SDB)的患者经同一套多导生理记录仪于二夜分别应用压力传感器及热敏传感器进行睡眠呼吸监测。

    Methods Thirty patients with suspected sleep disordered breathing ( SDB ) were examined using a same PSG system with Th and NP respectively in two consecutive nights .

  7. 各组用生理记录仪记录Oddi括约肌肌电活动1h后,除空白组外,其余各组均静滴阿托品,静滴的同时足三里、阳陵泉、四白、承筋组分别电针相应腧穴20min。

    Physiology recorder used to record Oddi 's sphincter movement , 1 hour later , excepting blank group , rabbits in other groups were administrated by intravenous drip with atropine , meanwhile with EA at acupoints respectively for 20 minutes .

  8. 应用多导生理记录仪对24例健康早产儿进行了41次Fp1-C3双电极连续24小时脑电图记录,同时用两台摄像机同步记录眼球运动及肢体运动。

    Continuous 24-hour EEG was performed in 24 normal preterm infants for whom 41 EEG records ( Fp1-C3 ) were obtained .

  9. 方法Langendorff离体心脏灌流装置制备戊巴比妥钠心衰模型,八道生理记录仪测定不同浓度Str对心功能的影响,无机磷法测定各组心肌细胞膜Na+,K+ATP酶活性。

    METHODS Langendorff isolated heart failure models made by perfusing heart with K-H solution containing sodium pentobarbital . Eight-channel physiological recording instrument was used to determine cardiac function . Colorimetry method was used to determine cardiac sarcolemmal Na + , K + - ATPase activity .

  10. 方法:常规心阻抗测定方法采用日本RM-6000多导生理记录仪。

    Methods : The common measure of the heart impedance in 394 cases of hypertension was conducted by polygraph system physiological record apparatus RM ± 6000 made in Japan .

  11. 15min后放入吊笼中,稳定3min后采用LMS-2A型二道生理记录仪记录用药后15s内小鼠活动波形(次数)。

    Every mouse was put into the suspended cage 15 minutes later , and stabilized for 3 minutes , then the wave pattern of mice 's action was recorded with LMS-2A physiological grapher within 15 seconds after administration .

  12. 方法:以黄体酮和缩宫素作对照,用LMS二道生理记录仪和JH-2肌张力传感器观察以益气化瘀法的98-B对大鼠子宫平滑肌收缩活动的影响。

    Methods : Contrasted with pregnendione and oxytocin , it was observed that the effect of 98-B with the principle of benefiting Qi and dissipating blood on the contraction of uterus smooth muscle , in rats by LMS physiological recorder and JH-2 muscle strain sensor .

  13. 应用右心室穿刺法经压力传感器与日本光电公司生产RM-6000型多道生理记录仪相连,测定右心室收缩压;

    We measured the right ventricular pressure by right ventricular puncture .

  14. 方法:60例心血管疾病患者先后行超声心动图和心导管检查,记录肺静脉血流图,多导生理记录仪记录左室舒张末压。

    Methods : Sixty patients with cardiovascular diseases received echocardiography and cardiac catheterization .

  15. 半导体降温仪实现表皮局部制冷致硬膜外亚低温;生理记录仪记录动物心跳、血压等生理参数;

    Semiconductor refrigeration meter realizes the epidural mild hypothermia by regional skin cooling .

  16. Powlab/8sp生理记录仪动态监测生命体征变化。

    Powlab / 8sp physiological recorder was used to observe the changes of vital signs .

  17. 生理记录仪记录主动脉环对缩血管物质反应的张力。

    Tension of aortic rings responding to the agents was recorded with the physiological recorder .

  18. 利用多导生理记录仪记录家猫脑电功率的变化。

    Changes of EEG power in the cats were recorded with multiple-channel electrophysiological recording device .

  19. 方法:将大鼠胃不同部位的肌条放置在灌流肌槽中,用生理记录仪记录肌条的收缩活动。

    Methods Motility of strips taken from different regions of rat stomach were recorded in tissue chambers .

  20. 利用多道生理记录仪记录骨骼肌收缩曲线。

    After appropriate physiological stimulation , the skeletal muscle contraction curve was record by using multichannel recorder .

  21. 方法:将肌条置于离体平滑肌灌流肌槽内,用生理记录仪记录肌条的收缩活动。

    Methods : Bladder detrusor urinae of rat were suspended in smooth muscle chambers and contractile activity were observed .

  22. 迄今多道生理记录仪已成为心脏介入术及医学基础研究不可缺少的重要设备。

    Polygraph has become a necessary instrument in interventional cardiology and fundamental research of medicine up to the present .

  23. 以统计学方法研究了记纹鼓、二道生理记录仪和多媒体生物信号记录分析仪对生理学实验教学效果的影响。

    We investigated the infection of kymograph , two channels physiological recorder and multimedia biology signal analyzer on the physiology experimental teaching .

  24. 用上海产SJ&42型四导生理记录仪记录生理参数。

    The physiological parameters were recorded with a 4 channel polygraph system , Model ST 42 , manufactured in Shanghai , China .

  25. 主要仪器:血管外科器械、多导生理记录仪、压力换能器、激光组织血液灌注监测仪、光学显微镜及照相装置等。

    Apparatus ; vascular surgery instrument , multipurpose polygraph , pressure transducer , laser tissue perfusion monitor , light microscope , camera , etc.

  26. 为研发国产实验动物专用的智能型多道生理记录仪,进行了软、硬件的研制开发和性能测试。

    To develop the domestic Intelligent Multichannel Physiological Monitor of Laboratory Animals , we developed the software and hardware for the monitor and tested its efficiency .

  27. 用多导生理记录仪记录模型大鼠胃电的振幅和频率、离体胃肠肌条的张力和频率。

    The model rats ' amplitude and frequency of gastric electricity , frequency and tensile force of gastrointestinal muscle in vitro were surveyed with multipurpose polygraph .

  28. 实验动物血流劝力学参数实时分析系统由IBM&PC/XT微机和多道生理记录仪等设备构成。

    A computer-based system for real time analysis of hemodynamic signals in experimen - tal animals was developed by using an IBM-PC / XT microcomputer and a polygraph .

  29. 结果表明,二道生理记录仪和多媒体生物信号记录分析仪可以显著提高实验完成情况和学生实验报告成绩。

    The results show that the use of two channels physiological recorder and multimedia biology signal analyzer can make the experiment complete successfully and improve the experimental record grade .

  30. 多媒体生物信号记录分析仪的使用较二道生理记录仪能提高学生实验报告成绩,但是多媒体生物信号记录分析仪的使用并不能较二道仪提高实验的完成情况。

    And the use of multimedia biology signal analyzer is more effective than two channels physiological recorder on the improvement record grade , but not on the experiment complete .