
jí jiù shè bèi
  • first aid equipment
  1. 重症监护病室(ICU)集中了现代监护与急救设备,收治各种急、危、重病人。

    There are various kinds of modern monitoring and emergency equipments in Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) . ICU receives various kinds of acute and critical patients .

  2. 为各医院临床新型急救设备。

    It is a new clinical first-aid equipment in hospitals .

  3. 海洋电磁法飞行员遇险急救设备的研究

    Marine Electromagnetic Approach Rescue device of forced landing for pilots in air accidents

  4. 浅谈医院临床科室急救设备的科学使用及管理

    The emergency equipment hospital department of clinical that science the use of and management

  5. 这个外科医疗队由一名高级外科医师、一名麻醉师及一名手术室护士组成,并带有整套急救设备。

    The surgical team consists of a senior surgeon , an anesthetist and a theater sister with complete emergency equipment .

  6. 针对医用救护车车载急救设备的供电不足问题,对救护车车载电源进行改进设计,满足更多的应用需求。

    To improve the power of ambulance vehicular first-aid devices , an ameliorating devise to ambulance vehicular power is developed to fit the more necessary .

  7. 于是她读了生存专家指南,给丈夫准备了防护包(装有急救设备、零食、定位仪,以及随时会用到的雨衣等物),然后等着电话去接他。

    So she reads survivalist manuals , prepares his pack ( a first-aid kit , snacks , GPS , a poncho & to carry at all times ), and then waits for the call to pick him up .

  8. 电磁干扰与急救医疗设备安全性分析

    Electromagnetic Interference and Safety Analysis for the First-aid Medical Equipments

  9. 突发事件急救过程对设备器材需求保障系统建立

    Establishment of equipment demanding and supplying system in emergent first-aid course

  10. 现代高科技战争对战伤急救物资和设备的运输提出了更高要求。

    Modern high-tech war sets a higher standard on the transportation of first-aid materials and equipments .

  11. 对浙江省25个经济欠发达县119个乡镇中心卫生院的基本情况、人力资源、急救设施与设备、急救药品、急救服务技能等卫生资源进行了现状调查与分析。

    This article studied the first aid health resources distribution condition in about 119 township center hospitals of 25 undeveloped counties in Zhejiang province .

  12. 对发生急性职业损伤的有毒、有害作业场所,配置现场急救用品、冲洗设备。

    The field first-aid articles and flushing equipment shall be arranged at toxic or harmful operation locations where the acute occupational injury occurs .

  13. 钢轨急救保护器这样一件工务产品在铁道部制定的《铁路线路维修规则》、《铁路线路大修规则》中,被明确规定作为线路上的急救、维修设备,要每公里配备一套。

    In railway line maintenance criteria and rail track capital repair criteria , rail emergency protector is defined as an emergent restoring and maintenance device , and each kilometer must be equipped with one set .