
  • 网络Sphygmomanometer;blood pressure gauge
  1. 主要由现行常规输液装置加上一个血压表和一个可充气气袋构成。

    The utility model is composed of a conventional infusion set , a sphygmomanometer and an inflatable air bag .

  2. 血压表常见故障修复及示值误差调整

    Common Problem and Solving Method and Adjustment of Error of Indication about Blood Pressure Gauge

  3. FMD是一项无创试验,它使用血压表袖带和超声测量手臂受压时肱动脉血流量。

    FMD is a noninvasive test that uses a blood pressure cuff and ultrasound to see how blood flows in the brachial artery when the arm is gently squeezed .

  4. 本文叙述了由医学计量的需要出发,提出了研制血压计(表)检定校准装置的总体要求,关键技术问题的解决,推广应用等情况。

    This paper described the need for medical metrology and measurement , advanced the requirement of developing sphygmomanometer , resolved key technical problems and extended applications .

  5. 实际上我不知道我敢肯定的是当时我的血压估计已经爆表了

    I didn 't , actually . I 'm sure my blood pressure was through the roof .

  6. 为了测量血压,医生会使用一种叫“血压计”的工具,更通常指一种套袖式血压表。

    To measure blood pressure , your doctor uses an instrument call a " sphygmomanometer ," more often referred to as a blood pressure cuff .