
  • 网络AED;defibrillation;CPR.D
  1. 在13只犬的低能量心脏除颤实验中,应用病理检查、除颤心电图记录以及除颤前后肌酸磷酸激酶及其同工酶(CPK和CPKMB)测定三种方法探测心肌损伤。

    During low energy defibrillation experiments in 13 dogs , three methods for the detection of myocardial injury were used : pathologic examination , defibrillation electrocardiogram recording , and creatine phosphokinase ( CPK ) and CPK-MB determination before and after defibrillation .

  2. 主要指标屈光度。心脏除颤峰值测定器

    Main Outcome Measure Refraction . Peak current detector for defibrillation

  3. 心脏除颤峰值测定器电流表的温度补偿

    Peak current detector for defibrillation Temperature compensation of ammeter

  4. 低能量心脏除颤及其机制探讨

    Low Energy Defibrillation and Study of Its Mechanism

  5. 每名患者都曾有一次心肌梗死发作,需要植入式心脏除颤仪来纠正心律失常。

    Each had had a heart attack and required an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to correct problems with their heartbeat .

  6. 本实验提示:低能量心脏除颤可导致心肌损伤;损伤可能由热和电等因素造成;

    This study suggests the following : low energy defibrillation may cause myocardial injury , with heat and electricity as possible causative factors ;

  7. 刺激技术的应用领域很广如神经肌肉功能恢复与重建、实验小动物生理机能测试研究、肌肉松弛检测和诱发电位和心脏除颤方式的探索等。刺激仪主要包括电源和波形产生部分。

    Its applications are very broad , such as neuromuscular rehabilitation and reconstruction , experimental tests of small animals physiological functions , muscle relaxation and evoked potential testing .

  8. 观察两组心脏除颤率、开放主动脉后血钾、术后呼吸机辅助时间及心肌正性肌力药物使用情况。

    Defibrillation rate , serum potassium after the open of aortic artery and the supporting time of respiratory and positive inotropic agents were observed after aortic cross-clamp removal .

  9. 结果温血组与冷血组比较,开放主动脉后心脏除颤率比较差异有显著性(3.2%与26.7%,P<0.01);

    Results There was significant difference in defibrillation between warm blood perfusion group and cold blood perfusion group ( 3.2 % vs.26.7 % , P < 0.01 ) after aortic cross-clamp was removed ;

  10. 结论早期气管插管与心脏电击除颤随不同的病因而作出顺序选择复苏,能比常规复苏组成功率提高。

    Conclusion Trachea cannula in earlier period stage and electric shock defibrillation to cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation has higher achievement ratio .

  11. 由于它可以避免外部电磁场的干扰,因此已成为研究心脏电除颤等机理较为理想的手段。

    Because this technique can also avoid the electromagnetic interferences , it uniquely provides an ideal means for studying the mechanisms such as cardiac defibrillation .

  12. 在19只犬中建立正交心电图和心脏电除颤系统;(2)电除颤次数;

    Orthogonal ECG ( sagittal , x ; transverse , y ; and longitudinal , z ) and the transvenous two-leads defibrillation systems were set in 19 dogs . ( 2 ) Rate of intraoperative defibrillation was higher in Collins ' group ;

  13. 数字化心脏除颤器、除颤监护仪检定/测试仪的研制一种新型除颤测试分析仪

    Development of the verification and test digital apparatus for cardial defibrillators & defibrillator-monitors

  14. 参考文献:“院外心脏停搏电除颤之前胸部按压:随机对照临场试验的元分析,”英国医学委员会杂志。

    Reference : " Chest compressions before defibrillation for out of hospital cardiac arrest : A meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials ," BMC Journal .