
  • 网络the history of the mind
  1. 文学才情与政治选择&重读《饿乡纪程》、《赤都心史》

    Literary Talent and Political Choice & A Rereading of Travels Across Starving Country and Records of My Impression in the Red Capital ;

  2. 在中国文学史上,以他别具一格的作品,将自己清白、率真的性格融入到作品之中,以一种痛苦的理性态度揭开了过渡年代知识青年心史上令人心酸的一页。

    In the history of Chinese literature , he put his innocent and frank personality into his unique works . With a painful and rational attitude , he opened the sour history page of the educated youth heart in the transitional era .

  3. 目的:探讨既往心绞痛史与急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者近期预后的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the association between previous angina pectoris and short term prognosis in patients with acute myocardial infarction .

  4. 既往病史在高血压病史、糖尿病前期及糖尿病病史、心绞痛史、陈旧心肌梗死史方面,组间比较无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    Past history In past history of hypertension 、 Pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus 、 angina pectoris and obsolete myocardial infarction , no significant difference were showed between the two groups ( P0.05 ) . 4 .

  5. 心绞痛史对心肌梗塞临床的影响

    The effects of previous angina on the clinical manifestations of myocardial infarction

  6. 该组病人伴心绞痛史、高血压史、陈旧心肌梗死史者明显高于无梗塞后早期心绞痛组(P<0.05)。

    Incidence of previous angina , hypertension and old myocardial infarction in the early PIA group was higher than non-PIA group ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  7. 结果导致ARDS的高危因素以外科性全身感染、重症肺炎、重症胰腺炎居多。部分患者有慢性心肺疾患史。

    Results The preliminary risk factors contributing to ARDS included serious systemic infection caused by surgical disorders ( sepsis ), severe pneumonia , and severe pancreatitis .

  8. 发病后反应、首诊医疗机构、发硕士学位论文病环境、心绞痛既往史以及发病初对症状的解释是目前院前时间的主要影响因素。

    The current major factors influencing prehospital time are initial action , first medical consultation site , environmental factors , prior history of CHD and initial interpretation to symptoms .

  9. 结论:病人的年龄、心肺疾病史、围手术期的输液管理、感染是发生并发症和死亡相关的主要危险因素;

    Conclusion : Heart lung disease and the age of patient , management of transfusion in the perioperative period , infection which is occur complication and death is related major dangerous factor ;

  10. 无论是前者还是后者,诗人皆实现着他的诗歌主张,在以人系事的同时,见出历史的兴衰,传达出他的心外之史。

    But the former and the latter , the poet is to achieve his poetry theory , around the people while narrate the events , which aim to prove the rise and fall of history and express his heart .