
  • 网络core dam;core wall dam
  1. 在湖北保康县寺坪水电枢纽工程可行性研究和设计阶段,按照坝基岩体条件以及为充分利用当地天然材料,选择黏土心墙坝和面板堆石坝进行可行性研究和方案比较。

    At the stages of feasibility research and design for a dam , to fit geological conditions and to fully utilize the local rock materials , core wall dam and concrete face rockfill dam were studied and compared to decide the dam type .

  2. 沥青混凝土心墙作为心墙坝的重要组成部分,其在地震作用下的响应对沥青混凝土心墙坝的整体抗震稳定性有重要的影响。

    Asphalt concrete core wall as an important part of asphalt concrete core wall dam , the core wall action under seismic effect has important influence on seismic stability of dam .

  3. 300m级超高土质心墙坝的长期变形特性研究

    Effect of Creep Characteristic of 300m Level High Rockfill Dam with Core Wall

  4. 本文运用5种不同的土石料应力应变模型,对一座高为100m的理想土质心墙坝的施工填筑、库水位升降等过程进行了数学模拟。

    In this paper the behaviours of an ideal clay core dam of 100m in height during construction , rising and drawdown of reservoir water level have been simulated by numerical procedure .

  5. 枢纽建筑物为碾压式沥青心墙坝,高78m,坝顶高程为2966.00m。基岩地震加速度0.25g,地表地震加速度0.309g。

    The elevation of the dam is about 2 966.00 m with the surface seismic acceleration of 0.309 g and the foundation rock seismic acceleration of 0.25 g.

  6. 在我国,近年来建设的一批高土石坝,大都建在深厚不均匀覆盖层地基上,如冶勒水电站沥青混凝土心墙坝,其覆盖层最大深度大约420m。

    In recent years , some asphalt concrete core rockfill dams are built on non-uniform thick overburden cover , such as Yele Hydropower Station , the depth of overburden cover is about 420m .

  7. 云龙水库粘土心墙坝三维有限元分析

    3-D FEM Analysis on Clay Core of Earth Dam of Yunlong Reservoir

  8. 沥青混凝土心墙坝三维有限元动力分析

    3-D Finite Element Dynamic Analysis of Asphalt Concrete Core Dam

  9. 黏土心墙坝水力劈裂发生机理及判别方法

    Discussion on Hydraulic Fracturing Identification of Clay Core Rockfill Dams

  10. 各向异性对土质心墙坝水力劈裂的影响

    Influence of anisotropy on hydraulic fracturing of earth core dams

  11. 高心墙坝应力变形特性研究

    Research on Stress and Deformation Properties for High Clay-core Dam

  12. 劈裂灌浆技术在心墙坝加固中的应用及其效果评价

    The Application and Rehabilitation Effect Evaluation of Fracture Grouting Technology in Core Dam

  13. 基于三维有限元数值模拟技术,对某沥青混凝土心墙坝进行了应力及变形分析。

    The stress and deformation of an asphalt concrete core dam is analyzed by3D-FEM .

  14. 碾压式中小型沥青混凝土心墙坝施工设备与施工技术研究

    Constructional equipments and technology research of rolling asphalt concrete core of minitype and medium-sized engineering

  15. 深覆盖层心墙坝及防渗墙应力变形分析

    Stress-Deformation Analysis for the Seepage Prevention Wall and the Core Dam Constructed on Deep Overburden

  16. 心墙坝有效应力与总应力算法的对比研究

    Comparing Study on the Total Stress Method and Effective Stress Method of the Core Wall Dams

  17. 635水利枢纽粘土心墙坝反滤料特性分析与试验研究

    Analysis of ECRD 's filter characteristic and study on experiment of " 635 " multipurpose dam project

  18. 采用各向异性非线性弹性模型,对水荷载作用下粘土心墙坝进行有限元数值分析,并与邓肯模型计算结果比较。

    A new anisotropic soil constitutive model is applied to the finite element analysis of a high earth core dam .

  19. 本文首先建议了判别土质心墙坝地震裂缝的应力与变形判据。

    In this paper , the criteria of stress and deformation are proposed to judge the crack of high earth-rockfill dam .

  20. 最后利用已发生溃决心墙坝的溃坝洪水资料验证了建议数值模型的合理性。

    Finally , the validity of the proposed model is verified by the observation data of a clay core dam with sandy gravel .

  21. 土质心墙坝的水力劈裂问题一直是工程界普遍关注又亟待解决的关键问题。

    Hydraulic fracturing in earth core rockfill dam is a key problem which is unsolved and is given an universal attention in engineering field .

  22. 为保护土质心墙坝的心墙土料,一般在心墙的上、下游侧均设置反滤层。

    In order to protect the core material of earth-rock dam , usually set filter layer at upstream and downstream of the core wall .

  23. 其中防渗体在上游的称为斜墙坝(面板坝),在坝体中央的称为心墙坝。

    Sometimes , the anti-seepage parts are in the dam front facing the upstream , sometimes , they are at the core of the dam .

  24. 本文针对深厚覆盖层上修建沥青混凝土心墙坝这一特殊的工程问题,用有限元方法进行了专门的计算分析和研究。

    In this paper , analysis and research have been done with finite element method about the asphalt concrete core-wall earth-rockfill dam building on the deep overburden .

  25. 高土石坝的防渗、粘土心墙坝的拱效应问题一直是高土石坝发展难以回避的问题。

    The impervious problem and arch effect in clay core are the problems which can 't be fenced with all the times during the developing process of high earth dams .

  26. 分析了刘家峡黄土心墙坝测压管实测水位变化规律,研究了黄土心墙坝在非恒定渗流下的稳定性。

    The law of observed water level change in piezometric tube is analyzed in this paper . Furthermore , the stability of soil core wall dam on the unsteady seepage is studied .

  27. 填筑大坝时,防渗层放在上游坝面(面板堆石坝、沥青面板坝),或放在坝的中心部位(粘土心墙坝、沥青混凝土心墙坝、或膨润土心墙坝)。

    In fill dams , the impervious layer is placed at the upstream face ( CFRD , asphalt concrete ), or in central position ( clay , asphalt concrete , bentonite cores ) .

  28. 以房县深峪沟病险水库黏土心墙坝为研究对象,对其渗流稳定和坝坡稳定性进行评估,目的是为加固设计提供参考。

    The earth-rock dam with clay core of Shenyugou dangerous reservoir in Fang County is studied , whose seepage and dam slope stability are evaluated , aiming to provide strength design with reference .

  29. 最后,以均质坝和心墙坝作为算例进行了具体的数值计算,将所得结果与有限元数值解进行对比分析,论证了所提方法的适用性和合理性。

    Finally , example studies are performed for both homogeneous embankment and clay-core dam and the numerical results are compared with the solutions obtained by the finite element method to illustrate the rationality and applicability of the proposed method .

  30. 本文利用SEEP/W对一些典型的心墙坝、斜墙坝和均质坝进行断面剖分,计算了大坝浸润线位置、等势线、等压线、渗流量、渗透坡降等。

    Some classical dams are analyzed to ensure the location of phreatic surface , equipotential lines , contours , total flux , and gradients of seepage by SEEP / W , such as dams with clay core , or homogenous .