
  • 网络peace of mind
  1. 瑜伽能帮助你寻找心灵的宁静。

    Yoga can help you find peace of mind .

  2. 我们发现,当人们享受美食时,他们就会分享着爱,幸福,友谊和心灵的宁静。

    We observe that when people enjoy food , people share love , happiness , friendship and peace of mind .

  3. 经过一段思想的挣扎之后,我又获得了心灵的宁静和欢乐。

    After the battle of my mind , I achieved the tranquility and gladness of my heart finally .

  4. 但就我所接触的男人都非常有力量,他们不需要女人来获得心灵的宁静。

    I 'm not sure if woman needs man 's strength , I feel women are more powerful .

  5. 远古先民在自然生存中自发的寻求一种庇护与心灵的宁静,这就是原始神话产生的心理要素。

    That person who spontaneously seek a refuge with the peace of mind , so the original myth of psychology factor has .

  6. 音乐是我生命中无可取代的一部分,它赋予我心灵的宁静,让我暂时忘掉痛苦

    It ` s an indispensable part of my life . It can give me peace of mind , to temporarily forget the suffering

  7. 我相信,我们与他们共享的我们的家人和朋友的力量的源泉和心灵的宁静。

    And what I believe many of us share with them is a source of strength and peace of mind in our families and friends .

  8. 还有更多具有价值的东西——那些我应该在自己内心发现的东西——心灵的宁静、耐心、优雅与仁慈。

    There is something more to be of value - something I should find within myself - as peace of mind , patience , grace and being kind .

  9. 她建议我给朵拉的姑姑写信,询问是否能常去看朵拉,她还鼓励我实现结婚的希望,我又一次感受到阿格尼斯带给我的心灵的宁静。

    She advised me to write to Dora 's aunts , to ask if I could visit Dora occasionally , and she encouraged me in my hopes of marriage . I felt again that peace which Agnes always brought to me .

  10. 就读于中国政法大学国际贸易专业、21岁的胡丹华(音译)对此表示认同:“通过山村支教这样的一些小小善举,我收获了心灵的宁静以及精神上的成就感。这是我从其他地方收获不来的。”

    Hu Danhua , 21 , an international business major from China University of Political Science and Law , agrees . " I 've gained peace of mind and spiritual fulfillment through small acts of kindness , such as teaching village pupils . I could obtain it from nowhere else , " Hu says .

  11. 在经济飞速发展的今天,人们虽然在物质上获得了极大的满足,但在忙碌的脚步声中,早已丢失了心灵应有的宁静与坦然。

    With economic development nowadays , people are satisfied with their wealth and fortune , but they loss quiet mind and calm heart .

  12. 但城市发展一直是在新旧的交织中进行,虽然现代化高楼大厦不断林立,但是我们往往更加怀念城市中那些历史悠久的古建、古街,她能抚平都市的浮躁重拾心灵深处的宁静。

    But the city has been the development of the new mixed in . though modern many-storied buildings constantly everywhere , but we often missed in the city has a long history of ancient architecture , ancient street , she can heal urban rash regain peace of soul .

  13. 心灵的自由与宁静,既是道家所追求的精神生活,也是道家天命论的立论基础和出发点。

    The spiritual quietness and freedom is the ideal life for Taoists and the foundation and starting point for the Taoist theory of fate .

  14. 白马湖作家群既关注社会人生,又向往心灵的自由、宁静,所以儒释道精神在他们身上皆有体现。

    The writers of white horse lake are care about the society and the reality , also , they are long for freedom and peace , so the spirit of Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism are clearly shown by them .

  15. 现在的社会太浮躁,我希望自己的作品能给人的心灵些许的理性和宁静。

    It 's a chaotic era we live in and I hope my works can bring solace to people 's souls .

  16. 薄薄的纱质窗帘缓和了忙碌的心绪,幽兰色的花束放松了紧张的神经,厚厚的毛绒地毯给了人们更多的安全感,这个心灵的港湾舒适而宁静。

    With thin fabric on the window , lilac bouquets and fluffy carpet , this room provides a tranquil refuge for guests to rest their body and mind after a hectic day .

  17. 还有一些东西也许更具有价值,一些我应当在自己心灵深处发现的东西,心灵的宁静、耐心、优雅和仁慈。

    There is something more to be of valve , something I should find within myself , as peace of mind , patience , grace and being kind .

  18. 在此基础上,他形成了独特的悲剧意识,并且认为诗植根于大地,诗是心灵的表现,能改善人性,提升精神,恢复心灵的和谐与宁静。

    On the base of it , he forms his special idea of tragedy , and he thinks that poem is rooted in the earth and poem shows human 's heart , which can improve human 's nature and spirit , and recovers our hearts ' harmony and silence .