  • undecanted wine;mellow wine;wine with dregs
  • 浊酒。

  • 〔~糟儿(zāor)〕江米酒。

  • 〔~醴〕中药剂型之一,即药酒。

  • 醇酒。

  1. 以PSB技术治理糖厂废醪液,可以使糖厂废醪液实现零排放。

    Using PSB technology to treat waste undecanted wine in sugar plants , the waste undecanted wine could reach zero discharge .

  2. 甘蔗糖厂酒精废醪提取食用色素的研究

    Study on the Extracting Edible Pigment from Waste Undecanted Wine of Sugar Mill

  3. 低浓度下醪塔NT的算图法

    N_T 's Calculating-Diagram of Lao-column at Low Concentration

  4. 通过对糖化过程和发酵过程的控制,可降低醪液pH值。

    PH value of mash could be decreased through the control of fermentation and saccharification .

  5. 采用HPLC分析检测发酵醪

    Determination of Fermenting Mash by HPLC

  6. HPLC法测定玉米浓醪发酵酒精醪液中的纤维二糖和蜜二糖

    Determination of Cellobiose and Melibiose in the Distillate of High-Gravity Ethanol Broth from Corn by HPLC

  7. 文中考察了玉米粉蒸煮醪的流变特性及其与质量分数和温度的关系,得出流变参数k、n与质量分数和温度的函数关系。

    So the function relation between the rheological characteristics parameter k , n and mass ratio and temperature was gotten in the study .

  8. PSB技术治理酒精废醪液的实践

    Practice of Treating Waste Undecanted Wine with PSB Technology

  9. 通过对发酵醪的高效液相色谱(HPLC)[1]分析研究和比对试验,建立了发酵醪的液相分析方法。

    Through the analysis and contrast experiments of fermenting mash by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ), the liquid phase analytic method of fermenting mash was established .

  10. 此外,文中还对发酵醪液进行了GC-MS分析,证明无喷射新工艺的发酵产物杂质少于传统工艺。

    In addition , GC-MS was used to compare the fermentation broths , and showed that the new process gave less impurities .

  11. 生物酸化技术应用于啤酒生产可降低糖化醪pH值,实现对麦芽、糖化醪和麦芽汁的酸化,生物酸化可增加酶活。

    The application of biological acidification in beer brewing could effectively reduce pH value of saccharifying mash , achieve the acidification of malt , saccharifying mash , and wort , and increase enzyme activities .

  12. 发酵成熟醪酒精含量达6.5~8.0%(v),它比同期传统式酒精发酵高出0.3~0.4%;

    The alcoholic concentration in fermented mash is about 6.5 ~ 8.0 % ( v ), which is 0 . 3 ~ 0.4 percent higher than the alcoholic concentration of conventional free cells fermentation ;

  13. S.cerevisiae、H.uvarum在8个葡萄品种的自然发酵醪中都能分离到。

    S. cerevisiae and H. uvarum were screened in spontaneous fermentation of 8 grape cultivars .

  14. 搅拌期:酵母快速产酒精,乳酸球菌数迅速下降,乳酸杆菌数大量增加达到高峰期,醪液pH值又降至最低;

    In stirring stage , yeast produced alcohol rapidly and lactic acid cocci quantity dropped quickly , however , Lactobacillus quantity increased greatly and achieved the peak value and pH value in fermented wine decreased to the lowest value .

  15. 醪垢的清洗方法有化学清洗法(碱煮法、酸洗法)、CIP清洗法、高压水射流清洗法。

    The cleaning methods of mash scale cover chemical cleaning ( soda boiling and pickling process ), CIP cleaning , and high pressure water washing .

  16. 利用玉米原料酒精浓醪发酵产生的酒糟,对其培养热带假丝酵母生产SCP进行了初步的研究。

    Single Cell Protein ( SCP ) was produced from distiller 's grains , which came from high gravity ethanol fermentation of corn , by using Candida tropicalis in shake-flasks .

  17. 啤酒生产过程的热能消耗除CIP和热水制备外,主要耗能集中在醪液升温、麦汁升温以及麦汁煮沸等工段。

    In addition to CIP and hot water preparation , mash temperature rise and wort temperature rise and wort boiling consumed most of heat energy in beer brewing .

  18. 另外,还发现酱醪的高盐环境会通过抑制微生物的生长代谢而缓减酱醪pH的下降速度,提高酱醪中蛋白酶的稳定性,从而影响酱油产品的氨基氮含量。

    The amino nitrogen content in soy sauce product declined as protease activity and stability decreased . In addition , it was found that the high-salt enviroment could slow down the growth of microbes and retard the decline trend of pH in sauce mash .

  19. DDGS及MVR蒸发浓缩技术处理玉米废醪液能够充分回收其中的营养物质,经济性好;

    DDGS and MVR treatment of waste mash from corn could fully reclaim its nutrients and such treatment has high economical efficieny .

  20. 糖厂酒精废醪液治理研究

    Study on Treatment of Waste Liquor of Alcohol from Sugar Refinery

  21. 发酵法溶剂生产中醪塔的节能减排模拟窖泥糟醅发酵过程微生物多态性特征

    Microbial Polymorphism in the Pit Mud and Fermented Grains during Fermentation

  22. 既保证了黄酒的质量和产量,又能防止黄酒醪液酸败。

    The quality and yield without the mash acidation is guaranteed .

  23. 黄酒发酵醪抑制霉菌生长的初步探讨

    Study on fermented mash of rice wine on inhibition to mold

  24. 黄酒醪酸败原因分析及预防措施

    Analysis and preventive measure of fermentation broth deterioration of rice wine

  25. 从味精醪母液中回收谷氨酸工艺研究(Ⅰ)

    Recycle of glutamic acid from the monosodium glutamate mother liquid (ⅰ)

  26. 纤维素酶在酒精废醪厌氧消化中的应用

    The Study on Cellulase Used in Anaerobic Digestion of Distillery Wastewater

  27. 发酵醪液中乙醇最高浓度为2%。

    The maximum concentration of ethanol was 2 % in fermented liquid .

  28. 蔗糖厂酒精废醪液资源化浓缩治理

    Turn Alcoholic Wastewater in Sugar Plant into Resource by Concentration

  29. 用氧弹直接测定糖厂废醪液的发热量。

    Oxygen bomb calorimeter was used to determine calorific value of vinasse .

  30. 香醪佳酿制美酒。

    Good wine is made from carnation sauce and sweet fermented spirits .
