
  1. 心理学美学修养与工科大学生的成才素质

    Mastery of Psychology and Aesthetics and the Students ' Quality Being Learned in Engineering Institutes

  2. 西方古典美学的转折,体现为三大方向:美作为心灵之花&心理学美学;

    The transition of classical western aesthetics is represented by three orientations : psychological aesthetics & beauty being the reflection of the mind ;

  3. 一方面,它发展了几位西方批评家对罗宾逊的心理学美学研究,他们指出美学距离是罗宾逊诗歌的特点之一。

    For one thing , it develops the psycho-aesthetic study on Robinson pioneered by several western critics who point out that Robinson 's poetry bears an aesthetic distance .

  4. 心理学美学的一个重要特点是运用自然科学的手段,通过精确的度量、统计和实验,试图对审美活动作出较为精确的描绘,并进而解答美感是如何产生的。

    One important characteristic of psychology aesthetics is to make nearly exact descriptions of aesthetic activities and to explain how aesthetic sense is generated by applying approaches of natural science in terms of exact measure , statistics and experiment .

  5. 不过,与各种事实论美学尤其是心理学美学把审美经验看作心理的事实不同的是,盖格尔视审美对象为审美经验的来源。

    Moritz Geiger , founder of phenomenalist aesthetics especially emphasizes it , but he looks upon aesthetic subject as its source , which is different from all sorts of factual aesthetics especially psychological aesthetics that treat it as psychological fact .

  6. 基于马斯洛需求层次理论和心理学美学原理,对现代主义设计、后现代主义设计、事理学、体验设计几种重要的设计理论和人类生活之间的关系进行分析,试图探讨设计艺术的发展。

    Based on Maslow 's hierarchy of needs and the psychology esthetics principle , from Modernism design , Post Modernism design , theories about matters , experience design and several kinds of essential design theories and the relations among human lives to discuss the development of the design art .

  7. 主要研究方法有心理学、美学、设计学等方法。

    The study includes psychology , aesthetics , design theory .

  8. 华兹华斯诗歌理论的心理学和美学联想

    Psychological and Aesthetic Association of Wordsworth ' Theory on Poetry

  9. 现主要从事外国哲学、心理学、美学、伦理学的教学和研究工作。

    Currently lecturing and carrying out research in the following areas : foreign philosophy , psychics , aesthetics , ethics .

  10. 休谟《人性论》中的思想学说涉及范围很广,除哲学外,他对政治学、伦理学以及后来的心理学、美学等都有不同程度的影响。

    His covered a wide range of thoughts , such as philosophy , political science , ethics , psychology and aesthetics .

  11. 结论部分总结全文,进一步概括了幽闭的圆形在恐怖文本中所包含的心理学、美学以及哲学内涵。

    The Conclusion summarizes the psychological , aesthetic , and philosophical implications of the enclosed circles in Poe 's tales of terror .

  12. 本论从以下几方面来论述:一是新课程理念、阅读、心理学和美学理论依据。

    From the following few points on : First , new curriculum ideas , reading , psychology and aesthetic theory as the basis .

  13. 品牌名称研究不仅包括语言知识,也包括营销学、文化、翻译、心理学和美学知识。

    Brand name study involves not only knowledge of languages , but also that of marketing , culture , translation , psychology and aesthetics .

  14. 做好商标翻译不仅需要掌握语言学、翻译学方面的知识,还需要广泛涉猎市场营销学、心理学、美学、跨文化交际学、广告学等诸多领域。

    Trademark translation involves not only linguistics and translation theories but also knowledge about marketing , psychology , aesthetics , cross-cultural communication and advertising , etc.

  15. 本文试从艺术心理学、美学、传播学等角度来探讨平面设计中的图形符号问题。

    The article trids to use the theories of psychology , aesthetics , communication to probe into the problem of graphic symbols in graphic design .

  16. 同时,品牌名称研究也将有益于文化、翻译、心理学和美学研究。

    At the same time , the study of brand names will be conducive to the study of culture , translation , psychology and aesthetics .

  17. 本文试图采用对比语言学、认知心理学及美学相关理论对汉日比喻辞格分别进行历时性和共时性比较,并深入探究语言背后的社会文化因素。

    This thesis makes the diachronic and synchronic contrast of simile in Chinese and Japanese under the guidance of Contrastive Linguistics 、 Cognitive psychological and Aesthetic Theory .

  18. 第二章,运用心理学和美学原理对服装消费审美心理机制进行了深入剖析,并对主要影响因素做了详细分析。

    The second chapter deeply analyses the mechanism of garment consuming esthetic psychology with the theory of esthetics and psychology , and the main effect factors in detail .

  19. 然而品牌名称的翻译涉及语言学、翻译学、心理学、美学、市场营销学、跨文化交际学等诸多领域。品牌名称的翻译是一门复杂的艺术。

    But brand name translation is a complicated art , in that it concerns many fields , such as linguistics , translation theory , psychology , aesthetics , marketing , and intercultural communication .

  20. 在全面实施素质教育的背景下,本文剖析了体育教学深层次的精神文化内涵,凸现了社会学、教育学、心理学、美学等在体育教学中的沉淀。

    Under a background of full widespread quality education , the author analyzes mental culture meaning in intention of sport teaching , It is expressed that such as sociology education psychology esthetics et al .

  21. 将旅游资源学、市场营销学、心理学、美学、广告学、经济学等学科应用于其开发中,提出了区域旅游商品的开发模式,并设计了32种创新开发区域旅游商品的新途径;

    It applys a series of subjects as tourism resource , marketing , psychology , aesthetics , advertisement , economics , etc. It points out the exploration model and designs 32 new methods of developing region tourism commodity .

  22. 众所周知,好的商品牌名翻译需要辛勤复杂的工作和广博的知识,不仅包括语言学、翻译学的知识,还包括市场营销学、心理学、美学、跨文化交际学等知识。

    It is acknowledged that good brand name translation means complicated work and a wide knowledge , which involves not only linguistics , translatology , but also marketing , psychology , aesthetics , cross-cultural communication and the like .

  23. 从艺术形态学、术类型学、术心理学等美学多视角,探寻音乐、术双学科的原本混合性,情感形式间的融合性和鉴赏过程中的通感性。

    Starting from aesthetics of art formation , art types and art psychology , the article studies BOM commixture of Two-Subject teaching of music and fine arts , fusion of emotion forms , and common feeling in appreciating process .

  24. 本文主要根据人机工程学的原理,综合考虑了人类的视觉要求、心理学和美学等因素,介绍了如何制作一个较为成功的幻灯片。

    This thesis introduce how can make a piece of successful slide in term of the Principle of human factors in engineering , and consider some factors include the demand of human Sense of vision , Psychology and Esthetics .

  25. 从研究传统建筑文化出发,借鉴古人城邑择址经验,结合现代地理学、景观学、生态学、心理学和美学等知识,设计了土地人居环境质量评价指标体系,目前国内外尚无相关文献报道。

    Based on traditional architecture , the ancients ' experience in residence place selecting was combined with the knowledge of modern times geography , landscape architecture , ecology , psychology and aesthetics . The land quality evaluation index system for agricultural environment was pointed out .

  26. 当代艺术心理学是美学和心理学相结合的交叉学科,它主要研究的是人们在从事审美活动中存在的客观心理规律,使人们能够清楚的明白,是什么最终促使了审美活动的完成。

    Contemporary art is the interdisciplinary of mixing between the aesthetic psychology and the psychology , which studying mainly the objective psychological laws of people doing aesthetic activities , of what leading to the clear idea for what elements cause finally the accomplishment of the aesthetic activities .

  27. 无论是计算机科学、物理学、生物学、化学,还是教育学、心理学、美学,甚至语言学、考古学、人类学等这些看来与数学沾不上边的学科,他们的研究和发展都离不开数学。

    Whether it is computer science , physics , biology , chemistry , or education , psychology , aesthetics , and even linguistics , archeology , anthropology and mathematics of these seem to get a share of the disciplines , their research and development do not depart from the mathematics .

  28. 格式塔心理学与翻译美学相互融合,为话剧翻译研究提供了新的思路,对于解决话剧译本的上述问题具有启发意义。

    Gestalt psychology and translation aesthetics are therefore integrated to find an aesthetic approach to the said translation , which provides tentative solutions to the foregoing issues .

  29. 从色彩心理学、景观美学、生态学等学科综合分析,探讨生态效益且景观效果良好的植物景观,并提出可参考的植物配置模式。

    An ideal plant collocation mode was obtained by the means of analyses , from the view of combined the colour psychology , the aesthetics of landscape and ecology to landscapes those are good at ecological benefits and landscape effects .

  30. 第三章医学美学的理论资源,分析了当前医学美学研究的理论缺失,提出了构建医学美学理论体系的理论资源,认为应该将生命美学、生态美学和审美心理学引入医学美学的研究。

    It analyzed the theoretical absence of current medical aesthetics researches , recommended theoretical resources for constructing theoretical framework of medical aesthetics . It is recognized that theory of life aesthetics , ecological aesthetics and psychological aesthetics should be introduced into the research of medical aesthetics .