
xīn lǐ shī chánɡ
  • aberration;mental aberration
  1. 他是个心理失常的孩子,需要悉心照顾。

    He was a disturbed child who needed mothering .

  2. 我不能想象为什么其他的世界卫生项目系统的忽视了心理失常。

    I cannot imagine why else global health initiatives systematically ignore mental disorder .

  3. 从无知到心理失常:《小伙子古德曼·布朗》解读

    From Innocence to Mental Disorder : Interpretation of " Young Goodman Brown "

  4. 他因恐惧和猜忌而心理失常。

    He 's twisted up with fear and jealousy .

  5. 学生跳跃比赛中心理失常原因与调节

    The Cause and Adjustment of " Abnormal " of College Students in Jumping Matches

  6. 对于发展中国家的心理失常所面临的相当大压力和可治疗的情况来说,这是一个奇怪的境况。

    This is a curious situation given the considerable evidence about the burden and treatability of mental disorders in developing countries .

  7. 许多主要的世界卫生机构对心理失常显然不关心,这阻碍了发展中国家心理卫生服务的发展。

    The apparent disinterest of many major global health agencies towards mental disorders is hindering improvement in developing countries'mental health services .

  8. 来到这里的人不只是街头游民,还包括心理失常和肢体障碍的人,利用这个地方的许多人赞美员工和义工努力创造这个温暖的地方。

    It is not just for street people but is also a place for people with mental disorders or physical disorders . Many of the people who use the facility praise the efforts of the staff and the volunteers for creating such a welcoming place .

  9. 她说只有心理严重失常的人才会做出这种事。

    That 'll be it . She said it was something only a severely disturbed person would do .

  10. 伊莱恩拥有超过10年的鹦鹉治疗经验,她甚至照料过来自澳大利亚和美国的鹦鹉,但罗伊是她见过的心理最失常的宠物鹦鹉。

    In more than 10 years treating birds as far away as Australia and America , Roy is the most disturbed pet she has encountered .

  11. 其发病机制尚不确切,多认为其与心理情绪失常肠道敏感性改变、改炎症和感染、内分泌失常、脑-肠轴异常等有关。

    Its pathogenesis is not exact , It is considered related to the psychological change of mood disorders , intestinal sensitivity , inflammation and infection , the endocrine disorder , abnormal brain gut axis and so on .

  12. 但从它的实施过程来看,存在许多问题,如奥赛班学生普遍在人际交往方面存在困难,甚至出现心理或行为失常。

    However , many problems exist in its setting-up and implementation . For instance , students in such class are generally found difficult in interpersonal communication , behave strangely , or even suffer from the psychological disease to alarming extent .

  13. 这看上去像那些已经拥有良好心理卫生保健的人们认为穷国的人们有比心理失常更严重的问题要处理。

    It seems those who already have good mental health care believe that people in poor countries have more serious issues to deal with than mental disorder .

  14. 从来自主要的世界心理健康调查中得出的明显证据表明,在中等低收入国家中心理失常的情况普遍较高。

    Clear evidence , such as that from the major World Mental Health Surveys , shows that mental disorders are highly prevalent in many low-and middle-income countries .