
xīn xián
  • heartstrings
心弦 [xīn xián]
  • [heartstrings] 指被感动而起共鸣的心境

  • 动人心弦

心弦[xīn xián]
  1. 她对如何牵动读者的心弦了如指掌。

    She knows exactly how to tug at readers ' heartstrings .

  2. 冒险活动强烈扣动青年人的心弦。

    Adventure tugs at the heartstrings of youth .

  3. 别错过下周扣人心弦的那一集!

    Don 't miss next week 's thrilling episode !

  4. 她的话深深地拨动了我的心弦。

    Her speech struck a deep chord in my heart .

  5. 这声音打动了他们的心弦。

    This voice came home to them .

  6. 所以我再次尝试拨动心弦。

    So I try again and tug at the heartstrings .

  7. v.刺穿甜美的音乐穿过了铁墙而紧紧地扣住他的心弦。……

    transfix Sweet music caught and held him transfixed against the iron fence .......

  8. 当时就触动了他的心弦,回到墨尔本后,他们俩立即决定注册MOR化妆品。

    It struck a chord and upon their return to Melbourne , the pair immediately registered MOR Cosmetics .

  9. 她曾是霹雳舞者,也是挪威艺术圈的旗手:她参加了2011年的威尼斯双年展ILLUMInation,而这个展览撩动了奥斯陆每个艺术生的心弦。

    A former break-dancer , she is one of the flag-bearers of Norway 's artistic ascendance : Her inclusion in the ' ILLUMInations ' exhibition at the 2011 Venice Biennale was a rallying cry for every art student in Oslo .

  10. 尼古拉斯总是有办法拨动你的心弦。

    Nicholas Sparks has a way of pulling at your heartstrings .

  11. 最后,她那过分紧张痛苦心弦松弛下来了。

    At last , one over-stretched chord of her agony slacked .

  12. 那些过去的情人电影老是牵动我的心弦。

    Those old lassie films always pull my heart strings .

  13. 它的涟漪深深波及心弦

    It ripples out , moreover , to the heartstrings that will tug

  14. 其中一些口号拨动着情感的心弦。

    And some of these slogans are striking emotional chords .

  15. 他于1970年来美国,扣动每个人的心弦。

    He came to America in 1970 and blew everybody 's mind .

  16. 问自己:“是什么拨响了心弦?”

    Ask myself : " What dial the heart strings ?"

  17. 我知道这很疯狂,但你仍能撩动我的心弦。

    I know its crazy but you still can touch my heart .

  18. 那位妇女的悲惨经历触动了我们的心弦。

    That woman 's sad story touched our hearts .

  19. 在一位知音的心弦和鸣。

    Ifound again in the heart of a friend .

  20. 光,我的至爱,您拨动了我爱的心弦;

    The light strikes , my darling , the chords of my love ;

  21. 弹音乐,学华语,邀请您参与心弦之旅。

    Join Seren in Loving Music and Learning Mandarin .

  22. 它的涟漪深深波及心弦,

    It ripples out , moreover , to the heartstrings that will tug ,

  23. 接下来发生的事情会扣动你的心弦。

    What happened next will pull at your heartstrings .

  24. 音乐,会拨动我们的心弦,可能只从字面上讲也是成立的。

    Music . It can tug at our hearts . Perhaps even literally .

  25. 谁动了我的心弦,斑驳了想念。

    Who moved my mind , motley miss .

  26. 她的散文美,主要体现在内质上,即以至真至诚至纯的感情,叩响读者的心弦。

    Her prose touches the readers'hearts by her true , sincere and pure feelings .

  27. 这首歌真是撩动我的心弦啊。

    This song is really tugging my heartstrings .

  28. 每一字都好象震动心弦。

    Every word seemed to stir the heart .

  29. 同事们在葬礼上共同追悼她,并缅怀她对职业的奉献以及触人心弦的笑容。

    Colleagues honored her at the service , remembering her professionalism and infectious laugh .

  30. 她哀求的表情触动了我的心弦。

    Her pleading look tugged at my heartstrings .