
  • 网络psychological compensation
  1. 文化中国中心主义在一定程度上也是对边缘化的国民一种心理补偿。

    The China-centered culture , in a certain degree , is a psychological compensation for the marginal nation .

  2. 精神慰藉与心理补偿&谈才子佳人小说的创作心态

    Mental Comfort and Psychological Compensation & On the creative purpose of the novels on gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

  3. 优秀投篮手中存有心理补偿现象;

    The sharpshooters showed signs of compensation in their psychology .

  4. 实物补偿比心理补偿更能激发顾客的正面行为倾向;

    Substantial compensation can inspire customer 's positive behavioral tendency more easily than mental compensation does ;

  5. 为寻求精神寄托,民间祭祀就以心理补偿的方式大量出现。

    As a result , folk sacrifice appeared in a great deal as a kind of " psychological compensation " for spirit comfort .

  6. 对美人幻梦的书写是由于爱欲与礼的冲突以及古代男诗人们普遍的心理补偿需要。

    The writing of " dreams for beauties " grows out of a conflict between desire and ritual , and the common need for a psychological complement amongst ancient male poets .

  7. 作为对残酷现实的心理补偿,古已有之的得道成仙、长生不死之说在这样的土壤下迅速滋长,大量出现在了志怪小说中。

    As the harsh reality of psychological compensation , the De Dao of the ancient immortal , the longevity of immortality that the soil in this rapidly growing , large in the Ghost stories .

  8. 为了减少忧虑,首先有必要弄明白人们造成忧虑的下意识心理“补偿”是怎么回事。

    In order to reduce worry , it is necessary to understand the subconscious psychological " payoffs " for choosing to worry in the first place .

  9. 中学生心理健康教育补偿训练模式探析

    Middle school students mental health education training model of compensation

  10. 从心理学的角度分析,引起当前部分大学生沉迷网络心理障碍的主要原因是:从众模仿心理、补偿心理、求助心理、逃避心理、畏难心理、自卑心理。

    From the points of psychology , this paper probes the main reasons for some students ' indulging in internet , such as : imitation , compensation , seeking help , evasion , fear of difficulty and some of inferiority .

  11. 设计要符合人的生理心理特征,并通过某些具体艺术设计形式,对不良环境所导致的心理失衡现象来进行心理调节和补偿,来达到心理生态环境优化。

    The environmental art design should be suitable to the characteristic of human physiology and psychology . The mental aberration phenomenon induced by unhealthy circumstance could be adjusted and compensated by certain special style of the environmental art design , and from which the optimization of psychological ecology is resulted .

  12. 这种心理需要,会或多或少地体现波西米亚主义推崇自由、特立独行、强调自我、展示个性的风格内涵,作为现代人紧张生活的心理补偿手段而得以流行。

    Psychological needs of this more or less reflect the bohemian doctrine respected freedom , independent , and the emphasis on self-display personal style connotation , has been the popular means of psychological compensation as a modern stressful life .