
wài huì yè wù
  • Foreign exchange business;foreign exchange operations;foreign exchange transaction;forex operations
  1. 之后它负责掌管中国外汇业务。

    Thereafter , it managed the country 's foreign exchange operations .

  2. 经批准经营外汇业务的金融机构,经营外汇业务不得超出批准的范围。

    Financial institutions duly authorized for foreign exchange operations shall never operate beyond the approved business scope .

  3. 同时,昨日英国央行(bankofengland)的数据表明,外汇业务日益集中在少数银行。

    Simultaneous data from the Bank of England yesterday highlighted the increasing concentration of FX among a handful of banks .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,外资银行与国有独资商业银行竞争的重点仍是以国际贸易结算业务为核心的外汇业务,而非人民币业务。

    Third , after China joining WTO , the competition between state-owned banks and foreign-owned banks will still focus on foreign exchange business whose kernel is foreign trade settlement , not on RMB business .

  5. 加入WTO以来,国内外银行业在中国市场的竞争日益向低风险高收益的中间业务集中,中行在国际结算领域的市场份额也呈现出不断下降的趋势,外汇业务龙头老大的地位岌岌可危。

    Since competition among domestic and foreign banks has been centralizing to the intermediary business , which has low risks and high incomes , the international settlement market share of the BOC has dropped unceasingly .

  6. 根据WTO文件《关于外资金融机构市场准入有关问题的公告》,自2001年12月11日起,取消对外资金融机构外汇业务服务对象的限制。

    According to WTO file " the announcement about question of market access of financial institution of foreign capitals ", from December 11 , 2001 , cancelled the restriction on foreign currency operation service object of financial institution of the foreign capitals .

  7. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)固定收益和外汇业务亚洲区联席负责人将人民币的升值称为一种高风险假设。

    Robert Reilly , co-head of flow fixed income and currencies for Asia at Soci é t é G é n é rale , calls it a high-risk assumption .

  8. 同时在日益激烈的银行业务竞争过程中,对于ABC银行温州市分行在复杂的竞争内外部环境中,只有通过提升个人外汇业务的管理水平,银行做大、做强本块业务。

    In the increasingly fierce banking competition process for ABC Bank branch in Wenzhou City , a complex competitive internal and external environment , only by enhancing the management level of the individual foreign exchange business , banks bigger , stronger business in this block .

  9. 具体外汇业务应按有关规定办理。

    The specific business shall be conducted according torelevant regulations .

  10. 办理外汇业务核准件。

    Apply for approval letter for opening a foreign currency bank account .

  11. 并按规定换领新的《经营外汇业务许可证》。

    And get a new License for Undertaking Foreign Exchange Business as prescribed .

  12. 在银行业方面,按照承诺开放了外资银行经营人民币业务的地域限制和业务限制,完全取消了外资银行经营外汇业务的地域和客户限制。

    In Banking Industry , geographical limitation and business limitation has been canceled .

  13. 具有主管部门批准的外汇业务经营资格;

    The institution shall be approved by the authorities to deal with foreign exchange transactions .

  14. 新巴塞尔协议与银行操作风险管理&以外汇业务为例的分析

    New Basle Accord and Bank Operational Risk Management & Analysis Taken Foreign Exchange Transactions as Example

  15. 其涉及外汇业务者,并应经中央银行之许可。

    Matters pertaining to foreign exchange shall be as permitted by the Central Bank of china .

  16. “开户金融机构”是指经批准经营外汇业务的银行和非银行金融机构。

    Financial institutions of deposit refers to banks and non-bank financial institutions having a foreign exchange business license .

  17. 标准银行在非洲赚的钱已经开始增加了,因为它进行的是单纯的银行业务,即贷款和外汇业务。

    Standard Bank is making more money in Africa because it is simple banking – lending and foreign exchange .

  18. 外资金融机构目前已全面涉足我国的外汇业务。

    Nowadays , foreign financial institutions have set foot in the foreign currency business in China on all-round aspects .

  19. 《办法》适用于边境省(区)办理与边境贸易相关的外汇业务。

    The Measures are applicable to the foreign trade operations related to border trade in the border provinces ( autonomous regions ) .

  20. 经营外汇业务的信托投资公司,其注册资本中应包括不少于等值1500万美元的外汇。

    A TIC engaged in foreign exchange business shall have foreign currency of no less than USD15 million in its registered capital .

  21. 但是一些国内银行在处理跟单托收业务时存在着认识上的误区,造成了业务上的纠纷,产生了一定的风险隐患,不利于国内银行业外汇业务的发展。

    But incorrect understand is existed when some domestic bank transact Documentary Collection , which result in the entanglement and risk in operation .

  22. 外国银行分行将主要从事全面外汇业务以及对公司和机构客户的人民币业务。

    Foreign bank branches will be mainly engaged in a comprehensive foreign exchange business and the RMB business to the company and customers .

  23. 欧元/美元是交易最为频繁的货币对,在投行外汇业务收入中占很大比例。

    The euro / dollar currency pair is the most liquid and accounts for a large slice of foreign exchange revenues at investment banks .

  24. 通过本文的论述,最终为读者完整地呈现一个基于非贸易外汇业务的信息化系统。

    Ultimately , the author will fully present a non-trade foreign exchange business information system for the reader through the exposition of this paper .

  25. 本文第一章是商业银行外汇业务风险管理的一般理论阐述,包括商业银行外汇业务与外汇业务风险概述、外汇业务风险模型以及商业银行外汇业务风险管理的原则与一般程序。

    In chapter one of this paper , it reviews the general theories of the foreign business risk and risk management of commercial bank .

  26. 他进一步指出,经中国人民银行批准,国内银行、外国银行和金融机构可经营外汇业务。

    He further noted that domestic and foreign banks , and financial institutions could engage in forex business , with the approval of the PBC .

  27. 在这股超越国界的竞争浪潮中,高收益的银行外汇业务将首当其冲地成为竞争的焦点。

    In this over-boundary competition , the foreign exchange business , which is the highly profitable trade , has become the focus in the competition .

  28. 中国银行在外汇业务方面的优势成为其核心竞争力。中国农业银行是四大国有商业银行中经营最为困难的一家。

    So the core competence of BOC is the foreign exchange operations . ABC is the most difficult bank on the management of the Big Four .

  29. 随着我国对外交往的不断扩大,非居民个人外汇业务的规模不断增长。

    With the increase of activities of China with foreign countries , the scale of the foreign exchange business of non-resident individuals has also been increasing .

  30. 最终,希冀我国商业银行提高自身外汇业务风险管理水平,早日达到巴塞尔协议规定的标准。

    Ultimately , Chinese commercial banks would improve their risk management level of foreign exchange business and achieve the required standards of Basel agreement as early as possible .