
  • 网络Diplomatic environment;Diplomacy Environment
  1. 本文认为,希腊将在政府治理水平提高、产业结构升级、外交环境改善方面做出更大努力。

    This paper argues that Greece will make greater efforts to raise the level of governance , update industrial structure and improve the diplomatic environment .

  2. 在交代外交环境的基础上,本文对新中国成立后的两个不同时期的女性外交官的发展情况做出整理和总结,以数据和表格作为论据。

    Then on the basis of accounting for foreign environment , this paper sorts out and summaries the development of women diplomats in the two different periods after the founding of new China , taking the data and forms as the argument .

  3. 其中实现经济可持续增长的主要对策包括:扩充优秀的人才储备;制定科学的执行策略;维护生态资源的平衡稳定;建立互惠的外交环境。

    Among them , the main measures of realizing the sustainable development of economy consist of expanding excellent talents reserve , making a scientific executive strategy , maintaining the balance and the stability of the ecological resources , and building a mutual benefit diplomatic environment .

  4. 它的提出也是在当时特定的外交环境下晚清政府综合考虑的结果,是半封建半殖民地的社会性质在外交活动上的体现,也使得晚清外交最终形成了爱国与误国并存的外交事实。

    The proposal of the strategy was also the result after the late Qing government comprehensively thought in the specified diplomatic environment then and the reflection of semi-feudal and semi-colonial social nature in diplomatic affairs , which formed the diplomatic fact that patriotism and hindrance for the country coexisted .

  5. 现在有更多的女性掌管一些诸如国防、外交和环境等方面的所谓硬的部长职责。

    More women are now holding some of the so-called hard ministerial portfolios & such as Defence , Foreign Affairs and the Environment .

  6. 但将近一个世纪以后,这座伟大的地理学奖杯却因为牵连了商业、外交和环境因素,仍然受人觊觎。

    But almost a century later , the great geographical prize is still up for grabs , with huge implications for business , diplomacy and the environment .

  7. 中国环境外交与国内环境保护

    China 's environmental diplomacy and domestic environmental protection

  8. 从当时中国复杂而特殊的政治、经济、外交及社会环境上看,进行英语教学是大势所趋的。

    As the complex and unique factors in china , the English teaching was the general trend .

  9. 环境外交:国际环境与发展领域合作与斗争的重要方式

    Environmental Diplomacy ── An Important Way of International Cooperation and struggle in the Field of Environment and Development

  10. 有哪个政治家敢对人民说,国家不应该手握外交政策与环境保护的王牌呢?

    Which politician would dare tell the people that they should not hold all the trump cards in foreign policy or environmentalism ?

  11. 分析了各自的外交战略、环境外交政策的演进过程、当前的政策重点与走势,比较其共性与个性,并对各自在世界环境外交实践中的角色进行了判断。

    Their diplomacy strategies , the evolution process of environmental diplomacy policy , the key points and trends of current policy are analyzed .

  12. 本人论述的是以沟通行为体为分析视角看待中国环境外交与国际环境制度的相互关系。

    The thesis is to discuss the interaction between Chinese environmental diplomacy and international environmental institution ( IEI ) from the angle of linkage agents .

  13. 日本在冷战末期,利用国际环境外交热潮制订了环境外交策略。

    During the end of the Cold War , Japan used the fashion of the international environment diplomacy to make its strategies of environment diplomacy .

  14. 综合评述了我国环境外交的发展历程,简要论述了中国环境外交在国际环境社会中的地位和作用。

    Commenting generally the developing course of china environmental diplomacy , the paper discusses briefly its status and role in international community .

  15. 第三,本研究有助于外交人员提高其语言表达能力,从而建立和谐的外交环境。

    Third , this thesis can improve the communicative competence of diplomatic personnel so as to build a harmonious environment .

  16. 考察美国公众外交的发展历程,本文作出以下评价:一是,美国公众外交在与环境的互动过程中,逐步演变为一个自为系统,形成了相对独立的发展逻辑;

    First , the evolution of public diplomacy is the result of the interaction between its external conditions and practices .