
  • 网络wall tiles;exterior wall tile;External Wall tiles;OUTSIDE WALL TILES;Exterior tile
  1. 以瓷石尾砂、粉煤灰、红粘土等劣质原料试制外墙砖

    Experimental preparation of external wall tiles with porcelain stone slag , flyash , red clay and other low quality materials

  2. 工厂分两期建设,第一期建88米长隧道窑两条,年产外墙砖200万平方米。

    The first stage will be built with two 88m long tunnel kilns , annual output 2 million m2 of exterior wall tiles .

  3. 砖混房屋外墙砖砌体渗漏的分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment of External Wall Leakage of Brick-Building 's Construction

  4. 利用透辉石一次快烧瓷质外墙砖的研究

    A Study on Porcelain Base Outer Wall Tile with Diopside

  5. 外墙砖变形的原因分析及克服措施

    Analysis of Outdoor Wall Tile Deformation and the Solving Methods of Them

  6. 建陶抛光砖废渣制备轻质外墙砖研究废旧品[船具]商人

    Fabrication of lightweight external wall tile with waste polished ceramic tile junk dealer

  7. 添加透辉石的炻质外墙砖性能与显微结构初探

    Study on properties and microstructure of the stoneware outside wall tile using the diopsidite

  8. 萤石尾砂在低温快烧瓷质外墙砖中的应用研究

    Study on application of fluorite tailings in low-temperature fast-firing ceramic tile for external wall

  9. 建筑废弃物在轻质隔声墙板中的应用建陶抛光砖废渣制备轻质外墙砖研究

    Construction Garbage in Light of Sound Insulation Wall Applied Research FABRICATION OF LIGHTWEIGHT EXTERNAL WALL TILE WITH WASTE POLISHED CERAMIC TILE

  10. 简要叙述了辊道窑快速烧成陶瓷外墙砖出现的坯釉爆裂现象;

    The article briefly narrates bursting phenomena of body and glaze appeared in ceramics external tiles quickly fired in roller hearth kiln .

  11. 本文研究了以透辉石为主要原料,结合钠长石、镁质泥等,通过合理配方,辊道窑上一次快速烧成瓷质外墙砖。

    With the rational formula , rapid single firing porcelain exterior wall tiles in roller kiln were produced by diopside as main material .

  12. 利用黄石地区阳新李家湾铜矿废渣,研制出一次低温快烧瓷质外墙砖。

    An exterior wall tile with porcelain quality and single fast fired under low temperature has been developed by using bronze mine rejects at Li Jia Wan , Huangshi area .

  13. 现我公司有大量的外墙砖库存,价格优惠,质量保证,如有需要,请联系我们,我公司会尽快给您答复,谢谢!

    Now I have a lot of wall inventory , price concessions , quality assurance , if necessary , please contact us , our company will reply to you as soon as possible , thank you !

  14. 这座房子的外墙是砖的。有时木屋会有砖的墙面。

    The outer walls of the house were made of brick .

  15. 红外热像技术检测建筑外墙饰面砖粘结缺陷

    Inspection on Adhesion Defect of External-wall Coating Brick with Infrared Thermography Technology

  16. 外墙饰面砖防水篱笆墙外

    The Waterproof of Facing Bricks in Outwall Over the Hedge

  17. 利用金矿尾矿研制外墙饰面砖

    Development of Glazed Outer Wall Tile by Using Tailings of Gold Ore

  18. 外墙饰面砖工程施工及验收规程

    Specification for construction and acceptance of tapestry brick work for exterior wall

  19. 外墙饰面砖粘结强度检测问题探析

    Detection of bond streng of veneer bricks for exterior walls

  20. 框架结构外墙贴面砖渗漏的防治

    Leakage control and treatment of the brick pasted outside wall of frame construction

  21. 试谈外墙饰面砖施工及质量控制

    Construction of Outside Wall Decorating Brick and Quality Control

  22. 外墙饰面砖已在建筑物上广为采用。

    The external - wall facing brick has been extensively used in buildings .

  23. 高层建筑外墙饰面砖防坠落施工方法

    Constructive method of preventing falls of decorated bricks on outwall of high architectures

  24. 建筑外墙饰面砖的应用

    The Application of Architectural Outer Brick

  25. 本文介绍了红外热像法的工作原理及在建筑工程中的潜在应用,重点研究了建筑物外墙饰面砖粘贴质量检测;

    The principle and usage scope in architecture engineering of Infrared Thermography are introduced in this paper .

  26. 这座房子的外墙是砖的。一座座布满污痕的褐色砖房。

    Blotchy brown brick houses .

  27. SCA&FA在高层建筑外墙饰面砖工程的应用

    The application of SCA & FA in the outward wall decoration noodles brick engineering of key figures construct

  28. 这座房子的外墙是砖的。酒瓶子给父亲的汗水弄得滑腻腻的。

    The outer walls of the house were made of brick . The bottle was slippery from his father 's sweat .

  29. 论述了改善外墙饰面砖粘贴工艺及防治质量通病的方法,同时阐明了饰面砖粘贴的质量标准,具有一定的借鉴作用。

    The article discusses the way of improving sticky technology of outside wall brick face and preventing common quality failure , in the meantime , expounds quality standard of sticking brick face .

  30. 针对外墙饰面砖工程,在施工中易出现的通病及由施工不当影响使用安全和装饰美感提出的具体意见,旨在加强施工质量预控。

    Aimed at outside wall decorating brick engineering , under construction easy emergence of common failing and from construction not appropriate influence usage safety with decorate the pleasant impression put forward concrete construction opinion , enhance the construction quantity prepares to control .