
  • 网络Phosphate
  1. 结果显示,TGase和酪蛋白能显著提高鸡肉肠硬度(p<0.05),而复合磷酸盐和卡拉胶则影响不显著(p>0.05)。

    Results showed that TGase and casein could increase hardness significantly ( p < 0.05 ), while mixed phosphate and к - carrageenan had no increasing effect ( p > 0.05 ) .

  2. 小麦芽面条的生产配方为:小麦芽粉4%,SSL-CSL为0.2%,魔芋粉0.4%,复合磷酸盐0.1%,其他为面条用小麦粉。

    The formula for production of wheat malt noodle was : wheat malt flour 4.0 % , SSL-CSL 0.2 % , konjak flour 0.4 % and compound phosphate 0.1 % .

  3. 本试验采用正交试验,研究了单一磷酸盐与复合磷酸盐作腌制剂以及分别腌制24h、48h后对牛肉干品质的影响。

    The experiments studied the influence of single phosphate and phosphate complex for 24 or 48 hours on the quality of dried beef .

  4. 应用L9(34)正交试验研究复合磷酸盐对鱼糜制品的保水效果。

    This thesis applied L9 ( 34 ) experiment design to study the water holding effects of mixed phosphates on surimi product .

  5. 复合磷酸盐对鱼糜制品的保水效果研究

    Study on Water Holding Effects of Mixed Phosphates on Surimi Product

  6. 硼-铝-镁复合磷酸盐粘结剂的试验研究

    Study on B-Al-Mg Compound Phosphate Binder by Orthogonal Test Method

  7. 不同浓度木瓜蛋白酶和复合磷酸盐对鸡肉嫩度的影响

    Effect of Papain and Compound Polyphosphates with Different Concentration on Chicken Tenderness

  8. 建筑石膏的复合磷酸盐缓凝剂及缓凝型膨胀剂

    Setting compound phosphate retarder and reduced type expanding agent for building gypsum

  9. 胡萝卜复合磷酸盐去皮试验研究

    Study on peeling off carrot skins with the compound phosphate

  10. 复合磷酸盐对肉制品加工中的保水性优化研究

    Optimization of Compound Phosphates on Water Holding Capacity in Processing of Meat Products

  11. 肉及肉制品中复合磷酸盐的分析研究

    Study on Compound Phosphates in Meat and Meat Products

  12. 复合磷酸盐对去骨块状火腿品质改良的研究

    Studies of composite phosphate on improving the qulity of boneless and massive Ham

  13. 新型环保铝镁硼复合磷酸盐铸造无机树脂粘结剂热硬砂研究

    Research on New Environmental Friendly Heat Cured Sand of Al-Mg-B Compound Phosphate Inorganic Binder

  14. 复合磷酸盐在果汁饮料中的应用

    The compound phosphates ' application in the juice

  15. 复合磷酸盐对面条改良作用的研究

    Improving Effects of Compound Phosphate on Noodle Quality

  16. 复合磷酸盐在食品中的应用

    The Compound Phosphates ' Application in Food

  17. 本文介绍了复合磷酸盐在食品中的应用及其作用原理。

    The compound phosphates ' application in food and their principle are outlined in this paper .

  18. 转谷氨酰胺酶、复合磷酸盐、卡拉胶、酪蛋白对鸡肉肠质硬度的影响

    Effect of Transglutaminase , Mixed Phosphate , к - carrageenan and Casein on Hardness of Chicken Sausage

  19. 草鱼宜选用3号配方(4%蔗糖+4%山梨醇+0.3%复合磷酸盐)。

    Of 4 % sucrose + 4 % sorbitol + 0.3 % combinated phosphates is for grass carp .

  20. 结果表明:复合磷酸盐一方面能延长果汁饮料的酸味时间,对果汁饮料的口感有较好的作用,而且添加的时间不同对改善果汁饮料口感的效果不同;

    The result showed that the compound phosphate extended the on the acid of the juice and improved the taste of the juice ;

  21. 本文主要研究了复合磷酸盐和酪蛋白酸钠对提高肉制品保水性的作用。

    This paper studied the function of the mixed phosphates and sodium caseinate ( SC ) to improve the WHC of meat products .

  22. 所以,建立符合国家标准的卤肉制品生产工艺、科学添加复合磷酸盐,显得十分重要,同时也为解决卤肉制品的复合磷酸盐超标问题提供了新思路。

    Consequently it was extremely important that we should use additives scientifically and establish national standards for stewed meat products production processes , and the new way to solve the overstep standard products .

  23. 磷酸盐对獭兔肉持水性影响的研究当该复合磷酸盐的添加量为3%时,獭兔肉持水性能最佳。

    Study on the effects of the phosphate on water holding capacity of rabbit meat The WHC of rex rabbit meat is the best when the dosage of the complex phosphates reached to 3 % .

  24. 采用正交试验设计得出酱香鹅最佳嫩化配方为:木瓜蛋白酶浓度0.04%,氯化钙浓度3%、复合磷酸盐浓度0.4%。

    According to the multiple actors in orthogonal experiment , the optimal tender formula of braised goose series handy food was : the papain 0.04 % , lime chloride 3 % , composite phosphate 0.4 % .

  25. 同时采用4因素3水平的正交表做正交实验,得出复合磷酸盐的最佳配比为1.5∶1.7∶1(三聚磷酸钠∶焦磷酸钠∶六偏磷酸钠)。

    And the optimal rate of three phosphates was 1.5 ∶ 1.7 ∶ 1.0 ( sodium triphosphate ∶ Sodium pyrophosphate ∶ Six sodium metaphosphates ), according to the orthogonal experiment with 3 levels and 4 factors .

  26. 结果表明:复合磷酸盐(三聚磷酸钠∶焦磷酸钠∶六偏磷酸钠)的最佳配比为2∶2∶1,最适用量为0.5%;

    The results indicated that the best combing ratio of mixed phosphates ( Sodium Tripolyphosphate ∶ Sodium Pyrophosphate Sodium Hexametaphosphate ) was 2 ∶ 2 ∶ 1 and the best mixed phosphates quantity was 0.5 % .

  27. 结果表明,应用于火腿中的复配胶胶凝强度的主要影响因素有配比、总胶量、盐、复合磷酸盐、蒸煮温度与时间;

    The results showed that the gel strength of the mixed gum in ham was affected by the rate of chosen gum and their total density , the variety of salt phosphate , heating temperature and heating time .

  28. 蚕豆和花生种子4天发芽率可分别提高125%和75%。稀土复合磷酸盐无机抗菌材料具有增加陶瓷制品活化自来水性能、降低水分子缔合度,促进植物种子发芽的功能。

    And so antibacterial ceramic from doped enamel slurry with rare earth / composite phosphate inorganic antibacterial materials can reduce the volume of clusters of water molecules , improve activation of tap water , promote plant seeds germinate .

  29. 首先,分别研究了复合磷酸盐和木瓜蛋白酶的嫩化效果并进行对比,结果显示木瓜蛋白酶的嫩化效果更好,因此选择木瓜蛋白酶作为对猪肉脯的嫩化方法。

    And flavor and taste of the products will also be improved correspondingly . First , the tenderizing effects of compound phosphate and papain were studied . The results show that papain is better to the tenderness of meat .

  30. 通过复合磷酸盐(0.2%、0.3%、0.4%)与转谷氨酰胺酶(0.4%、0.6%、0.8%)析因实验,分析了复合磷酸盐与转谷氨酰胺酶对鸡肉肠质构特性的影响。

    Also effects of mixed phosphates ( 0.2 % , 0.3 % , 0.4 % ) and Transglutaminase ( TGase )( 0.4 % , 0.6 % , 0.8 % ) on texture properties of chicken sausage were analyzed with the factorial experiment .