
fù xí
  • review;revise;refresher;brush up on
复习 [fù xí]
  • [review;revise] 重复学习学过的东西,使巩固

复习[fù xí]
  1. 把每一门课程需要掌握的笔记都复习一下。

    Review all the notes you need to cover for each course .

  2. 要留出更多的复习时间。

    Allow extra time for your review .

  3. 我们开始先来复习一下上星期学的内容。

    Let 's start by reviewing what we did last week .

  4. 我花了整个周末复习备考。

    I spent the weekend revising for my exam .

  5. 你开始复习了吗?

    Have you started your revision yet ?

  6. 我今天复习地理。

    I 'm revising Geography today .

  7. 我用最后几个月的时间复习了神经学课程。

    I had spent the last few months boning up on neurology .

  8. 有些女孩更愿意在家复习功课。

    Some girls prefer to do their revision at home .

  9. 她在为考试进行最后的复习。

    She was doing some last-minute revision for her exams

  10. 这影响了她复习备考。

    It put her off revising for her exams .

  11. 我得复习数学。

    I have to revise for maths

  12. 他们学习和复习时大多都伴着锤子和风钻沉闷的敲击声。

    Much of their study and revision was done to the thud of hammers and pneumatic drills

  13. 考前复习让你有机会把一门课程所有零碎的知识都融会贯通。

    Reviewing for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course

  14. 你应该每天抽出3个小时复习。

    You should allot 3 hours a day for revision .

  15. 我们应当复习迎接考试。

    We should revise for the examinations .

  16. 我们每天留出一小时用于复习吧!

    Let 's set aside an hour a day for review purpose .

  17. 课文全复习完了。

    We have reviewed the whole text .

  18. 别影响他复习功课。

    Don 't disturb him while he is reviewing his lessons .

  19. 她每天都要预习和复习功课。

    Everyday she has to prepare and review her lessons .

  20. 学生正在进行全学期功课的综合复习。

    The students were doing a comprehensive review of the term 's work .

  21. 考试之前,老师押题不利于学生全面复习。

    It 's harmful for the students'overall review if a teacher predicts the test .

  22. 这样,你可以在考试前复习。

    This way , you can review them before an exam .

  23. 当你完成一个单元的学习时,找时间复习。

    Look for time when you complete a unit of study .

  24. 例句我知道复习考试很无聊,但是考试很快就会结束的。

    I know that revising for exams is boring but they will be finished soon .

  25. 她还没开始复习呢!

    She hasn 't even started yet !

  26. 例句如果艾米丽想通过考试的话,那么她需要加紧复习了。

    If Emily wants to pass her exams2 , she needs to pull her finger out .

  27. 你必须为了考试好好复习,所以需要埋头读书!

    You have to study for your exam , so put your nose to the grindstone !

  28. 例句我知道考前复习可能很枯燥,但你得保持斗志!

    I know revising for a test can be boring , but keep your chin up !

  29. 而且心理学家说健康的睡眠时间真的有助于记忆复习材料!

    Plus , psychologists say a healthy amount of sleep will actually help you retain the material !

  30. 我告诉女儿不要去参加明天的聚会,而是应该为了考出好成绩而专心复习。

    I told my daughter not to go to the party tomorrow and to keep her eyes on the prize .