
  • 网络Smart economy;intellectual economy
  1. 它是中国式智慧在经济活动中的体现。

    It is the reflection of China type wisdom in economic activities .

  2. 到了12月,传统智慧乃至中国经济增长数据都在快速蒸发。

    By December , conventional wisdom and Chinese growth data was exploding fast .

  3. 凯恩斯以其天才的智慧提出的经济理论和政策主张,无论是对当代世界资本主义国家还是对我国都产生了重大的影响。

    The economic theory and policy which is advanced by Keynes gifted with the wisdom not only for the contemporary capitalist countries , but also have a significant impact on China .

  4. 从中国传统的圆道思维与和谐生物智慧中探求循环经济的思想文化渊源和理论归宿,可以发现循环经济内涵着奥妙无穷的圆道哲理。

    It can be traced back to Chinese traditional circulation thought and harmonious creation wisdom .

  5. 它是党的智慧结晶,市场经济的内在要求,人民的需要,和谐社会的根本。

    It is Chinese Communist Party 's wisdom crystallization , the market economy intrinsic request , people 's need , harmonious society 's basis .

  6. 尽管如此,很少有人敢说,这个被认为是法国最具智慧、最有经济才能的政客之一的人,已完全没有仕途可言。

    That said , few would say that there is no public future for a man considered to be one of the brightest and most economically literate politicians in France .

  7. 以全球性的技能、技术、信息、知识和智慧为主导的经济全球化已成为显著的历史趋势与发展潮流。

    The economic globalization , with globalized technique , technology , information , knowledge and intelligence as its leading factors , has become a notable historical and development trend , in the process of which qualified persons and intelligence are in leading position .