
  1. 国家科技计划项目委托代理博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Principal-Agent Relationship in National S & T Planed Projects

  2. 一国的创新战略主要是通过国家科技计划来实施。

    A country implements the innovation strategy mainly by S & T Programs .

  3. 国家科技计划知识产权管理的中美比较

    Comparison of IPR Management of National S & T Projects between USA and China

  4. 国家科技计划中的知识产权管理研究

    Intellectual Property Management Research in National Technology Plan

  5. 国家科技计划项目知识产权管理政策&中、美对比分析

    Comparison of IPR management of national science and technology projects between China and USA

  6. 部分科技发达国家科技计划项目的管理模式及启示

    Project 's management model of s t program of some s t developed countries and it 's Revelation

  7. 20多年来,国家科技计划一直是国家创新系统的重要创新源泉,为国家科学技术水平和竞技水平的提高贡献了力量。

    During 20 years implementing , national technology plans are important innovation source in China 's whole innovation system .

  8. 近年来,多种国家科技计划和国际上研究经费的投入也促进我国疟疾疫苗的研发工作。

    The availability of various national research programs and international funding has stimulated laboratory and pre-clinical studies of malaria vaccine candidates .

  9. 然而,对于国家科技计划项目合同的性质,立法上没有明确规定,理论研究也少有涉及。

    However , the relevant laws and regulations do not clearly specify the nature of National Research and development Contracts which theoretical studies barely involve .

  10. 市场经济体制下的国家科技计划是组织科学研究和技术开发以及引导、支持技术创新的主要手段。

    In the market-oriented economy system , National Research and development Programs are the basic avenues to organize and support the scientific research and technological innovation .

  11. 国家科技计划及项目管理中的二八现象和长尾理论的影响浅析国家科技计划项目知识产权管理政策&中、美对比分析

    The exploration and analysis of Pareto law and long tail effect on science and technology management system Comparison of IPR management of national science and technology projects between China and USA

  12. 国家科技计划项目投入大、涉及范围广、社会影响深、风险程度高,同时具有一定的共性,对其进行风险管理是一项重要、紧迫、意义重大的任务。

    The risk management of national S & T planned projects is an important , urgent and significant task because of their huge investment , wide range , deep social impact and high degree of risk .

  13. 随着我国科技管理体制的改革,国家科技计划项目实施引入合同制,通过合同明确项目主持部门与项目承担者之间的权利义务关系。

    With the management system reform , contract system is introduced to implement National R & D Programs . The contracts make the rights and obligations clear of the presiding departments and the undertakers of the projects .

  14. 如何通过国家科技计划来促进技术创新、提高我国的国际竞争力水平,已成为政策制定者和理论研究者共同关心的问题。

    All the problems restrict the improvement of the capacity of industrial technology . How to promote the technological innovation and improve national economic competitiveness through S & T Programs have become the common topics for policymakers and academics .

  15. 本课题Fischer-Tropsch合成是国家863科技计划项目的一个重要组成部分。

    This topic is about Fischer-Tropsch synthesis which is an important part of the 863 technology projects .

  16. 目前“高性能ITO靶材”等两个铟深加工产业化项目已列入国家科技支撑计划加快推进。

    Now " High-performance ITO material " as well as another Indium further processing industrialization program has been propelled to develop under state technology supporting plan .

  17. 课题来源于国家科技支撑计划摆线包络行星精密传动研究(课题编号:2006BAF01B08),有关该新型传动装置的动力学特性研究是该课题的重要组成部分。

    This research is supported by National Science and Technology Supporting Program ( No. 2006BAF01B08 ) . The dynamic character study of the new transmission device is an essential component of the research .

  18. 本文是在国家科技支撑计划项目(2009AA032304)和四川省科技厅攻关项目(2009GZ0043)联合资助下进行的。

    This dissertation was funded jointly by two projects , which are the project of national science and technology supporting plan ( 2009AA032304 ) and the key project of the Science and Technology Department in Sichuan province ( 2009GZ0043 ) .

  19. 本文结合国家科技支撑计划课题面向节能与安全的集成智能化工程机械装备研发(课题编号2013BAF07B04)对工程车辆冷却风扇进行了研究。

    With National Science and Technology Support Programme Project " Energy-saving and safety-oriented , integrated engineering machinery and equipment research and development "( project number : 2013BAF07B04 ), this paper research on Aerodynamic Characteristics for Cooling Fan of Construction Vehicle .

  20. 本文是十一五国家科技支撑计划重大项目子课题充分利用自然能的新风除湿通风装置的研究(2006BAJ01A02-04-04)的部分研究内容。

    This paper is the part of the research of the sub-project of " Eleventh Five-Year " plan major projects : take full advantage of the natural ventilation of fresh air dehumidification research ( 2006BAJ01A02-04-04 ), which is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of China .

  21. 本文的研究课题属于国家科技支撑计划重点项目虚拟实验教学环境关键技术研究与应用(No.2008BAH29B00)的范畴,是其子项目:电工电子在线虚拟实验应用示范的完善和延伸。

    This thesis is based on the research that aimed to build an internet-based electrical and electronic virtual laboratory ( IEEVL ), which is part of a national science and technology support program titled " Research and Application of the Key Technologies of Virtual Experimental Teaching Environment "( No.2008BAH29B00 ) .

  22. 要从系统科学的高度出发,做好国家不同科技计划间的衔接。

    We should make different national science and technology plans dovetail .

  23. 国家级科技计划的专家管理体制

    Expert Management System of National Science and Technology Plan

  24. 目前,我国在磨削技术领域通过实施一系列国家重大科技计划和多年的科研生产,积累了大批宝贵的科技数据。

    Currently , abundant scientific data has been accumulated in grinding industry by carrying out series of national science & technology plan .

  25. 本文所做的工作已在承研的国家科技支撑计划、自然科学基金以及实际工程项目中得到了应用。

    The research has been integrated into the national science and technology support program of China , the natural science foundation of China and our actual project .

  26. 中国启动了一项新的名为国家科技支撑计划的将近300亿元人民币的研发项目,旨在快速研发对中国经济和社会发展至关重要的关键技术。

    China has launched a new US $ 2.5 billion programme to fast-track research and development into technologies considered key to China 's economic and social development .

  27. 在此基础上开发的通用数据上报和管理系统具有更好的安全性和网络适应能力,已经在多个国家级科技计划项目信息管理系统中得到应用。

    The common data report and management system that developed on this basis shows fine security and network adaptive capacity , and has already got applications in .

  28. 本研究课题是十一五国家科技支撑计划课题资助项目,目的在于研究海冰淡化的工业化实现方法。

    This research is a project funded by Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program in the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period to study industrialization of sea-ice desalination method .

  29. 国家科技支撑计划课题氩氧精炼铁合金节能减排工艺技术应用研究,就是在上述背景下提出的创新性实践。

    National Science and Technology Support Planning subjects " Argon-Oxygen refining ferroalloys energy-saving and emission reduction technology application research " is an innovative practice which is presented under the above context .

  30. 本论文是在十一五国家科技支撑计划项目&多功能林木采育作业关键技术装备研究与开发项目的基础上完成的,是此课题研究的一部分。

    Based on the State Eleventh Five-year Scientific and Technological Support Project-The Research and Explore of the Multifunctional Key Technical Equipment on the Forest Harvesting and Cultivating Operation , This thesis researches one Part of the Project .