
  • 网络redmond
  1. 为了解决这些问题,雷德蒙德市最近对erp系统进行了更新,作为一项更广泛的技术计划的一部分。

    To address these shortcomings , Redmond recently overhauled its ERP as part of a wider technology plan .

  2. 雷德蒙德的行为说明他缺乏诚实与正直的品质,未能达到FSA对执业人员期望的标准。

    Redmond 's conduct showed a lack of honesty and integrity that falls short of the standards the FSA expects of approved persons .

  3. 尤其是如果诺基亚CEO史蒂芬•埃洛普能得到雷德蒙德的最高职位的话,此种可能性就更大了。曾是微软高管的埃洛普,如今被认为是最近形势突变的罪魁祸首。

    Especially if Stephen Elop -- yes , the Nokia CEO and former Microsoft exec now blamed for this most recent turn of events -- lands the top job in Redmond .

  4. 所以,位于华盛顿州雷德蒙德市的Concur痛定思痛,开始收购针对主流人群的应用和网站,试图向它们学习。

    , is taking cues from apps and websites aimed at the mainstream & by buying them .

  5. fsa的报告称,雷德蒙德“午餐时间过长”,直到下午快5点才回到办公桌前。

    The FSA report said Mr Redmond had taken an " extended lunch break " before returning to his desk just before 5pm .

  6. 摩根士丹利的发言人表示:正如FSA在通告中所说,摩根士丹利立刻发现了问题,展开调查,并迅速对雷德蒙德采取了行动。

    A Morgan Stanley spokesman said : As the FSA states in their announcement , Morgan Stanley promptly identified and investigated the issue and took swift action against Mr. Redmond .

  7. 他没有提及微软(Microsoft)的名字,但这家总部位于华盛顿湖对岸雷德蒙德市(Redmond)的科技巨头,显然是AWS创立之初的重点考虑对象。

    He does not mention Microsoft by name , but the tech giant in Redmond , on the other side of Lake Washington , was clearly a big consideration in those early days .

  8. 这家位于华盛顿州雷德蒙德(Redmond)的软件巨头说,这款名为XboxOne的新设备旨在利用新技术为消费者提供一些新的游戏方式,以响应目前的一些趋势,比如智能手机和平板电脑的风靡。

    The Redmond , Wash . , software giant said its new device , dubbed Xbox One , was designed to take advantage of new technologies to offer customers ways to play games while responding to trends such as the popularity of smartphones and tablets .

  9. 与私人企业的财务总监一样,美国华盛顿州雷德蒙德市财政信息服务署的财政主任迈克贝利(MikeBailey)表示,在改进和简化业务方面,IT系统是一种具有强大功效的工具。

    Like his counterparts in the private sector , Mike Bailey , finance director for the City of Redmond finance and information services in Washington State in the US , says that IT systems can be a powerful tool for improving and streamlining operations .

  10. 不过,总的来讲,Photosynth是看照片、分享照片的一种令人耳目一新的新途径,而且也是展现雷德蒙德仍在创新的一个鼓舞人心的迹象。

    But , overall , Photosynth is an impressive new way to view and share photos , and an encouraging sign that innovation and creativity still live in Redmond .

  11. 如在早期的报道中提到的,在2005年,作为新闻记者的我结识了Arfa,并且写了她10岁踏入雷德蒙德微软大学的故事。

    As explained in this earlier post , I met Arfa and wrote a story about her in 2005 as a newspaper reporter covering her visit to the Microsoft campus in Redmond , when she was 10 years old .

  12. 微软在华盛顿雷德蒙德的总部对此做出反击。

    Microsoft , based in Redmond , Washington , fought back .

  13. 我和雷德蒙德(微软总部所在地)及那里的所有团队都保持着密切联系。

    I feel very connected to Redmond and all the teams here .

  14. 但你能够在雷德蒙德大学免费学习真是幸运!

    But how lucky you 've got a free place at Redmond College !

  15. 我不打算到雷德蒙德大学去,那里太遥远了。

    I 'm not going to Redmond College , it 's too far away .

  16. 不过在微软位于华盛顿州雷德蒙德的大片园区里,确实存在着创新。

    But innovation does exist at Microsoft 's sprawling Redmond , Wash . , campus .

  17. 雷德蒙德承认国际社会要阻止这种致命的偷渡活动所能作的很有限。

    Redmond admits there is a limit to what the international community can do to stop this deadly traffic .

  18. 位于美国华盛顿州雷德蒙德市的微软公司的研究人员正在测试如何提供有益的减压技巧。

    Researchers at Microsoft in Redmond , Wash . , are testing how to deliver useful stress reduction tips .

  19. 苏表示,而目下的现实是,在雷德蒙德的微软工业园区,每天下午5点,交通阻塞就开始了。

    The new reality these days , Su said , are daily traffic jams in Redmond at 5 pm .

  20. 该机构发言人朗.雷德蒙德说,这些人绝大部分依赖国际社会的粮食援助。

    Spokesman , Ron Redmond , says most of these people are totally dependent on food donations from the international community .

  21. 雷德蒙德将交易隐藏在一位同事的账户里,第二天获利脱手了这些头寸。

    He hid the trades in a colleague 's account and traded out of his position the next day at a profit .

  22. 得到艾弗里奖学金的学生可以在加拿大最好的大学&雷德蒙德大学免费学习4年。

    The Avery prize paid for a free place for four years at Redmond College , one of the best colleges in Canada .

  23. 而且,在一夜之间,不论他们是否愿意,32000名诺基亚员工变成了雷德蒙德科技巨头微软的一份子。

    And yes , 32000 Nokia employees will become part of the Redmond-based tech giant 's empire overnight , whether they like it or not .

  24. 交易发生时,雷德蒙德刚刚25岁左右,他在团队中受到广泛好评,被认为前途无量。

    Mr Redmond , in his mid-20s when the trades took place , was well-regarded in his team and was thought to have a promising future .

  25. 一天,玛丽拉说:“你到雷德蒙德大学以后我会想念你的,安妮。埃文利村的其他孩子有何打算?”

    One day Marilla said , ' I 'll miss you when you go to Red-mond College , Anne . What are the other Avonlea students go-ing to do ? '

  26. 一名前公司高管曾用“雷德蒙德的壕沟”这个比喻,来形容这座城堡里的人,特别是那些身居管理要职的人,对外部世界关注之少。

    One former exec spoke of a " moat around Redmond " & and how little attention those inside the castle , especially those occupying management positions , pay to the world outside .

  27. 来自华盛顿雷德蒙德市的克伦苏冒着零下20摄氏度的严寒,目的就是想要拍下一些可爱的场景,但是他从来没想到会拍到这么可爱的北极熊幼崽画面。

    Mr Su , from Redmond , Washington , endured temperatures of - 20 degrees Celsius in a bid to get the delightful shots but admitted sightings of polar bear cubs was never guaranteed .

  28. 无论是华盛顿州雷德蒙德的微软还是加州山景城的谷歌,都在试验各种工具,让查找地点变得比现在要逼真得多。

    Both Microsoft , based in Redmond , Wash . , and Google , Mountain View , Calif. , are experimenting with a variety of tools that make hunting for locations far more immersive .

  29. 他们曾这么说的,“这就是源代码,对于你们如何使用这些源代码将会有一些特定的限制,但除了这些源代码,你们还可以到雷德蒙德来与我们的技术安全人员谈谈。我们会与你们合作,提供帮助。”

    They 've said that , you know , here are the source codes , there are going to be specific limitations as to how you can use those source codes . But in addition to those source codes , you can come to Redman , talk to our security people . We will work with you to help you .