
  • 网络Activision Blizzard;Activision;ATVI;Activision Blizzard Inc;Blizzard Entertainment
  1. 同时,艺电、动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)等游戏发行商在努力适应市场的过程中也开始力不从心。

    Game publishers EA and rival Activision Blizzard ( ATVi ) , in turn , have had mixed results trying to adapt .

  2. 目前的首席执行官中,动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)的罗伯特•科蒂克、微芯科技(MicrochipTechnology)的史蒂夫•桑吉和Nvidia的黄仁勋,任期都超过了钱伯斯。

    Of those chief executives active in the role today , Activision Blizzard 's Robert Kotick , Microchip Technology 's Steve Sanghi , and Nvidia 's Jen-Hsun Huang exceed Chambers " tenure .

  3. 这些公司中包括一些此行业的重量级公司,如电子艺界、失眠者游戏工作室、动视暴雪和迪士尼。

    The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry , like Electronic Arts Productions , Insomniac Games , Activision and Disney .

  4. 今年11月份,动视暴雪公司将发布《使命的召唤》系列游戏的最新一款:《使命召唤:黑色行动2》(CallofDuty:BlackOps2)。

    This November , the company will be launching the latest installment in its call of duty franchise , call of Duty : Black Ops 2 .

  5. 动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)开发的《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)在注册用户和最高同时在线人数方面仍然排名榜首。

    World of Warcraft by Activision Blizzard , Inc. ( ATVI ) still tops the list with the most registered players and peak simultaneous online users .

  6. 大约10年前,视频游戏公司动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)首席执行官鲍比科蒂克(BobbyKotick)乘机飞往京都参观任天堂(Nintendo)。

    About a decade ago , Bobby Kotick , chief executive of the video games company Activision Blizzard , flew to Kyoto to visit Nintendo .

  7. 相比之下,动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)的手机只占销售的6%(不含分销),而且手机收入同比下降了一半。

    At Activision Blizzard , by contrast , mobile provides just 6 per cent of sales ( excluding distribution ), and mobile revenues have fallen by half from the same period last year .

  8. 这次不是动视暴雪在中国的第一个动作。

    The move isn 't Activision 's first in China .

  9. 那么,动视暴雪公司究竟对在哪里?

    What is Activision Blizzard doing right ?

  10. 动视暴雪先前宣布,这款游戏的全球特许收入已超过了10亿美元。

    Activision previously announced that the franchise had surpassed the $ 1 billion in global sales .

  11. 但至少就当下而言,动视暴雪公司似乎依然是这一领域难以击败的王者。

    But , for the time being , Activision Blizzard still appears to be the one to beat .

  12. 游戏业的顶尖玩家;动视暴雪的鲍比·科迪克带动了电子游戏的茁壮成长;

    Top of his game ; Bobby Kotick of Activision Blizzard has helped the video-game industry grow up ;

  13. 动视暴雪说,正在对该游戏进行微调,以方便中国电脑游戏玩家在网吧里玩。

    The game is being fine-tuned for PC gamers ' use in China 's Internet cafes , Activision said .

  14. 此外,今年上半年最畅销的游戏机和手持游戏(以美元计算)亦是动视暴雪公司的产品。

    It also sold the top-selling console and handheld game , in terms of dollars , for the first half of the year .

  15. 动视暴雪上个月宣布该公司第二季度获得10.75亿美元的收入,实现利润1.85亿美元。

    The company announced last month that it generated $ 1.075 billion in revenue during the second quarter and a $ 185 million profit .

  16. 动视暴雪将尝试通过出售游戏道具的方式来赚钱,如出售武器升级装置或额外装备等。

    Activision will try to make money by selling items to help users play the game , such as enhancements for their weapons or extra gear .

  17. 到头来,他成了世界最大的电子游戏发行商——动视暴雪的老板,也算是十分合理的。

    How appropriate , then , that he has ended up as the boss of Activision Blizzard , the world 's largest publisher of video games .

  18. 动视暴雪说,中国版《使命召唤》并不是对现有游戏的略加改动,而是有着不同设计和故事情节的全新版本,耗时两年才制作完成。

    The China version isn 't simply a rehash of existing titles : It 's completely new , with a different design and storyline that took two years to produce , Activision said .

  19. 如同视频游戏产业的其他公司一样,动视暴雪公司也必须依赖现有游戏的续集产品来推动营收,进而减少了能够带来新的长期生意的原创游戏的发展空间。

    And , like the rest of the industry , the firm has had to rely on sequels to boost earnings , leaving less room for original franchises which can generate new long-term business .

  20. 现在动视暴雪一半以上的运营收入来自“魔兽”的收费,科迪克说:“‘魔兽世界'是这一产业中最稳定的盈利方式。”

    More than half of Activision Blizzard 's operating profit now comes from subscriptions , he says : " 'World of Warcraft ' is the most stable form of profitable revenue in the industry . "

  21. 被科蒂克称为“中规中矩、深思熟虑、有条有理”的交易撮合,使动视暴雪成为视频游戏界估值最高的公司,最近其总市值创下了270亿美元的历史新高。

    What Mr Kotick calls his " disciplined , deliberate and methodical " dealmaking has made Activision Blizzard the most valuable company in videogaming , its market capitalisation hitting a new all-time high this week of $ 27bn .

  22. 腾讯在该季度通过线上游戏收入270亿元(39亿美元),远远超过了动视暴雪(17.3亿美元)等主要游戏发行商以及同类中国游戏发行商网易(16亿美元)。

    The ¥ 27 billion ( $ 3.9 billion ) it earned from online games in the quarter is far beyond other major publishers like Activision Blizzard ( $ 1.73 billion ) and fellow Chinese publisher NetEase ( $ 1.6 billion ) .

  23. 两年前威望迪的视频游戏单位(拥有畅销游戏“魔兽世界”)与美国动视(拥有畅销游戏“吉他英雄”)合并组成世界最大的视频游戏公司-动视暴雪。

    Two years ago its video-game unit , which owns " World of Warcraft ", merged with America 's Activision , the maker of " Guitar Hero ", to form Activision Blizzard , the world 's biggest video-game company .