
  1. 在政府大力支持下,福州动漫游戏产业迅速发展壮大。

    Government support , Fuzhou , animation and game industry to grow .

  2. 当天,还举办了动漫游戏产业论坛。

    The same day , also held animation and game industry forum .

  3. 伴随着动漫游戏产业的发展,出现了一种被称为御宅的亚文化现象。

    Along with the development of ACG industry , a sub-culture phenomenon called Otaku has arisen .

  4. 三是整合现有动漫游戏产业企业,建立国际级大型动漫企业集团。

    Third , the integration of existing animation and game industry business , the establishment of the major international animation business groups .

  5. 据曾伟新介绍,通过对中山、番禺商用动漫游戏产业的调研,他们将于近期完成文化产业报告。

    According to Zeng new introduction by Zhongshan , Panyu commercial animation and game industry research , they will soon complete the cultural industry report .

  6. 动漫游戏产业作为广东省文化产业报告中重要组成部分,将是报告的一个亮点。

    Animation and game industry as a cultural industry , Guangdong Province , an important part of the report , the report will be a bright spot .

  7. 动漫游戏产业发展滞缓的后果之一就是对动漫游戏行业从业人员生存状态的影响。

    One of the consequences resulted from the lagging behind of the development of ACG industry is the influence on the survival conditions of employees in ACG industry .

  8. 目前,作为该实验园组成部分的福州动漫游戏产业基地二期工程正在加紧建设,将在两年内完工。

    Now , as part of the experimental garden Fuzhou animation and game industry is stepping up its base in the second phase construction will be completed within two years .

  9. 通过对动漫游戏产业的调查和研究,从理论、文化、媒介等三方面探讨御宅现象产生的根源,并总结了御宅文化所包含的主要内容。

    By surveying and researching ACG industry , the root of this phenomenon has been studied in theory , culture and media aspects , and main content of Otaku-culture has been summed up .

  10. 动漫游戏产业的发展已经在全球形成一个新的经济增长点,我国的动漫游戏产业也在提升软实力的背景下,相比十年前有了长足的发展。

    The development of ACG ( Animation , Comic , Game ) industry has become a new economic growth point all around the world . In the background of improving " soft power ", ACG industry has made great progress during the past decade .

  11. 二是建立健全原创动漫人才教育培养体系,培养一支专业的动漫游戏产业经营管理队伍。

    The second is to establish a sound education and training system of original animation talent , develop a professional animation and game industry management team .