
  1. 动漫行业是中国传播与文化行业受束缚最小的子板块,增长迅猛。

    Chinese animation industry is bound by the communication and culture industry 's smallest sub-sector , growing rapidly .

  2. 这是一个可喜的现象,因为这将为我国动漫行业的发展培养大量复合型原创动漫人才。

    This is a optimistic phenomenon , as this will foster a large number of complex original animation talents for this industry .

  3. 该协会将规范全省动漫行业,精耕细作融入本土文化,力促动漫产业转型升级。

    The association will regulate the province 's animation industry , intensive integration into the local culture , the animation industry urged to upgrade .

  4. 此次活动由郑州市动漫行业协会主办,河南省漫画时代传媒有限公司承办。

    The event is organized by Association of Zhengzhou City , the animation industry , Ltd , Henan Province , hosted media era comics .

  5. 实践证明,动漫行业成功的产业模式是通过拓展和延长产业链,在衍生产品开发和授权上赚钱。

    Practice has proved a successful model of industrial animation industry is to expand and extend the industrial chain in the derivative product development and licensing money .

  6. 同时本文也分析了目前动漫行业的产业链,对两种典型商业模式进行详细的探讨,并分别指出各自的优缺点。

    Besides , I analysed the two typical business modes in the current industry chain in detail and also pointed out the pros and cons of each other .

  7. “动漫行业重点在创意,但创意并不是立竿见影的,需要慢慢培养,慢慢形成,这点需要政府的大力支持”,钟玉梅说。

    " Animation industry focus on creative , but creativity is not the immediate need to develop slowly , slowly formed , and that needs government support ," Zhong Yumei said .

  8. 其中易合网作为全国首家针对动漫游戏行业垂直的B2B电子商务平台。

    One easy network as the first directed animation game industry vertical B2B e-commerce platform .

  9. 随后,调研组一行和企业代表在番禺动漫游艺行业协会举行了座谈会。

    Subsequently , his research group and business representatives in the animation entertainment industry associations Panyu held a meeting .

  10. 番禺区文广局领导和番禺动漫游艺行业协会有关人员等参加了调研。

    SMG Board Panyu Panyu animation entertainment industry leaders and associations and other relevant personnel to participate in the research .

  11. 座谈会上,朱克明介绍了番禺动漫游艺行业协会以及动漫产业企业发展优势和发展趋势等情况。

    At the forum , Zhu Keming introduced Panyu animation entertainment industry associations and business development strengths and animation industry trends and so on .

  12. 他充分肯定了番禺动漫游艺行业的发展成就,同时强调,政府部门将会大力支持番禺动漫游艺行业的发展。

    He fully affirmed the Panyu animation entertainment industry achievement , but stressed that the government will support the development of Panyu animation entertainment industry .

  13. 随着近几年动漫等新媒体行业的迅速发展,动漫图像数据飞速膨胀。

    With the rapid development of animation and new media industry , the growth of animation image data is beyond our image .

  14. 动漫和网络游戏行业的繁荣在两国抗击金融风暴中起到了重要作用。

    The prosperity of animation and online gaming industry in both countries has played an important role to counter the financial crisis .

  15. 赵为群认为,动漫业是新生行业,专业人才的匮乏是客观事实,必定需要潜心培养若干年方成气候。

    Zhao Qun that animation industry is nascent industry , the lack of professionals is a fact , will need to devote themselves to develop a number of years side to gain acceptance .

  16. 中国国际动漫节是中国动漫行业最具权威性和影响力的行业会展。

    The festival is the most authoritative and influential exhibition in the Chinese animation industry .

  17. 随着动漫产业不断发展,剪纸艺术为动漫行业提供了很好的素材,以剪纸为素材的动画作品,其实际应用和视觉效果深受人们广泛欢迎。

    With the continuous development of the animation industry , paper-cut provides a good material for the animation industry , its visual effects and practical application widely welcomed by the people .

  18. 动漫游戏产业发展滞缓的后果之一就是对动漫游戏行业从业人员生存状态的影响。

    One of the consequences resulted from the lagging behind of the development of ACG industry is the influence on the survival conditions of employees in ACG industry .

  19. 只有壮大动漫教育,才能推动产业的发展。如今,我国动漫行业优秀人才的短缺已经成为不争的事实。

    Only in laying a solid foundation in academy could foster the development of comic and animation industry . Nowadays , the short of our excellent producer in comic industry has been a fact for long time .

  20. “CCG动漫游戏大奖”是在文化部领导下,以动漫内容为核心,跨媒介、跨产业的评奖活动,是国内动漫行业的风向标。

    " CCG Animation Game Awards " in the Ministry of Culture under the leadership of the animation content for the core , cross-media , cross-industry awards event , the domestic animation industry leader .

  21. 动漫产业如何才能真正成为一个产业?动画片如何才能进入国内观众的视线并得到多数人的认可?这些是所有参与动漫行业的人需要共同解决的问题。

    How does an animated cartoon get into the sight of audience in our country and be accepted by the audience ? All of this problems should be solved by the people who wish to participate in the development of animated cartoon industry .