
  • 网络China Industrial Economy;China Industrial Economics
  1. 对于明年的规模以上工业增速,这个名为《2011年中国工业经济运行秋季报告》则预计,“可能要比今年低1~2个百分点”。

    For the industrial growth of the next year , the report named " 2011 China Industrial Economy and Operation Autumn Report " estimates that it might be lower by1 to2 % compared with that of this year .

  2. WTO规则下的中国工业经济

    China 's Industrial Economy under the WTO Regulations

  3. 国内外贸易对中国工业经济发展的影响&一项实证的研究

    Impact of Domestic and Foreign Trade on China Industrial Development

  4. 中国工业经济与环境协调发展的经济计量研究

    The coordinated development of industrial economy and environment : An econometric analysis in China

  5. 竞争、所有权与中国工业经济效率

    Competition , Ownership and Chinese Industrial Productivity

  6. 随着中国工业经济的高速发展,高质量的钢板被广泛应用于工业的各个领域。

    Following the rapid growth of economy and industry in China , needs for high quality steel sheets has been growing .

  7. 工业所有制结构的这种变迁是将合中国工业经济发展内在规律的。

    The changes in the industrial ownership structure are in line with the inherent Jaw of China 's industrial economic development .

  8. 其中,电子及通信设备制造业增长迅速,已成为中国工业经济的一大支柱。

    Rapid development was made in the electronics and telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry , a main pillar of China 's industrial economy .

  9. 最近,中国工业经济协会召开了工业行业协会行业价格自律工作情况座谈会。

    Recently , association of Chinese industry economy held informal discussion of circumstance of job of self-discipline of value of industrial guild industry .

  10. 他们是中国工业经济起步、发展的奉献者,他们也是中国工业经济起步、发展的牺牲者。

    They are China 's industrial economic development , started the devotees , they also China 's industrial economic development , the victims of starting .

  11. 农村工业在国民经济中占有重要的地位,近年来以乡镇工业为主体的农村工业增加值占全国工业增加值的比例保持在45%左右,农村工业被誉为中国工业经济的半壁江山。

    Rural industry is an important component of national economy , which outputs have accounted for 45 % of the value-added to gross industry in recent years .

  12. 中国工业经济的迅速增长,已将很多原材料价格推至历史高点,特别是铁矿石、铜和铝等大宗商品。

    The rapid growth of china 's industrial economy has pushed raw material prices up to generational highs , especially for commodities such as iron ore , copper and alumina .

  13. 在使用投入产出表和中国工业经济统计年鉴两份数据计算工业行业软投入贡献率后,发现两个样本测算的软投入贡献率在1982-2007年均软投入贡献率均为负。

    The annual average contribution rate of soft input in the 1982-2007 are both negative , based on the calculation of input-output tables and the China Industrial Economic Statistical Yearbook .

  14. 中国地区工业经济差异的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Disparities of Regional Industrial Economics in China

  15. 中国水工业经济政策体系初探

    Preliminary study on the system of water industrial economic policies in China

  16. 2004年1-7月中国食品工业经济运行情况

    The economic functioning situation of the Chinese food industry in January-July , 2004

  17. 随着中国工业和经济的迅猛发展,拥有私家车的人数不断增长。

    With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China , the number of people who own private cars is on the rise .

  18. 中国钢铁工业规避经济周期风险的战略思考

    Strategic Consideration on Avoiding Economic Cycle Risk of Chinese Steel Industry

  19. 中国造纸工业循环经济模式的优化研究

    A research on the optimization of recycling economy model in China paper industry

  20. 中国造纸工业循环经济系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of the Circulatory Economy System of China 's Paper Manufacturing Industry

  21. 石油在中国的工业及经济发展中历来有着举足轻重的作用。

    Petroleum has always had a decisive role in the development of China 's , industrial and economy .

  22. 将技术创新作为一种市场行为,探讨创新对中国汽车工业规模经济和市场绩效的作用和影响;

    It probes into how innovation affects the economics of scale and market conduct of automobile industry in China by means of regarding technological innovation as a kind of market performance .

  23. 展望了中国纺织工业经过经济结构调整和重组实现产业升级,从纺织大国跃进为纺织强国的前景。

    The authors look into the future prospects of China textile industry from a large textile country to strong textile country throngh the adjustment of economic structure 、 industrial recombination and so on .

  24. 在此以中国社会科学院工业经济研究所与《中国经营报》共同开发的中国经营报企业竞争力监测体系(CBCM)为基础对我国化工行业上市公司的竞争力进行监测。

    This paper monitored the competitiveness of Chinese listed companies in chemical industry based on the China Business Enterprise Competitiveness Monitoring System ( CBCM ) developed jointly by Industrial Economic Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Business .

  25. 中国前近代手工业经济的特点

    The Characteristics of Handicraft Economy in the Pre-Modern Times of China

  26. 中国石油和化学工业经济运行2006年回顾及2007年展望

    Review of China 's oil and chemical industries in 2006 and prospects for 2007

  27. 2008年中国石油和化学工业经济形势分析

    Analysis : the economic status of China 's oil and chemical industries , 2008

  28. 开放与经济绩效:中国和亚洲新兴工业经济体的比较研究

    Opening-up and Economic Performance & A Comparative Research on China and Other Asian Developing Economies

  29. 在东北亚地区,随着韩国和中国先后成为主要工业经济体,该地区的申请量增长尤其迅猛。

    Filings in north-east Asia in particular have boomed as first South Korea and then China have become major industrial economies .

  30. 接着,本文根据环境库兹涅茨曲线理论,对中国工业三废排放与经济发展的关系进行实证研究。

    Then , on the basis of environmental Kuznets curve theory , the paper deliberates concretely the relation between Chinese three industrial wastes and economic development .