
  1. 中西结合组与中药组、西药组在总有效率比较方面均有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    There was significant difference between Chinese herb with western medicine group and Chinese herb group or western medicine group ( P 0.05 ) .

  2. 中西结合五香肘子的加工工艺

    Chinese and western coalescent processing craft of spiced pig-foreleg

  3. 中西结合治疗胸腰椎骨折脱位39例报告

    Combined TCM and west medicine to treating 39 cases of thoracic and lumbar vertebra fracture and dislocation

  4. 他们选择的都是一条中西结合,改造中国美术、倡导新美术的道路。

    They choose all are a China and the West union , transforms the Chinese fine arts , initiates the new fine arts path .

  5. 中西结合治疗可以有效调节甲状腺激素水平、血脂,并且有效缓解患者临床症状。

    Integrative medicine group can regulate effectively the thyroid hormone and lipid levels . At the same time , it can alleviate effectively clinical symptoms .

  6. 第二,唐代宫廷舞服受到异族舞服的影响,形成了中西结合的交融之美;

    Second , the dance dress in Tang Dynasty was influenced by foreign countries and thus formed the beauty of mixture of Western with Chinese characters .

  7. 本产品是以牛肉为主要原料,采用中西结合的生产工艺,加工而成的香肠制品。

    This product regards beef as main raw materials , the processing technology of of beef sausage is adopted the production technology combined in Chinese and Western .

  8. 他的成就为当代志在探索中西结合绘画道路的中国艺术家提供了一个借鉴的可能。

    His achievement pro-vides a possibility of reference for the Chinese artists who are determined to explore ways of painting com-bining the Chinese artistic features with those of the West .

  9. 太极柔力球是一项既保留太极思想又融网球,羽毛球,乒乓球等现代体育项目为一体的中西结合的新型体育运动。

    Taiji Softball is a thought , and there are tennis , badminton , table tennis and other characteristics of modern sports , Taiji Softball movement is complete and no discount points .

  10. 按随机分配的原则分治疗组(中西结合组),对照组(西药组)各30例。

    According to the random distribution principle , it is divided into the treatment group ( combination of Chinese and Western ), the control group ( WM group ) of the 30 cases .

  11. 光疗法的历史由来已久,由于它本身潜在的能力:整体自然疗法,作用独特,可以中西结合治疗多种疾病。

    Light therapy has a very long history , because of its potential ability . Over all natural therapies , the role of a unique , Chinese and Western therapy can be combined with a variety of diseases .

  12. 而接受一些西方顶级教练的指导则让我的竞技水平提高到新的水平。因此,中西结合非常重要,我将努力把(这些)不同的方法(和)经验带到自己的学校里。

    The exposure to some of the top western coaches allowed me to take my game to another level , so this combination was critical and I will try to bring [ those ] methods [ and ] experiences to my academy .

  13. 并且确立中西结合的基本策略,提出以切实转变政府职能;引入市场竞争机制;提高个人素质;建立需求分析机制和回路反馈机制的政策建议,全面推进重庆市服务型政府建设。

    We established the basic strategy , and provide several suggestions , including changing the government functions , introducing market competition mechanism , improving personal quality , establishing requirements analysis mechanism and loop feedback mechanism , and comprehensively promote the construction of service-oriented government in Chongqing .

  14. 接下来通过丰富的案例充分地说明了对民族图形的运用方法。直接运用、去繁就简、中西结合等等运用手法,使读者能更直观的了解、掌握民族图形运用于插画创作中的方法。

    Next , it explains the application methods of ethical graphics by a lot of cases , such as direct application , changing complicated to simple , integrated Chinese and Western techniques , which can give the readers direct intuitive understanding of ethics graphics applied in illustration creation .

  15. 结论中西医结合方法治疗CHF有良好的临床疗效。

    Conclusion : Therapy of Combing TCM and WM is good effective against CHF .

  16. 【目的】探索制定传染性非典型肺炎(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS)的中西医结合治疗方案。

    [ Objective ] To draw up a plan of applying integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) .

  17. CD4、CD8、CD(95)在急性胰腺炎中作用的中西医结合临床研究

    The Clinical Study of CD_4 、 CD_8 、 CD_ ( 95 ) in the Treatment with Integrated Western and Chinese Medicine in Acute Pancreatitis

  18. 目的评定中西医结合治疗Bell′s面瘫的临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluation the clinical effect of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine on Bell ′ s palsy .

  19. 中西医结合治疗狼疮性肾炎的临床观察及对血IL-6的影响

    The Clinical Study on Therapy of Lupus Nephritis with the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and on the Influence on the Blood IL-6

  20. 以西医症状和体征为自变量,以中医证型为因变量,进行Binarylogistic多元逐步回归分析,提出西医症状和体征的中西医结合的辨证方法。

    By means of medical doctor sings and symptoms as dependent variable and chinese medical science type of syndrome as independent variable , the binary logistic stepwise regression was preformed .

  21. 目的:探讨急性胰腺炎患者中医证候分布规律和中西医结合治疗重症急性胰腺炎(severeacutepancreatitis,SAP)的效果。

    Objective : To probe the TCM syndromes of distributing principle of patients with acute pancreatitis and the curative effect for severe acute pancreatitis by traditional Chinese combined with Western medicine .

  22. 中西医结合个体化联合序贯方案治疗IgA肾病的临床病理研究&附50例重复肾穿刺病理对照研究

    Clinical and Pathological Observation of the Effect of Individualization Combined by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine and Sequenced Therapy on IgA Nephrology

  23. 如何利用中药优势,提高抗HIV化学药的疗效和减轻毒副作用,是中西医结合治疗艾滋病的一个突破口。

    How to make use of the advantages of Chinese medicine to enhance the chemical anti-HIV drug efficacy and reduce side effects is a breakthrough in the treatment of AIDS .

  24. 结论中西医结合治疗IgA肾炎具有较好的肾小管保护作用。

    Conclusion : Integrated treatment of Chinese medicine and western medicine has better protective action on renal tubules in the patient of IgA nephritis .

  25. 中西医结合的治疗效果远好于单纯西医常规治疗,大黄及含大黄的复方已成为SAP临床重要的辅助疗法之一。

    Treatment effectiveness of integrated TCM-WM is better than conventional therapy of west medicine . Now , TCM is become one of important complementary therapies of SAP .

  26. 中西医结合治疗冠心病前后ET-1、CNP和CGRP联检的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Combined ET-1 , CNP and CGRP Detection in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Treated with Traditional and Western Medicine

  27. 结论:采用中西医结合疗法是治疗VMC的有效途径之一。

    Conclusion : We can treat viral myocarditis effectively by using Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine .

  28. 方法:分析62例经中西医结合疗效显著的腰腿痛病人治疗前后的腰椎正侧位片及椎间盘CT片,评估治疗前后的影像学变化。

    Methods : To analyze A-P and lateral plain film of lumbar vertebra and intervertebral discs CT scan of the 62 patients with lumbocrural pain before and after integrated traditional and western medicine therapy and to evaluate the radiological change .

  29. 结论运用中西医结合疗法防治AMI后IRA未通者并发严重心律失常的疗效优于单纯西药组。

    Conclusion Combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in treating serious cardiac arrhythmias after AMI IRA without being reflewn is superior to the single western medicine .

  30. 结果在病例痊愈例数及尿爱迪氏计数等方面,两组对比(P<0.01),表明采用中西医结合方法治疗小儿急性肾炎.效果较为满意。

    Results : At the same period of treatment . Cure rate and urine addis count of the two groups were significant different ( P < 0 . 01 ) . It shows that curative effect of infantile acute nephritis treated with combined TCM & WM is more satisfactory .