
zhōng xiū
  • medium repair;medium maintenance;second line maintenance
中修[zhōng xiū]
  1. 中修时东风4A、4B型机车车轴疲劳裂纹的超声波探伤用三种方法:透声检查、小角度纵波探伤和斜探头横波探伤。

    Three Ultrasonic flaw detection methods , sound check , small angle longitudinal wave method and skew probe lateral wave method , were used for detection of fatigue cracks of wheel axles for DF 4A and DF 4B diesel locomotives during medium maintenance .

  2. 通过对10万m3POC型干式高炉煤气柜存在问题的分析和中修内容的介绍,指出了中修重点及处理方法,为国内同类型煤气柜的生产检修提供了一些实践经验。

    The problems in 100000 m3 POC dry blast furnace were analyzed and the contents of medium maintenance were presented . The main maintenance aspects and disposal methods were pointed out , which provided some practice experience for production maintenance of domestic similar gas-holders .

  3. 在1号高炉中修时对上料系统进行了改造,用PLC控制取代继电器控制。

    During the intermediate repair the charging system of No1 blast furnace was modernized and PLC control system replaced relay control .

  4. 冷再生基层在高速公路中修工程中的应用

    Application of Cold Recycling Base in Medium Maintenance Engineering of Expressway

  5. 包钢3号高炉中修炉体破损调查分析

    Investigation on damage of No.3 BF at Baotou Iron & Steel Co

  6. 防裂土工布在沥青路面中修工程中的应用

    Application of Anti-breaking Geotextile in Intermediate Maintenance of Asphalt Pavement

  7. 简述沈阳至铁岭高速公路路面中修工程的设计与施工

    Brief Description of Design and Construction of Pavement Intermediate Maintenance

  8. 鞍钢7号高炉复合炉缸的结构特点与中修调查

    Structure Characteristics and Partial Relining Investigation of a Compound Hearth

  9. 潜艇中修时耐压船体大开口的强度计算

    Strength calculation on compression resistance hull with large hatch of repaired submarine

  10. 基于项目管理的车辆装备中修管理过程研究

    Research on Medium Maintenance Process of Vehicle Equipment Based on Project Management

  11. 英语演说中修辞格的信息性

    Information of figures of speech in English public speeches

  12. 浅谈线路中修纵断面的设计

    Talking about the Design of the Lengthwise Section of the Medium Maintenance Line

  13. 浅析英语谚语中修辞格的运用

    Usage of Figures of Speech in English Proverbs

  14. 10万m~3POC型干式高炉煤气柜中修实践

    Practice of Medium Maintenance of 100000 m ~ 3 POC Dry Blast Furnace Gas-Holder

  15. 武钢2、3号高炉中修开炉之比较

    Comparison of Blow-in Between No.2 and No.3 BFs in WISCO in Their Intermediate Repair

  16. 某从动齿轮在中修时发现开裂。

    Driven gear cracking was found in repair .

  17. 莱钢2~750m~3高炉中修空料线实践

    Practice of Empty Burden Line During the Medium Repair of 750m 3 Blast Furnace

  18. 摆线针轮行星传动中修形所产生的回转误差计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis on the return error resulting from cycloid-disk modification in the cycloid drive

  19. 正交试验法在航材中修费优化分配中的应用

    The Application of Orthogonal Experiment in the Optimization Allocation of Air Materiel Middle Maintenance Cost

  20. 水泥混凝土路面的中修施工

    Medium repair of cement concrete pavements

  21. 在20世纪90年代以后陆续建成的高速公路已进入大、中修期。

    The expressways built after 1990s have come to the phase requiring large scale of repair .

  22. 东风4型机车柴油机中修磨合试验规范合理性初探

    A preliminary study of rationality of running-in test norms during intermediate repair of DF_4 locomotive diesel engines

  23. 根据该思路,通过对中修舰艇锅炉现状的研究,提出对锅炉烟囱盖进行密封性改装即可达到锅炉防腐目的。

    With researching , refitting hermet on chimney head of the boiler can be achieved for anti-corrosion .

  24. 客车空调三机中修基地建设的探索

    Tentative Discussion of Construction of the Medium Repair Base for the Three Air-Conditioning Machines on the Passenger Car

  25. 他在高中四年中修了六门大学课程,得过多项奖。

    He took six college level courses during his four high school years , and received numerous awards .

  26. 硬磁盘基片研磨中修盘工艺磨削轨迹分析及优化

    On the Analysis and Optimization of Wear Track of Grinding Stone Dressing Process for Computer Hard Drive Disk Substrate

  27. 我想他想表达的意思是真理不是你从书本上学到的东西,而是从经验中修证而来。

    I would say that this truth is not something you learn from a book , but from experience .

  28. 我国东部注水开发后期油田的高含水油井普遍存在修井作业中修井液漏失问题。

    Fluid often has leakage in producing zone of high water cut production wells during the remedial and stimulating operations .

  29. 启动维修技术工程,全面抓好电务中修、维修工作;

    The quality of medium repair and maintenance of signalling and communication equipment will be improved as the maintenance technology project starts ;

  30. 《哈姆雷特》中修辞格的用法是其最突出的特点,也是吸引读者和观众的最重要的原因。

    The rhetorical usages in Hamlet are the most distinguishing feature and the most important reason to attract the readers and audience .