
  • 网络Intensive Care
  1. 小牛的最初几天是被拴挂在加强监护机上度过的。

    The calf spent his first few days hooked up to intensive care machines .

  2. 对照组,治疗上主要为加强监护、抑制胰腺分泌、抗感染等传统治疗;

    In the control group , traditional treatments such as intensive care , inhibition of pancreatic secretion and anti-infection were applied ;

  3. OliveView没有任何新生儿加强监护病房的病人受到伤害或者由于这些指控而转院。

    No NICU patients at Olive View were harmed or transferred to other hospitals as a result of these allegations .

  4. 术后早期加强监护治疗能明显降低ARDS发生(P<0.05)。

    Early postoperative intensive care significantly decreased the occurrence of ARDS ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 结论对机械通气患者应进行全面预防、加强监护、严密动态检测病原菌、合理使用抗生素,才能有效控制VAP。

    Conclusions Extensive and dynamic monitoring of VAP pathogens and rational use of antibiotics were advocated for controlling VAP effectively .

  6. 小儿危重评分在儿科加强监护病房(PICU)的应用

    Use of the podiatric critical score in PICU

  7. 结论HCI感染是多因素作用的结果,但通过加强监护,医院感染是可以控制和减少的。

    CONCLUSIONS HCI infection results from the synergetic action of various factors and hospital infection could be controlled and reduced by strengthening supervision .

  8. 结论:ICP患者孕期应加强监护,适时终止妊娠,必要时适当放宽剖宫产指征,能有效降低围产儿死亡率。

    Conclusion Death rate of perinatal fetus can be effectively lowered by strengthened monitoring of patients with ICP , timely termination of pregnancy and if necessary , broadened indication range of cesarean section .

  9. 术后加强监护,并围绕并发症、各种管道、特殊药品、感染监控等方面加强ICU质量管理。

    After the technique immediate strengthens the guardianship , and revolves aspect illness complication , each kind of pipeline , special drugs , infection monitoring and so on to strengthen the ICU quality control .

  10. 加强监护病房病人收治时间与住院病死率的关系

    Association between hospital mortality and day of week of intensive care unit admission

  11. 重症加强监护医学与临床思维

    Intensive Care Medicine and Clinical Thoughts

  12. 想像一下,一个美容沙龙以及所有的用具和化学用品都设立在新生儿加强监护病房内。

    Imagine operating a beauty salon with all the tools and chemicals that go with it inside a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit .

  13. 结论只要术前准备充分,术中、术后加强监护,老年妇科疾病患者可以安全度过围手术期。

    Conclusions Provided well preparation before operation and enhancing monitor during and after operation , old gynecologic patients can pass operation period safely .

  14. 结论采用多阶段控制性降压复合低温的麻醉方法,术中加强监护,可有效减少骶骨肿瘤切除手术的出血量和相关并发症。

    Conclusion The multi stage controlled hypotension combined with hypothermia anesthesia can effectively decrease the bleeding quality and anesthesia complications during sacral tumor resection .

  15. 方法对48例重度骨盆骨折合并失血性休克患者,在加强监护治疗的同时施行床旁介入性血管栓塞术。

    Method Forty-eight severe pelvis fracture patients with hemorrhagic shock were treated by interventional vas embolism operation at bedside as well as intensive monitoring .

  16. 结论:早期诊断、筛查羊水过少,加强监护,适时处理,可改善围产儿的不良结局。

    Conclusion : It can improve the condition of perinatal children that diagnosis and checking earlier , enhancing the guardianship and treatment in time .

  17. 应防止剂量过大,静脉滴速过快和疗程过长,同时在用药过程应中加强监护。

    It should prevent excessive doses , fluid drop too fast and too long in intravenous treatment , and intensive care in the course of medication .

  18. 结论产前B超提示脐带绕颈1~2周者妊娠期、分娩期应加强监护,不作为剖宫产指征;

    Conclusion The cord around neck 1 ~ 2 cycle indicated by preterm type-B ultrasonic inspection was not the index of hysterotokotomy but should be monitored closely ;

  19. 五个宝宝出生后,立马送入新生儿加强监护病房,在医院接受了6周的24小时照看,身体足够强壮后才回到家中。

    The quintuplets were rushed to intensive care and were monitored for 24 hours a day for six weeks until they grew strong enough to return home .

  20. 结论呼吸机相关性肺炎对肺功能状态有明显的负面影响,术后全面预防、加强监护及管理非常重要。

    Conclusion VAP has negative effect on the lung function , to strength the extensive and dynamic monitoring and management of breath tract after operation is very important .

  21. 结论:多普勒超声是简单、易行、有效的检查方法,足月妊娠S/D2.5时应引起重视,加强监护。

    Conclusion : The Doppler examination is simple , easy and effective . In term pregnancy , when S / D2.5 , more attention should be paid to monitor the fetuses .

  22. “最近出生的几个克隆体就一点问题都没有,”希尔说,虽然科学家们估计只有不到1/4的新生克隆体不需要加强监护而生存下来。

    " We 've had a few born lately that have really had no problems at all ," says Hill , although scientists estimate that fewer than a quarter of newborns would survive without intensive care .

  23. 方法对92例介入治疗心脏病的病人采取预防血管迷走神经反射,预防血容量不足,做好心理护理,加强监护,密切观察病情等措施。

    Methods Measures were taken to prevent blood vessel vagus reflex to the ninety two patients who has interposed treatment of the heart disease : prevent not enough blood volume , provide psycho counseling , paying close attention and tight tutelage .

  24. 结论:严格手术指征,充分处理合并症,尤其合并有心肺疾患者,选择恰当手术方式,术中、术后加强监护治疗,及时处理并发症,对降低围手术期死亡率有重要意义。

    Conclusions Mastering operative indications seriously , dealing accompaniment sufficiently , especially dealing with basical cardiopulmonary diseases , selecting reasonable operative mode , strengthening operative and postoperative ward , curing postoperative complications in time may play important roles to decrease of operative mortality .

  25. 结论:如能根据老年妇科疾病的临床特征进行早期诊断,手术选择适宜,术前充分准备,术中、术后加强监护,大多数老年妇科病人能恢复健康。

    Conclusion The most of senile gynecologic patients would find their health as long as there were effective early diagnosis depending on the clinic characteristics of the gynecologic disease in the elder women , proper operation choice , full preparation before operation and careful monitoring during and after operaion .

  26. 结论:对于妊娠合并ITP的孕妇应加强孕期监护及治疗。

    Conclusions : We must reinforce obstetrical surveillance and management of ITP in pregnancy .

  27. 结论:复方丹参注射液的主要不良反应是速发型变态反应,应合理使用,加强用药监护。

    Conclusion : The ADRs was mostly fleetly allergy , and it is important to reinforce monitoring of compound danshen infection .

  28. 正确认识老年患者病理生理特点,积极加强重症监护治疗措施是提高生存率的关键。

    It was suggested that mastering the feather of old patients'pathology and circadian and taking effective and active measures was the key to reduce the death rate .

  29. 结论:联合用药品种较多,应加强药学监护,确保用药有效、安全、经济。

    Conclusion : As drugs used in combination were so many , pharmaceutical care should be strengthened to assure the use in effective , safe and economic way .

  30. 结论:静脉血浆靶控输注瑞芬太尼结合丙泊酚镇静可能是门诊麻醉更为可取的方法,但需加强呼吸监护与管理。

    Conclusion : It may be more useful that target-controlled infusion for remifentanil in combination with propofol anesthetic technique during outpatient for colonoscopy but monitor on respiration were essential .