
  1. 从实验的结果可以看出,字的误差处理算法是行之有效的加字算法。

    The experimental results show that the error processing algorithm of the font is an effective algorithm .

  2. 将复杂的过程归纳为六种概率事件,将系统的差错率分为误字、漏字和加字率,使其和正确传输概率严格区分开来;

    The error probability of the system is derided into an error word rate , a leakage word rate and an added word rate which are strictly differentiated from the proper transmission probability .

  3. 方法PDS线环行加8字内固定治疗髌骨骨折30例。

    Method : PDS suture was adopted round and in the shape of " 8 " to treat 30 cases with patella fracture by internal fixation .

  4. 结论PDS线环行加8字内固定是治疗髌骨骨折的有效方法,无需二期手术取出内固定。

    Conclusion : PDS suture adopted round and in the shape of " 8 " is an effective therapy for patella fracture , which entails the advantage free of removing the internal fixation apparatus .

  5. 把词缀加在字或词前后的结果。

    The result of adding an affix to a root word .

  6. 尺骨鹰嘴骨折钢丝环形加8字内固定的实验研究及其临床应用

    Experimental and clinical study of 8-shape and circular wiring to treat fracture of olecranon

  7. 钢丝环形加8字内固定治疗髌骨骨折

    Figure of Eight and Circular Wiring Fixation for the Treatment of Fractures of the Patella

  8. 载荷&应变评价结果表明,钢丝环形加8字固定效果最好。

    The results of load strain assessment showed that , the figure of eight and circular wiring fixation had the best effect of fixation .

  9. 结果在同等载荷条件下,1/3管形钢板及重建钢板固定效果最佳,Y型钢板次之,而交叉克氏针加8字钢丝刚度最差。

    Result Under the same load condition , 1 / 3 tubular plate with reconstruction plate yielded the best results , while crossing Kirschner wire with 8 wire was the poorest .

  10. 梦的基础是现实,这些天在看越狱,读兄弟连,为如何给论文加几个字儿烦恼。

    The background of dream is reality , these days is watching prison break , read band of brothers , troubling in articles , in other words , troubling in how to make some process in it .

  11. 好的。但你要加个请字。

    Okay , but you have got to say please .

  12. 我可以在电报中加一些暗语字组吗?

    Is it possible for me to add some code words in it ?

  13. 乙:最初七个字两美元三十八美分,每加一个字加三十四美分。

    B : two dollars and thirty-eight cents for the first seven words and34 cents for each additional word .

  14. 否则我就把你的手机号写在墙上,前边再加两个字:办证。

    Otherwise , I put your phone , writing on the wall , with the coming of the word : processing .

  15. 在堆栈指针上加上双字变量的大小(即esp+12、esp+16等等),就可以访问所有后续参数。

    All subsequent arguments are accessed by adding the size of a dword variable to the stack pointer ( that is , esp + 12 , esp + 16 , and so on ) .

  16. 汉语中,动词前加上被字表示被动语气。而网民们用被字来表示对虚假结论以及伪造新闻的无可奈何。

    Chinese people use the character " bei " prior to a verb to show a passive voice , and it was used by netizens to show the helplessness in front of false conclusions and fake media reports .

  17. 那些牛被烙上了加圆圈的a字。

    The cattle were branded with an a in a circle .

  18. 嫁:这个字是由“”字加上“”字构成,表示一个女子结婚成家。

    This character , derived by adding home () to woman (), provides an incentive for a girl to marry .

  19. 就如他坐路边的长椅上和不相识的路人讲述他的传奇,他在每一个理论前面加上三个字:妈妈说。

    Just like he sit on the bench of the street and tell the pass by his legend story , he added three words to the front of each theory : my mother says .

  20. 你说错了,哈利听见赫敏毫不客气地说,“是羽加——迪姆勒维奥萨,那个‘加’字要说得又长又清楚。

    You 're saying it wrong , Harry heard Hermione snap . It 's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa , make the ' gar ' nice and long .