
  • 网络Statistic Canada;Statcan
  1. 加拿大统计局(StatisticsCanada)的最新人口调查结果显示,该市45.7%的人口出生在加拿大以外,使其成为全球最为多元化的城市。

    According to the latest Statistics Canada census , 45.7 per cent of the city 's population was born outside Canada , making it the world 's most culturally diverse city .

  2. 从加拿大统计局的数据来看,拉斯克蒂岛是不列颠哥伦比亚省中受教育程度最高的社区。

    According to Statistics Canada , Lasqueti Island has the most highly educated community in British Columbia .

  3. 不过,加拿大统计局的研究发现,与美国罪犯相比,加拿大的罪犯必较容易偷车或是进入建筑物并放火烧房子。

    However , the Statistics Canada study found that Canadian criminals are more likely to steal cars or break into and burn buildings than American criminals .

  4. 本文根据加拿大统计局1996年、2001年人口普查资料数据和中外学者的相关研究文献,探讨了当前加拿大土著人口发展的特点及其生存状态。

    This paper probes into the characteristics and living conditions of aboriginal Canadians based on 1996,2001 population census of Statistics Canada and relevant research documents of Chinese and foreign scholars .