
  • 网络lrt;Light Rail Transport
  1. 城市高架铁路、轻轨运输系统和客运枢纽建设

    Urban Elevated Railway , LRT System and Construction of Passenger Traffic Terminal

  2. 发展轻轨运输是改善城市公共交通现状的重要途径

    Developing Light Track Transport Is an Important way to Improve the Situation of Urban Public Transportation

  3. 对空气污染的忧虑使人们对轻轨运输重新产生兴趣,促成了地方性运输系统。

    Concern over air pollution has revived interest in light-rail transit and has led to regional mass transit systems .

  4. 我国对此还刚刚起步,应借鉴国外经验和结合国情,大力发展我国城市轻轨运输,改善城市公共交通。

    The study in China is just starting , urban light track transport should be developed vigorously by using the foreign experience for reference and combining it with the real situation of China to improve the urban public transportation .

  5. 在直流供电的地铁、轻轨运输系统中,产生的杂散电流对铁轨周围土壤中的埋地金属管线、车站、区间隧道、高架桥梁等混凝土结构中的钢筋产生电化学腐蚀。

    In city subway or light railway transportation , stray current will cause electrochemical corrosion to steel reinforce of around concrete structure , such as buried metal pipelines , stations , regional tunnel , railway viaduct and so on .

  6. 跨座式轻轨PC梁运输车的设计研究

    Research and design of straddled - type monorail PC beam carrier

  7. 城市轨道客车是城市中比较先进的载运交通工具,在我国的一些大城市,如北京、上海、大连等都修建了地铁或轻轨,用来运输大量的乘客。

    Metro is a more advanced carrying transport supplicant . For these advantages , in some big cities in China , such as Beijing , Shanghai , Dalian and some other cities have built a subway or light railroad to transport large numbers of passengers .