
  1. PLC(S5/S7)在轻油制气中的探讨与应用

    Discussion and Application of PLC ( S5 / S7 ) in Light Oil Making Gas Production

  2. CCR轻油制气技术及其应用

    CCR Gas Manufacture Process and Application

  3. 常压间歇式轻油制气催化剂的开发和应用

    The Research and Application of Atmosphere Intermittent light Oil Manufacturing Gas Catalyst

  4. 轻油制气自控系统冗余技术的应用

    Application of Redundant Technology of Automatic Controlling System of Light Oil Gas-making

  5. 提高轻油制气改质炉热能利用的研究

    Research on Improving Light Oil Manufacture Gas Reforming Furnace Thermal Energy Saving

  6. 轻油制气在天然气供应中的运行方式

    Operation of Existing Light Oil Gas-making in Natural Gas Supply

  7. 蓄热式催化裂解轻油制气技术探讨

    On Regenerating Catalytic Cracking Gas - making of Light Oil

  8. 轻油制气工艺中催化剂的使用

    Use of Catalyst in Gas-making Process of Light Oil

  9. 降低轻油制气炉改质室炉壁温度的改造措施

    Reconstruction Measures by Decreasing Wall Temperature in Reforming Chamber of Light Oil Gas Manufacturing Furnace

  10. 改质炉是轻油制气装置中最主要的用能设备之一。

    In process of naphtha cracking to gas , reforming furnace is a key installation .

  11. 电动机自起动技术在轻油制气生产的应用及其对供电系统的要求

    The Application of Motor Self-Starting Technical on Manufacturing Gas from Light Oil and Its Demand for Power Supply System

  12. 与此稍有不同的是,气体发生炉曾用于用轻油制出燃料气。

    Somewhat differently , gas generators have been used to produce fuel gas from light oil .

  13. 对轻油间歇循环制气炉改质室炉壁温度过高的原因进行分析,对耐火保温层、人孔及热电偶测温孔进行改造,效果很好。

    The reasons of excessive wall temperature in reforming chamber of intermittent cyclic light oil gas manufacturing furnace are analyzed , and the refractory insulating layer , manholes , and survey holes of thermocouple have been reconstructed with a better result .

  14. 轻油制富CH4气催化剂的还原和表面性能考察

    Investigation on reducibility and surface characteristic of catalysts for manufacture of CH_4-rich gas from light oil

  15. 轻油间隙催化裂解制气工艺及关键技术

    Light oil cyclic catalytic reforming gas-making process and its key technique