
qīng shāng
  • minor wound;slight wound;flesh wound;walking wounded
轻伤 [qīng shāng]
  • (1) [slight wound]∶轻微创伤

  • (2) [walking wounded]∶伤势轻的人

  • 轻伤送到包扎所

轻伤[qīng shāng]
  1. 战斗仍然在进行,但是他因受了点轻伤就被转运到轮船上的医院里。

    The battle had been still going on but he had received a slight wound and was being ferried back to a hospital ship .

  2. 1992~2003年间轻伤、重伤和死亡的构成比分别为81.86%、15.58%和2.56%。

    The constitution of minor wound , heavy wound , and death proportion were 81.86 % , 15.58 % , and 2.56 % respectively .

  3. 我只受了一点轻伤逃出来真是万幸。

    I was lucky to escape with minor injuries .

  4. 急救护士不必征求医生的意见就可处理轻伤。

    The emergency nurse can treat minor injuries without reference to a doctor .

  5. 那个男孩因头部轻伤接受了治疗。

    The boy was treated for a minor head wound

  6. 一位有经验的护士处理所有的轻伤。

    An experienced nurse treats all minor injuries .

  7. 房子着火了,但是只有7位职员受轻伤。

    The houses were set afire but there were only minor injuries to seven personnel

  8. 重伤人员比轻伤人员尽先得到治疗。

    The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt .

  9. 这种药膏可用来治各种轻伤。

    This cream can be used to treat sundry minor injuries .

  10. 几个小时后,5月22日凌晨2点04分,青海果洛藏族自治州玛多县发生7.4级地震。该地区海拔在4000米以上。应急管理部表示,有11人在地震中受轻伤。

    A few hours later , at 2:04 am Saturday , a 7.4-magnitude quake jolted of Emergency Management said 11 people had minor injuries.The county is located over 4000 meters above sea level .

  11. 方法将18只鼠龄为15周的Wistar大鼠随机分为颅脑撞击伤重伤组(8只)、轻伤组(8只)及正常对照组(2只)。

    Methods Eighteen 15-week-old Wistar rats were used in the air-pressure brain impact injury examination .

  12. AIS分级变化有密切关系,“轻伤”、“重伤”可参照AIS严重度进行分级、编码。

    The mild injury and the severe injury of the degree of injury assessment can be graded and coded according to AIS .

  13. Garrison在车祸中受了轻伤,同行的一名17岁少年随后在CedarsSinai医疗中心不治身亡,另外两名15岁少女也因车祸受伤,其中一人目前还处于危险期。

    Garrison received minor injuries , but a17-year-old boy was pronounced dead at Cedars Sinai Medical Center following the accident.Two15-year-old girls were also injured , one critically .

  14. 结论烧伤后早期一次大面积切痂能显著减轻伤后心肌受损程度,其机制可能与降低伤后早期心肌mtDNA缺失率有关。

    Conclusion Early escharectomy en masse can significantly alleviate the myocardial injury after burns , which might be related to its effect in lowering the deletion rate of myocardial mtDNA at early postburn stage .

  15. 20例轻伤患者(ISS16分);

    20 minor injury patients ( ISS16 );

  16. 结果重伤组(ISS≥16)患者脉搏、呼吸频率、白细胞计数及血糖等资料及SIRS发生率较轻伤组(ISS<16)明显上升(P<0.01)。

    Results The data of pulse and respiratory rate and white blood cell counts and blood glucose of the ISS ≥ 16 group were higher than that of the ISS < 16 group , so was the rate of SIRS ;

  17. 1995年,他第六次与死神擦身,他在萨格勒布被一辆公交车撞倒,但Frane仅仅受了一点轻伤,于是便起身走开了。

    Then in 1995 came his sixth accident when he was knocked down by a bus in Zagreb but walked away with minor injuries .

  18. 使我感到十分欣慰的是,她只受到些轻伤。

    To my great relief , her injuries were only slight .

  19. 别担心他只是受了轻伤。

    Don 't worry ; he only had a minor injury .

  20. 幸运的是,他在这次事故中只受了一点轻伤。

    Luckily , he was only slightly injured in this accident .

  21. 她在事故中受了点轻伤,只是一点割伤而已。

    She suffered minor injuries in the accident-a few cuts only .

  22. 佩恩表示,另有数人受轻伤。

    Payne says a number of other people suffered minor injuries .

  23. 6人受了轻伤,3人被送往医院。

    Six suffered minor injuries , with three taken to hospital .

  24. 我能在24小时内治愈鱼刺造成的轻伤。

    I can heal a scratch from a fishbone in 24 hours .

  25. 这项工作中,事故和轻伤是每天发生的事。

    Accidents and small injuries are an everyday occurences in this job .

  26. 营救队救出了所有人质,无一个受到轻伤。

    The rescue team brought out all hostages without a skinned ankle .

  27. 我敢说他很有可能只是轻伤。

    I 'd say that he probably just got grazed .

  28. 不过这名31岁的女子最终竟然死里逃生,只受了些轻伤。

    The 31-year-old survived the ordeal with only minor injuries .

  29. 有两人被弹片击中,受轻伤。

    Two people were hit by bullet fragments and suffered minor injuries .

  30. 第二辆轿车上的人受了点轻伤。

    The occupants of the second car suffered minor injuries .