
xiǎo yú jì
  • hypothenar;antithenar
  1. 足小鱼际远侧区真实花纹较多,其他跖区较少。

    The frequencies of true patterns in hypothenar distal area are more than other areas .

  2. 本研究为上臂、前臂、手鱼际和小鱼际皮肤的移植体提供了微血管三维构筑的新资料。

    This study provides new data of microvascular three dimensional architecture for the skin transplantation of the arm , forearm , thenar and hypothenar skin flaps .

  3. 尺神经损伤者患侧小鱼际的冷、热觉及热痛觉阈值增高(P<0.05),总异常率82%;

    The thresholds of cold , warm and heat pains on hypothenar increased ( P < 0.05 ) in the patients with ulnar nerve injury , with 82 % of the abnormality rate ;

  4. 结果腕尺管包括Guyon管、豆钩管和小鱼际肌段。

    Results Ulnar tunnel included Guyon 's canal , piso-hamate tunnel and hypothenar segment .

  5. 研究的项目有TFRC、a-bRC、atd、tPD、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、大拇趾球纹、趾间纹、足小鱼际纹和足跟纹等。

    The results was obtained from TFRC , a-bRC , atd tPD , fingerprint , hand interdigital , hand thenar , hand hypothenar , simian line , hallucal , sole interdigital , sole hypothenar and calcar patterns .

  6. 小鱼际区、I3区及跨于I3和I4区之间的真实花纹出现率增高,但I4区真实花纹出现率明显减低。

    The incidence of the true patterns at the hypothenar , I 3 and the interdigital area between areas I 3 and I 4 increased , but the incidence at area I 4 obviously decreased .

  7. 方法自大、小鱼际纹交界处向远侧腕横纹做纵行切口,长2~2.5cm,直视下切开屈肌支持带,解除正中神经卡压。

    Methods A longitudinal incision 2 to 2.5 cm long was made from the junction of the thenar and hypothenar creases to the distal wrist crease . The retinaculum was cut under direct visualization to relieve the median nerve compression .

  8. 方法:使用半自动递增刺激法对67名(年龄18~72岁,平均40.6±12.3岁)健康成人进行双侧大、小鱼际肌MUNE测定;

    Methods : Semi-automatic incremental stimulation was performed in 67 healthy adults ( age 18 ~ 72 years old , mean 40.6 ± 12.3 ) . The MUNE values in bilateral thenar and hypothenar muscles were collected and analyzed with age , gender and laterality .

  9. 带血管蒂小鱼际皮下脂肪瓣治疗复发性腕管综合征

    Vessel-pedicled hypothenar fat flap for management of recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome

  10. 小鱼际皮瓣的显微解剖及临床应用

    Micro-anatomical study and clinical applications of the hypothenar flap

  11. 手掌或小鱼际轻拍手臂内、外侧。

    Hypothenar palm of your hand or pat his arm , the lateral .

  12. 小鱼际击法,又称侧击法或切打法。

    Minor thenar-hitting is also called side-hitting or cut-beating .

  13. 观察到在手鱼际和小鱼际皮肤区的真皮网状层内至少有8种形态不同的血管球;

    We discovered vascular balls of different shapes in the thenar and hypothenar area .

  14. 小鱼际皮瓣的显微解剖学观察

    Microsurgical anatomy of hypothenar flap

  15. 方法用肌构筑法研究14侧人鱼际和小鱼际肌。

    Methods The thenar and hypothenar muscles were studied in seven ( 14 sides ) adult cadavers .

  16. 结果:尺神经在腕尺管内分成浅、深两支,浅支于小鱼际肌腱弓浅面出腕尺管;

    Results : The ulnar nerve was divided within the ulnar canal carpus into the superficial and deep branches .

  17. 结论:手掌小鱼际区真实花纹可能属于常染色体显性遗传。

    Conclusion : The genetics of the true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area may belong to autosomal dominant inheritance .

  18. 结果:发现手掌小鱼际区真实花纹在五个家系中表现单基因性状的系谱特点。

    Results : The true pattern in the palmar hypothenar area showed the pedigree character of monogenic trait in 5 families .

  19. 常规取穴配合小鱼际擦肩胛骨推拿法治疗小儿风寒咳嗽的临床研究

    Clinical Research on the Treatment of Cold Cough in Childhood by " Conventional Location with Minor-thenar Scrubbing Scapula Tuina Method "

  20. 子宫的反映区位于大、小鱼际和腕横纹构成的三角区域内。

    The reflex area of the uterus on the hand is in the triangle formed by the thenar , hypothenar and wrist .

  21. 结果:依据尺神经深支的走行可分为:豆钩管段、小鱼际肌段、掌中段和终末段。小鱼际肌段行于小指对掌肌与第5掌骨之间的占56.7%;

    Results : The profound branch was divided into 4 segments : pisohamate tunnel segment , hypothenar segment , midpalmar segment and terminal segment .

  22. 指间区真实花纹出现率高,尤以3&4指间、大鱼际区、小鱼际区显著多于对照组。

    The true patterns appeared in the interdigital area , especially between the middle and ring finger in the thenar area and in the hypothenar area .

  23. 左右侧之间、鱼际和小鱼际之间,微血管网的形态无明显差民。

    There is no difference about the morphologic construction of the microvessel networks between the left and the right hand , and between thenar and hypothenar .

  24. 目的:研究人类手掌小鱼际区真实花纹的家系特点,了解人类手掌小鱼际区真实花纹的遗传方式。

    Objective : To study the pedigree character of the true pattern in palmar hypothenar area , and study the genetics of the true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area .

  25. 临床应用尺动脉腕上支皮瓣修复手掌、手背、小鱼际、大鱼际、拇指的皮肤缺损创面18例,提出了避免皮瓣坏死的方法。

    With the improved harvest method , the flaps were used to repair skin defects in18 cases , of which included palm , dorsum , thenar , hypothenar and the thumb .

  26. 结论小指对掌肌腱弓可以卡压尺神经深支,引起除小鱼际肌以外的尺神经支配的所有手内在肌的功能障碍。

    Conclusion We found that the fascial arch of the opponens digiti minimi can compress the deep branch of the ulnar nerve causing motor deficit of the intrinsic muscles of hands .

  27. 摘要目的探讨小鱼际皮瓣的显微外科解剖学基础及游离移植修复指腹缺损的方法。

    Objective to study the microsurgery anatomical basis of the hypothenar flap and to provide method for repairing ventral soft tissue defect of the finger through free transplantation of the flap .

  28. 以手掌掌面小鱼际或大鱼际为着力面,在治疗部位沿直线进行往返摩擦的方法,谓之擦法。

    The manipulation of rubbing and scrubbing the therapeutic part of and fro a straight line with the operator 's palmarface , minor or major thenar eminance is called scrubbing manipulation .

  29. 目的探讨足部内在肌与其它组织组合移植修复手部组织缺损及重建大、小鱼际肌功能的方法。

    Objective To explore a method of repairing the multiple tissue defect and building the intrinsic muscle function of hand by combine grafting the intrinsic muscle of foot and other tissue .

  30. 双侧小鱼际肌肌湿重及肌纤维截面积无明显差别。髓鞘厚度与d/D比值的差异无显著性意义。

    There was no difference considering the wet muscle weight and muscle fiber cross sectional area of the hypothenar muscles , myelin sheath thickness and d / D ratio at two sides .