
  • 网络Little Wing;littlewing
  1. 它金灿灿的,还有不断扇动着的银色小翅膀。

    It was bright gold and had little fluttering silver wings .

  2. 恋爱中激情四射的这个奇妙阶段,通常会让你恋爱的小翅膀飞个不停。

    This wonderful period usually makes you fly on the wings of love .

  3. 等你的小翅膀变得有力。

    Till thy little wings are stronger .

  4. 她有小翅膀可能是粘上去的对不对?

    She had these little stubby wings . She could 've glued " em on , you know ?

  5. 复仇之怒(小翅膀)不再触发自律,提高的的伤害降低到20%,但现在额外增加了20%的治疗加成。

    Avenging Wrath no longer causes Forbearance , damage increase reduced to20 % , now increases healing done by20 % .

  6. 夜莺的歌声渐渐微弱,她的小翅膀拍打起来,眼睛越发的迷茫。

    But the Nightingale'voice grew fainter , and her little wings began to beat , and a film came over her eyes .

  7. 但天使的身材中等,童天使以及丘比特更是属于超重一族,作品中常将其描绘成长着小翅膀的、胖嘟嘟的小孩。

    But angels have normal-sized bodies and cherubs and putti are often given additional weight , portrayed as chubby babies with tiny wings .

  8. 它花了一两秒钟才弄明白眼下的情况,然后舒展开自己的小翅膀扑腾几下飞走了。

    It took it a moment or two to work out what was happening , then it unfurled its little wings , spread them out , and flew .

  9. 他在搜寻飞行目标方面有着过人的技巧。他在五彩缤纷的小翅膀的漩涡中穿行了一分钟,就注意到一把大大的银钥匙的翅膀耷拉着,就好像它曾经被人抓住、粗暴地塞进了钥匙孔里。

    He had a knack for spotting things other people didn 't. After a minute 's weaving about through the whirl of rainbow feathers , he noticed a large silver key that had a bent wing , as if it had already been caught and stuffed roughly into the keyhole .

  10. 但是它的身体很萎缩,身体很小,翅膀紧紧地粘在身体上

    But the butterfly was weak and small with wings tightly clinging to its body

  11. 多种夜间活动的小蛾子,翅膀有轻微的边饰;幼虫是卷叶蛾或生活在果实和虫瘿中。

    Any of numerous small moths having lightly fringed wings ; larvae are leafrollers or live in fruits and galls .

  12. 小蜜蜂的翅膀可以发出叽叽嘎嘎的声音,它可以从花上拆下来。

    The bee has creaky wings and thanks to the Velcro it can be detached and re-attached to the flower .

  13. 游戏介绍:小蜜蜂的翅膀断啦,不能飞啦,可恶的乌鸦也来欺负它。让我们来帮助小蜜蜂吧!

    The game is introduced : the wings of the little honeybee are broken , can 't fly , the hateful crow comes to bully it too . let 's help the little honeybee !

  14. 创意店前的小天使,不过翅膀太小,身体过于肥硕,能飞么请问?

    Big angel in front of the Design shop , but with too fat body and too tiny wings , can he fly anyway ?

  15. 这只小帝企鹅的翅膀和腹部已经长出了黑白相间的羽毛,但是与成年企鹅头上的金冠(金黄色的羽毛)不同,他的头顶上却是一簇毛茸茸的棕色绒毛。

    The little King Penguin had already grown majestic black and white feathers on his wings and stomach . But instead of a golden crest on his head , sat a tuft of downy brown fluff .