
  • 网络Miniature bus;miniature busbar
  1. 全封闭绝缘JMX-5型继电保护小母线端子的研究

    Research of closed insulation relay JMX-5 type of the small bus terminal

  2. 通过测量阴极棒头表面温度及阴极小母线的压降可判断槽底是否破损。

    The damage of the cathode can be verified by measuring the surface temperature of the cathode rob head and the voltage reducing of the sub-bus-line .

  3. 通过分析讨论,得出按周减载四路缺少负极小母线和直流系统存在接地点是造成这种事故的主要原因。

    It is concluded through analysis that this kind of failure mainly results from the absence of negative small busbar in frequency-based load-shedding circuit and the defects in DC system .

  4. 在湖南省电力系统双母线接线方式中,因为设计原理的原因会发生因直流失压导致交流小母线失压的情况,为此简单介绍此种电压互感器二次切换原理,并提出几点改进建议

    In the double generatrix connetion of Hunan power system , the design would lead to AC generatrix lose voltage . In this paper , several principles and advices are introduced . Little Things

  5. 这两种新型的开关功放都具有输出电流纹波小,直流母线电压利用率高等优点。

    The 3-leg switching power amplifier and the 4-leg power amplifier both have the advantages of small current ripple and high utilization ratio of voltage .