
  • 网络Ligustrum sinense;Ligustrum sinense Lour;Chinese Privet
  1. 城市道路旁小蜡叶片对重金属的富集特征

    Accumulation of atmospheric heavy metals by Ligustrum sinense leaves in urban traffic road

  2. 再过几天,蛹就会蜕变成发育成熟的蜜蜂,它们从自己的小蜡室飞出之后就会立刻投入到工作之中。

    A few days more , and the pupa has changed into a perfect bee , which makes its way out of its little room or cell , and is ready to set to work at once .

  3. 蜂后产下的每一颗卵都被放入到小的蜡室之中。最初,它们会孵化成像蛆虫那样没有腿的白色物体,这就是幼虫。

    Each egg laid by the queen bee is put into a little wax cell , and changes first into a little white thing like a maggot without legs , which is called a larva .

  4. 属于杨梅属的任何灌木或小树,有芬芳的树叶和小的蜡涂层的浆果。

    Any shrub or small tree of the genus Myrica with aromatic foliage and small wax-coated berries .

  5. 他们又发现了x光片上未能显现的一些情况:一个小的蜡制的杜瓦木铁夫神像。

    They also found something which the X-ray plate did not show : a small wax figure of the god Duamutef .

  6. 赫纳德兹是一名农夫,靠种植和收集蜡大戟为生,这种沙漠植物可以用来提取小烛树蜡。

    Hernandez is a farmer who plants and collects the Candelilla plant used in making Candelilla wax .

  7. 结果表明,柴油流动性改进剂的加入,使柴油中的蜡晶变短变小,阻碍蜡晶相互连接搭桥成网。

    Results showed that the addition of diesel flow improver into diesel oil leaded wax crystals to become shorter and small and inhibit formation of wax crystals network .

  8. 其中80例非小细胞肺癌组织蜡块来自鞍山肿瘤医院外科手术切除并有完整随访资料的标本。

    80 cases were obtained from AnShan Tumor Hospital with complete follow - up data .