
  • 【地名】【日本】Ono
  1. 目的:本文叙述我院利用半导体探头测量X射线立体定向治疗的剂量学参数,并对其结果给予评价,说明小野剂量分布的特点。

    Purpose : To analyse the dosimetric parameters measured by the silicon diode , and to describe the features of the dose distributions for small fields .

  2. 开发的软件(下称FD96)应用于X线立体定向放疗,不仅测试、改进了软件的性能,同时探讨了立体定向放疗中两个关键性问题:靶点位置精确度分析和小野离轴比测量。

    Using the developed software ( designated FD96 ) in stereotactic therapy , not only did we test and improve its functions , but also studied two key data figures in stereotactic therapy : off-axis ratio measurements and precision and accuracy of target points . 1 .

  3. 单位:什么是小野先生的反应?

    MK : What is the response of Mr Ono ?

  4. 小野很清楚地记得丧偶的那晚听到他们在唱歌。

    Ono vividly remembers hearing them singing the night she was widowed .

  5. 另一个例子是气候变暖小野的自我的明火。

    Another example is warming ono 's self by an open fire .

  6. 那恐怖的一天对小野而言仍是历历在目。

    That terrible day is still vivid for Ono .

  7. 这些小野牛们是通过公路从加拿大鹿岛自然保护区运送到蒙大拿州的;

    The calves had arrived by road from Elk Island reserve in Canada ;

  8. 局部晚期直肠癌术前小野加速超分割放疗的临床疗效

    Clinical efficacy of preoperative small-field accelerated hyper-fractionation radiotherapy in treatment of local advanced rectal cancer

  9. 亚洲东部的小野狗,象浣熊一样面部有斑点。

    Small wild dog of eastern Asia having facial markings like those of a raccoon .

  10. 上海小野食品机械有限公司。

    SHANHAI ONO Foods Machinery Co. , Ltd.

  11. 后来,我们指引儿子们走向史蒂夫用树干做成的小野餐桌。

    Afterwards , we directed the boys to a small picnic table Steve had fashioned out of tree stumps .

  12. 缩短总疗程的全程加速超分割放疗,可使放射性食管损伤增加,70%患有2&3级急性放射性食管炎,而加量野(小野)食管在放射野内的急性放射性食管炎的发病率为100%。

    Continuous hyper & fractionation accelerated radiation therapy may worse the radiation esophagus injury . 70 % will get level 2-3 sharp radiation esophagitis .

  13. 凭借优质的果味和单宁,这款酒非常适合搭配各种肉类,包括烤肉和小野禽肉。

    Owing to its fruity and tannic characteristics , this wine pairs well with a great variety of meat dishes including roasts and small game .

  14. 术前小野加速超分割放疗组和单纯手术组的术后复发率分别为21.0%和42.1%,差异有显著性(P<0.05);

    The local recurrence rates were 21.0 % and 42.1 % in AHFR + surgery group and surgery group respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 今年12月,距离列侬被谋杀的日子将满30年,他在他和小野居住的纽约达科塔大楼外遭到枪杀。

    In December , it 's gonna be 30 years since Lennon was murdered , shot dead outside the Dakota apartment building here in New York where he and Ono lived .

  16. 他这辈子所见过的任何东西给他的感觉都和那两只庞大的天鹅从那个小野塘出现时给他的感觉不同。

    Nothing he had ever seen before in all his life had made him feel quite the way he felt , on that wild little pond , in the presence of those two enormous swans .

  17. 小野重新录制了列侬的音乐。她在冰岛庆祝了他的诞辰,和“塑料小野乐队”一同登台演出,这个乐队这些年来仍持续创作音乐。

    Ono has been remastering his music , and she celebrated the anniversary of his birthday in Iceland , where she performed with the Plastic Ono Band , which is still making music after all these years .

  18. 其他城镇的校队,例如葡萄园战斗氏族队、米尔威尔霹雳队、大陆小野马队与大西洋城海盗队,每年都把目标盯着圣灵高中的球队,但在大多数的年份都未达目标。

    The Fighting Clan of Vineland , the Millville Thunderbolts , the Mustangs of Mainland and the Vikings of Atlantic City all took aim each year at the HSHS team , and most years they missed the mark .

  19. 小野寺称,1月30日,中国海军的一艘护卫舰用火控雷达锁定了日方的一艘护卫舰&军事指挥官认为此举具有威胁性,因为火控雷达用于计算导弹或舰炮的射击距离。

    Mr Onodera said a Chinese frigate locked its fire-control radar on to a Japanese destroyer on January 30 – a move military commanders consider threatening because the device is used to calculate the firing range of missiles or guns .

  20. 用配对法分为3组:术后放疗T型大野组70例,术后放疗T型小野组70例和单纯手术组73例。

    All patients were devided into 3 groups using case-match methods : the T-shape extended field group ( TE ) with 70 cases , the T-shape regional field group ( TR ) with 70 cases and surgery alone group ( SA ) with 73 cases .