
xiǎo bā
  • minibus
小巴[xiǎo bā]
  1. 基于BP神经网络的电动小巴需求预测

    Forecasting of Electrical Minibus Demand Based on BP Neural Network

  2. 一个小巴的士)几乎是无止境的队列Matatus(推进入出租车在坎帕拉公园。

    An almost endless queue of Matatus ( minibus taxis ) push to get into the taxi park in Kampala .

  3. 香港的士小巴商总会(HongKongTaxiandPublicLightBusAssociation)会长王仲强说,现在的出租车好多了,更为环保。

    Today they 're a lot better , more environmentally friendly , ' says Wong Cheung Keung , president of the Hong Kong Taxi and Public Light Bus Association .

  4. 待小巴停定后,才可离开座位。

    Do not leave your seat until the minibus has stopped .

  5. 没有使用公共小巴站等

    " Failure to use public light bus stand , etc. "

  6. 可否在私家小巴车身外部加上标记或标志?

    Can my private light bus bear any signs or marks ?

  7. 专利巴士、公共小巴及的士

    " Franchised buses , public light buses and taxis "

  8. 九龙凤凰小巴商工总会有限公司荃湾公共小型巴士商会有限公司

    Kowloon Fung Wong Public Light Bus Merchants and Workers ' Association Limited

  9. 城市居民小区电动小巴运营模式研究

    Research on Electrical Mini-bus Operation in Urban Residential Area

  10. 武装分子还向一辆满载电信职工的小巴开火。

    Militants also opened fire on a minibus carrying telecommunication employees to work .

  11. 注意:荃湾至大埔红色小巴线在2007年1月11日起取消。

    Note : tsuen Wan-tai Po red minibus route has been cancelled since11jan2007 .

  12. 有五个小学生来学校是做的小巴。

    Five pupils come to school on by minibus .

  13. 红色小巴站或停车处,也是红色小巴可以停车的地方。

    A driver may also stop at a red mini-bus stop or stand .

  14. 我们走在路上看见你们办外烩的小巴

    We were walking down the street , and we saw your van .

  15. 截至一九九八年底为止,本港有2123辆红色小巴,每日载客769000人次。

    At the end of 1998 , 2123 red minibuses were carrying 769000 passengers daily .

  16. 绿色专小巴行走固定路。

    Green minibuses run on fixed routes .

  17. 如果乘客拒绝合作,公共小巴司机可否拒绝驾驶该车辆?

    If passengers refuse to cooperate , can the PLB driver refuse to drive the vehicle ?

  18. 专线小巴/公共小型巴士站

    Maxicab / public light bus stand

  19. 乘搭途经坚道的巴士及专线小巴前往博物馆。

    Take any bus or green minibus service running via Caine road and alight at ladder street .

  20. 我可以在小巴里装个桌子结果就是什么?

    I 'll bolt a table in the van , and you know what I 've got ?

  21. 在红色小巴可以停车的地方,乘客可截停这些小巴登车,或要求司机停车,让他下车。

    You may hail or request a red minibus to stop anywhere the driver is allowed to stop .

  22. 题为“香港小巴策略检讨”的研究报告撮要

    Executive summary of the report of the study entitled " strategic review of public light buses in Hong kong "

  23. 小巴车厢内及小巴站均会张贴适当告示,通知乘客上述服务安排。

    Appropriate notices will be displayed inside the minibuses and at minibus stops to inform passengers of the above arrangements .

  24. 佛山地区居民健身运动的实效性探讨城市居民小区电动小巴运营模式研究

    A Study of the Effectivity of Adult Body-building in Foshan ; Research on Electrical Mini-bus Operation in Urban Residential Area

  25. 华北区域电力市场未来运营模式探讨城市居民小区电动小巴运营模式研究

    Discussion on the Operating Model of North China Power Grid ; Research on Electrical Mini-bus Operation in Urban Residential Area

  26. 绿色专线小巴按照既定的服务详情表提供服务,其路线、车费、车辆分配及行车时间均有规定。

    Green minibuses provide services according to specified schedules which define the routes , fares , vehicle allocation and timetables .

  27. 一部双层巴士及一部小巴在大埔相撞,车上乘客十八人受伤。八十八白石,印章齐大。

    Eighteen passengers on board a double-decker bus and a public light bus were injured after a head-on collision in Tai Po .

  28. 世界上商业价值最高的鱼之一。鲤鱼门高超道公共小巴商会有限公司

    One of the world 's most important commercial fishes . Lei Yue Mun Ko Chiu Road Public Light Bus Merchants Association Limited

  29. 本港有绿色和红色两类小巴,从车顶的颜色可以识别。

    There are two types of PLBs : ' green ' and ' red ' minibuses , whose roofs are coloured accordingly .

  30. 提高中心区公共交通服务水平的新思路&以天河地区环形小巴方案为例

    The new idea of advancing LOS of PT in urban central area & A case study of circle light bus in Tianhe area