
luò jiǎo
  • stay;stop over;put up;stay for a time;leftover bits and pieces
落脚 [luò jiǎo]
  • (1) [stay for a time]∶在某地暂时停留

  • 找个地方落脚

  • (2) [put up]∶暂住

  • 在客店落脚

  • [leftover bits and pieces] 下脚

  • 落脚货

落脚[luò jiǎo]
  1. 例句实在太感激你给了我一个落脚的地方。

    I 'm really grateful1 that you gave2 me a place to stay .

  2. FDI对东道国而言是一把双刃剑,既有多种正面影响,也有较多负面作用,但最终都落脚于影响东道国GDP水平上。

    Although FDI has many kinds of positive and negative influence , it will stay in influencing the GDP level of the host country finally .

  3. 我们最后在离城几英里的一家小旅馆里落脚。

    We eventually wound up staying in a little hotel a few miles from town .

  4. 当局征用旅馆房间安顿了3,000多名无处落脚的圣诞度假者。

    Authorities requisitioned hotel rooms to lodge more than 3,000 stranded Christmas vacationers .

  5. 那辆公共汽车挤得无处落脚儿。

    That bus was too crowded to get on .

  6. 那只猴子在我头上落脚休息。

    The monkey took up perching on my nut .

  7. 这个地方污秽不堪;我看多半是走私冒险商贩过往落脚之处。

    It was a dirty place enough , and I dare say not unknown to smuggling adventurers .

  8. babelmedia是一家理论上可以在任何地方落脚的公司。

    Babel media is a company that could , in theory , be based anywhere .

  9. 他已经做过NBA夏季联赛和高水平青年比赛的嘉宾主持,TNT电视台有可能是他下一步落脚的地方(想一想,一场比赛中解说员比球员更著名的场景…)。

    He has already worked as a guest analyst for NBA summer league games and high-profile youth games.TNT could be his next step .

  10. 如今,我们了解到了他下一站落脚的地方&黑石集团(theBlackstoneGroup),它刚好也是2006年收购尼尔森的6家私募股权公司之一(尼尔森在2011年重返公开交易市场)。

    Now we know his next stop : the Blackstone Group , one of six private equity firms that purchased Nielsen in 2006 ( it returned to the public markets in 2011 ) .

  11. 在宣布REI的决定时,Presley高度赞扬了当地的政府官员和宾夕法尼亚的经济发展组,正是因为他们的努力和热情,REI才落脚到此地。

    At a gathering today to announce REIs decision , Presley praised the governor and Pennsylvanias economic development team for their efforts in attracting and welcoming REI to area .

  12. 飞入一个无人曾落脚的纯净城市。

    Sailing into a clean city which nobody has ever visited .

  13. 总算来到一处落脚休息的地方,我把车停靠了下来。

    Finally I came to a rest area and pulled in .

  14. 不过我今天要找个地方落脚。

    But I got to find some place to live today .

  15. 当一个故事“完成”后,它需要有一个落脚之处。

    When a story is Done , it needs a home .

  16. 再过不久前鲁克林我连落脚的地方都没有了!

    Soon I 'll have no place to hang my hat !

  17. 那时你就会知道这头落脚猪是多大的麻烦了。

    Then you 'll see what trouble a pig can be .

  18. 所以,选择在这里落脚完全符合我们的战略需要。

    So it makes perfect strategic sense for us to be there .

  19. 在落脚北京之前,他去过很多城市。

    He went to many cities before settling on Beijing .

  20. 能找到地方落脚就已经很幸运了。

    We 're lucky enough to have found a place to stay .

  21. 阿儿琼和我最终落脚到了一个小屋

    Arjun and I ended up in a little hut

  22. 许多美欧公司在加拿大落脚的时间已长达数十年。

    Numerous us and European companies have done business in Canada for decades .

  23. 他们所找到唯一能够落脚的地方是一个动物住的地方。

    The only place they could find to stay was an animal stable .

  24. 这中间,每一块落脚的土地,都是我们行走的支撑点,至关重要;

    Each part of the land where we step is our support point .

  25. 文章最后落脚于中国社团努力践行对教育的担当。

    This paper ends with Chinese communities should undertake the responsibility forthe education .

  26. 您知道哪儿能让个男人落脚吗?

    Wouldn 't know anyplace a man could put up , would you ?

  27. 很多当地的居民也正搬离这座城而到它处落脚。

    Many of the residents occupying the town are also leaving for elsewhere .

  28. 你在世界任何地方落脚都不成问题

    you could have settled anywhere in the world .

  29. 她低垂视线,仔细看清,方才落脚。

    She kept her eyes lowered , watching where she placed her feet .

  30. 该公司既需要相关建设资金,也希望吸引中国企业到这些地方落脚。

    Peel wants money to build them and Chinese companies to relocate to them .