
luò yǔ shān
  • Taxodium distichum;swamp cypress;sabino;louisiana cypress;white cypress
落羽杉[luò yǔ shān]
  1. 利用RAPD检测技术推测杂交落羽杉群落间的亲缘关系

    RAPD Analysis of Genetic Relationships Among Natural Populations of Hybrid Taxodium mucronatum Tenore

  2. 在T2和T3组,落羽杉幼苗的光合色素含量显著低于池杉幼苗。

    The photosynthetic pigment content of T. distichum was significantly lower than that of T.

  3. TDZ不适宜墨西哥落羽杉腋芽针叶基潜伏芽的诱导。

    TDZ was not suitable for dormant buds inducing from axillary buds .

  4. 不同落羽杉种源木材化学性质的变异

    A study on chemical properties of wood of bald cypress provenances

  5. 常绿的雄雌同株的松类树木或灌木;柏木,落羽杉。

    Evergreen monoecious coniferous trees or shrubs : cypress pines .

  6. 在碱性地上栽植的中山杉302与落羽杉生长分析

    Analysis on growth of Taxodium distichum and T ' zhongshansa 302 ' on the alkaline low land

  7. 盐分和水分胁迫对落羽杉幼苗的生长量及营养元素含量的影响

    Effect of Salt Stress on Growth and Uptake of Nutrient of Taxodium distichum under Varying Soil Water Content

  8. 以墨西哥落羽杉种子萌发后的下胚轴和子叶为外植体,进行器官发生的研究。

    Hypocotyl and cotyledon developed from the seeds of Taxodium mucronatum were also cultured as the initiation explants for direct organogenesis .

  9. 随滩面高度的降低,海水淹浸时间的增加,红树植物和落羽杉的成活率及生长速度有下降的趋势。

    With the decrease of the mudflat height , the survival rate and growing speed of mangrove species and Taxodium distichum decreased accordingly .

  10. 对来自美国6个州11个产地的34个落羽杉家系的种子特性和苗期生长进行了研究。

    In this article , the seed characters and young seedling growth of Taxodium distichum provenance from 11 locations in six American states were studied .

  11. 落羽杉相对高生长、相对地径生长和生物量增量随着土壤盐分浓度的增加和土壤水分含量的减少而减少。

    Distichum . The relative height growth , relative ground diameter growth and biomass increment decreased with increase of soil salt content and decrease of soil water content .

  12. ⑶落羽杉属树种的叶片横切面:由上表皮、上栅栏组织、海绵组织、下栅栏组织和下表皮组成。

    ⑶ Results of leaves anatomy in Taxodium species and hybrids demonstrated that leaf was composed of upper epidermis , upper palisade tissue , spongy tissue , lower palisade tissue , and lower epidermis .

  13. 系统地掌握了落羽杉种子温床播种,芽苗移栽和容器育苗、造林的关键技术,苗木产苗量比文献高产记录增产3136%,总经济效益提高50%以上,容器苗造林成活率达100%。

    The yield of planting stock was increased 31 36 % than the highest record of documents . The total economic results were increased 50 % . The afforestation survival ration of container seedling achieved 100 % .

  14. 随着盐浓度的增加,落羽杉体内叶片脯氨酸含量、质膜特性、组织密度和相对水分亏缺均逐渐上升,而水势、叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白质的含量、相对含水量等均呈下降趋势;

    With the increasing of salinity concentration , proline content , membrane permeability , tissue density and relative water deficiency decreased gradually , but water potential , chlorophyll content , protein content and relative water content increased ;

  15. 气孔椭圆形,落羽杉属植物的气孔长轴方向与叶片长轴垂直或斜向排列,柳杉属植物的气孔多斜向排列。落羽杉属和柳杉属以外的杉科植物的气孔长轴多数与叶片长轴平行。

    Stomatal apparatus are oval , and the long axes of stomata are perpendicular or oblique to the midvein of the leaves in Taxodium , and oblique to the midvein of the leaves in Cryptomeria , mostly parallel to the midvein of the leaves in other genera of Taxodiaceae .