
luò rì yú huī
  • 熟语lingering light of the setting sun
  1. 网在落日余晖中银光光金闪闪。

    The web was silver and gold in the evening sun .

  2. 落日余晖勾勒出的是西湖不变的宁静与质朴。

    Under the sunset glow , the West Lake appears more quiet and unassuming .

  3. 整个山谷被落日余晖照亮。

    The whole valley glowed in the sunset .

  4. 又回到绿色卡车,沿着柏油路,在落日余晖中行驶。

    The green truck again . Along the gravel roads with the sun lowering itself .

  5. 落日余晖染红了天边。

    The setting sun kindled the sky .

  6. 火的余烬好几小时都发着光亮。它在落日余晖下闪耀着灿烂的光芒。

    The remains of the fire glowed for hours . which was shining brightly in the setting sun .

  7. 它在落日余晖下闪耀着灿烂的光芒。在夕阳余晖下,它看来好象是活的。

    Which was shining brightly in the setting sun . In the light of the sunset it seemed alive .

  8. 我沿着山腰缓步下行,在9月中旬的落日余晖中,烟囱岩光秃秃的表面被涂上了一层黄褐色。

    As I slowly walked down the mountainside , the barren face of Chimney Rock was washed russet by the mid-September sunset .

  9. 闭上双眼,专注地想象一幅能让自己重新恢复精力的画面,比如瀑布飞流或落日余晖,同时深呼吸。

    Close your eyes , focus on an image you find replenishing , such as a waterfall or a sunset , and breathe deeply .

  10. 落日余晖离开了峰顶,谷内暮色苍茫。它在落日余晖下闪耀着灿烂的光芒。

    The flame of the sunset lifted from the mountain tops and dusk came into the valley . which was shining brightly in the setting sun .

  11. 时间快到晚上六点了,我觉得是时候为自己买杯啤酒,然后出去躺在游泳池边的躺椅上,享受落日余晖。

    It was getting on toward six o'clock so I thought I 'd buy myself a beer and go out and sit in a deck chair by the swimming pool and have a little evening sun .

  12. 窗户上闪耀着落日的余晖。

    The windows were shining in the reflected rays of the setting sun .

  13. 我们望着天空,落日的余晖渐渐地被吞没。

    We looked at the sky where the last of the sunlight was verging into darkness .

  14. 驾车离开驶入落日的余晖中。

    And drove off into the sunset .

  15. 身边的草木在落日的余晖中泛着绿意。

    All around me the grass and trees were shining in the surreal glow of sunset .

  16. 落日的余晖、虹影和轻雾,今日不再笼罩在村落上了吗?世界上不再有直泻的瀑布、潺潺的流水,和多荫的树木了吗?

    Are there no rosy sunsets today and no rainbows and no haze nestling over villages , and are there no falling cataracts and gurgling streams and shady trees ?

  17. 落日的余晖将岛上的小山、渔舍笼罩上了一层橘红色的光晕,好似一幅色彩浓郁的泼墨国画。

    Sunset will be the twilight of the hill on the island , fishing on homes over a layer of orange-red glow , like a rich color of the splash-ink painting .

  18. 哈利战栗着挣扎起来,发现身上仍然透湿,略微有些惊讶。小金杯看似毫无危险地放在他面前的草丛里,深蓝色的湖面在落日的余晖中金光闪闪。

    He struggled up , shivering , vaguely surprised that he was still wet to his skin , and saw the cup lying innocently in the grass before him , and the lake , deep blue shot with gold in the failing sun .

  19. 与秋天不同,叶子是金棕色的,像是薄翼的蝙蝠,如同鸟儿一样—我们暂时就叫它们鸟吧—在落日的余晖中,叶子在云层里涌动,太阳照射在这薄翼拉紧似的薄膜上,仿佛透过棕红色的彩绘玻璃。

    They are gold-brown , but not like autumn , rather like thin wings bats when like birds-call them birds-they wheel in clouds against the setting sun , and the sun glows through the stretched membrane of their wings , as through thin , brown-red stained glass .

  20. 他用手遮挡眼前落日耀眼的余晖。

    He shielded his eyes against the dazzling declining sun .

  21. 他抬起手腕,在落日的最后余晖中看了看自己的金表。

    He turned his wrist to catch the last of the light on his gold watch .

  22. 有时落日泛起紫红的余晖,有时散发出橘红色的火光燃起天边的晚霞。

    Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink . And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon .