
luò léi
  • thunderbolt;thunderclap
落雷[luò léi]
  1. 利用落雷密度划分重庆雷区的研究

    Research on the Thunder Distribution in Chongqing Region Using Ground Flash Density

  2. 对静电、落雷、杂讯、高压脉冲等有良好抵抗力。

    It has excellent resistance to static , thunder . noise , high pressure impulse , etc.

  3. 他们注意到,雷击并非直接击向落雷地点,而是弯曲行进。

    They noted that lightning does not strike directly down to the mine location , but the road curved .

  4. 低压变压器是高压电网和用户间的最后一级变电设备,对其进行必要的防雷保护意义重大。介绍由于线路落雷在高压侧引起过电压现象和对常用低压变压器的防雷保护。

    The paper introduces the overload phenomena of low voltage distribution transformer due to lightening at the high voltage side and the corresponding protection method .

  5. 当被保护物在避雷针的安全保护范围之内时,落在安全落雷范围内的雷电将击中避雷针。

    As the protected object is within the safe protective range of the lightning arresters , the lightning fell within the safe lightning falling range will hit on the arresters .

  6. 为鉴别线路是否落雷及确定落雷杆号,湖南省建成了包含9个探测站覆盖全省的雷电定位系统。

    To distinguish whether the line struck by lightning and spot the exact pole being struck , a lightning spotting system including 9 monitoring stations covering whole Hunan Province has been established .

  7. 认为事故不是由消雷器引起的,安装消雷器不会增加被保护区的落雷次数和由雷电二次效应所形成的事故。

    The author deems that these lightning accidents are not caused by SLE and indicates that the installation of SLE will not increase the number of grounding lightning stroke in its protective zone and the accident caused by its second effect .