
luò shā
  • knockout;shakeout;sand shakeout
落砂[luò shā]
  1. φ3150×16000滚筒落砂清理机设计应用

    THe Design and Application of φ 3 150 × 1 600 Roller Knockout Cleaning Machine

  2. 主要介绍大型落砂滚筒清理机的设计计算及结构设计中的技术特点以及修改方案。

    In this article , the design calculation , the technical characteristic in construction design and improvement project of large knockout roller are introduced .

  3. 锤头浇注后,于850℃开箱落砂油淬+260℃×2h回火,得到共晶渗碳体、少量片状石墨、马氏体及残余奥氏体的混合组织,硬度达HRC58~61,韧性满足使用要求。

    The temperature of shakeout , and tempered at 260 ℃ for two hours . The eutectic cementite , a few of flake graphite , martensite and retained austenite were obtained . The hammer hardness reached the level of HRC58 ~ 61 and its toughness meets also the operating requirement .

  4. 惯性振动落砂机的优化参数简易公式

    Formulas Ready for Determing the Optimum Design Parameters of Inertia Flask Shaker

  5. 振动落砂输送机减振系统的设计与实践

    Design and Realization of the Damping System of Vibrating Sand Casting Transporter

  6. 偏心振动落砂机运动分析的新探讨

    A New Concept of Jump Motions of Molds on Eccentric-Vibrating Shakeout Device

  7. 水玻璃砂落砂新方法

    New Method of Knock - out for Sodium Silicate Sand

  8. 一种新型落砂机排尘罩的设计

    Design of a New Type of Dust Collecting Cover of Knockout Machine

  9. 落砂前铸件在型腔里停留多长时间?

    How long does the casting stay in the mold before shake ?

  10. 闭式转台落砂机的研究设计

    Research and Design of Closed Rotary Table Knock-out Machine

  11. 铝合金型材阳极氧化膜的滴碱与落砂试验

    Drop Alkali and Drop Grit Tests of Anodized Film for Aluminium Alloy Profiles

  12. 大型双质体固定式振动落砂机的研究及应用

    The Development and Application of Large Two-mass Vertical Shakeouts

  13. 还考虑了撞击响应对栅床稳定性的影响,所以能得到理想的落砂效果。

    And effects of grid bed stability from impact response were also regarded .

  14. 大型落砂机循环吹吸射流半封闭除尘罩的设计与研究

    Design and Research of Recycle Air Jet Based Half-closed Dust Cover for Heavy Knockout

  15. 落砂过程是否受控?

    Is there a controlled shake out process ?

  16. 惯性振动落砂机周期运动的稳定性

    The Stability of a Periodic Motion in the Inertia Vibrating Sand Mould Knockout Machine

  17. 滚筒落砂机的设计和实践

    Design and Practice of Knockout Barrel

  18. 惯性横振动输送落砂机

    Inertia crosswise vibrating conveyer shakeout machine

  19. 落砂机螺杆断裂分析

    Fracture analysis of shakeout machine screw

  20. 本文考虑一类振动落砂机简化力学模型的次谐运动、稳定性与分叉问题。

    The subharmonic motions , stabilities and bifurcation problems for a simplified model of shaker are considered .

  21. LST-2型无强迫联系双轴惯性振动落砂机实验台

    The test bed of the lst_ ( - 2 ) type unforced connected double axes inertial shakeout machine

  22. 目前落砂机构采用起重机吊运,起重机主要依靠人工控制。

    The falling sand institution is slung by crane currently . The cranes mainly rely on manual control .

  23. 缸体铸件在不同落砂条件下热应力场的模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Thermal Stress in Diesel Engine Cylinder Block Castings during Solidification Process Under Different Shake-out Conditions

  24. 对无强迫联系双轴惯性振动落砂机的参数设计一文补充

    Supplement to the paper ' parameter design of inertially vibrating flask shaker with non-forced hitch and double axles '

  25. 铸钢件生产线的造型、浇注、落砂三道工序的流水作业,既能各自完全独立地运行,又能相互有机地联系在一起。

    Flow processes of molding , pouring and shakeout in the line can be operated not only independently but jointly .

  26. 周期运动的稳定性与分叉研究可以为冲击振动落砂机的动力学优化设计提供理论依据。

    The system parameters of shaker may be optimized by studying of stability and bifurcation of periodic impact motion of shaker .

  27. 对发动机气缸体铸件从浇注完到开箱落砂后的铸造过程应力场进行计算机数值模拟。

    The numerical simulation of thermal stresses and deformation of an engine cylinder block casting was carried out by FDM / FEM integrated system .

  28. 对振动落砂机的设计和使用作了小结,介绍了双轴惯性落砂机的使用状况,并简要描述了该落砂机的结构形式和特点。

    With summaration of the design of a double-axis inertia vibrating shake-out machine , its application has been introduced with brief description of its structure and characteristics .

  29. 在自制的真空自由落砂试样旋转式冲蚀磨损试验机上对几种中温封严涂层的冲蚀磨损特性及机理进行了研究。

    The erosion wear behaviour and mechanism of several kinds of middle temperature abradable seal coatings were investigated by a CMS 100 self made vacuum sand erosion machine .

  30. 本文对偏心振动落砂机的运动提出了与现在流行的理论不同的看法。

    A new concept of the motion of casting molds on an eccentric-vibrating shakeout device , which is different from those current ones , is discussed in this paper .