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  • defoliant
  1. 橙剂是一种强效落叶剂。

    Agent orange is a powerful defoliant .

  2. 越战期间,数千公顷的森林被化学落叶剂摧毁了。

    During the Vietnam war , thousands of hectares of forest were destroyed with chemical defoliant .

  3. 这次坠毁将一种有害的落叶剂洒入星球的生态系统中,破坏着当地的植物群。

    The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet 's ecology , ravaging the native flora .

  4. 落叶剂:落叶剂是一种化学粉剂或喷洒剂,施于植物以使树叶提早掉落。

    Defoliant : Chemical dust or spray applied to plants to cause their leaves to drop off prematurely .

  5. 争论的核心针对有毒落叶剂的问题。悬铃木集中落叶的化学调控研究及落叶剂的配制筛选

    The debate focused on the issue of poisonous leaf-falling agents . Chemical Adjustment and Control of Defoliation of the Plane Tree and Preparation of Defoliant

  6. 美国陆军表示,正在调查一则关于一些越南战争时期使用的有毒落叶剂橙剂33年前被埋在韩国的一处美军设施地下的报导。

    The U.S. Army says it is looking into a report that drums of the Vietnam War-era toxic defoliant Agent Orange were buried at an American military facility in South Korea 33 years ago .

  7. 并且通过对落叶规律的观察统计,筛选出比较理想的悬铃木落叶剂配方。

    Through statistical observation of falling leaves , a more ideal formula of the defoliant was developed .