
luò jiǎo diǎn
  • foothold;stopover
  1. 我们用比较研究的方法,找出中西新闻调控的落脚点在于从中找出可资借鉴之处,完善我国的新闻传播调控。

    Employing the comparative method of study , we find out the stopover of news regulation in China and the west is to learn from it and improve our news transmitting regulation .

  2. 中国社会的发展直接取决于农村社会的发展状况,农村的发展是综合性发展,其出发点和落脚点都是农民的发展,最终目标是实现农民全面发展。

    Social development in China is determined directly by the development case of countryside society , countryside development is synthetic development , its starting point and stopover all are farmers development , and the final target is to realize the entire development of farmers .

  3. 我吊在那儿,两脚乱蹬着寻找落脚点。

    I hung there , scrabbling with my feet to find a foothold .

  4. 新时代推进农村土地制度改革,要坚持把依法维护农民权益作为出发点和落脚点。坚持农村土地农民集体所有制不动摇,坚持家庭承包经营基础性地位不动摇。

    We need to unwaveringly uphold farmers ' collective ownership of rural land while continuing the fundamental practice of rural families exercising their right to contract and manage land in rural areas .

  5. 建立合理而有效的再分配机制是WTO规则下公共财政政策的重要落脚点;

    A rational and effective redistribution mechanism is the standpoint of public finance under the WTO regulation .

  6. ChristineRomans向一些专家了解了一些重要的经济指标的现状。Christine,请为我们详细讲述一下。1.secureadj.牢固的;可靠的那是一可靠的落脚点。

    Christine Romans talked to some experts about the state of some important economic s.

  7. 感谢这段YouTube视频,他不会陷入默默无闻,因为即使是这只找不到落脚点的猫也越来越受人关注。

    Thanks to this YouTube video , he won 't slip into obscurity , because even if the cat couldn 't get his footing his video is gaining traction .

  8. 本论文以贵州移动为落脚点,了解主流3G技术的特点及发展,从国内外3G运营企业的分析研究,借鉴其经验与教训。

    In this paper , as the purpose of Guizhou Mobile to understand the characteristics of the mainstream 3G technology , and development of 3G at home and abroad enterprises operating in analytical studies , drawing on their experience and lessons learned .

  9. 同时阐明学校体育应以育人为根本,在教学上、课程设置上、教师教学理念上等都应以素质教育为出发点和落脚点。

    Setting up courses and the teaching conceptions of teachers . etc.

  10. 社区体育文化建设&是促进社区体育和谐发展的落脚点

    Community Sports Culture & Basic of Promote Community Sports Harmonious Development

  11. 学生因素是课程定位的着眼点和落脚点;

    The factor of students , which is the starting point .

  12. 提出了一种跟踪给定落脚点并在线调整落脚点和运动状态的控制算法。

    An online footstep adjustment and motion control algorithm is proposed .

  13. 健康公正的出发点和落脚点是结果公正;

    The start point and end point is justice in health state ;

  14. 本文研究的落脚点是股权结构。

    There are many theoretical definitions on equity ownership structure .

  15. 指出军队干部保健工作在医院全面建设中处于首要地位,是一切工作的出发点和落脚点。

    Health care of carders is supreme in overall construction of hospital .

  16. 学生受益是对口支援最根本的落脚点。

    It is the fundamental purpose to benefit the students .

  17. 第三部分是本文的落脚点。

    The third part is the purpose of this paper .

  18. 课堂教学目标是教学工作的出发点,也是教学工作的落脚点。

    The teaching objectives are the foothold of teaching work .

  19. 延安,既是中国革命的落脚点,又是中国革命的出发点,更是中国革命走向辉煌的重要历史转折点。

    It is also the import historical turning point of Chinese revolution .

  20. 这是本文的着重点,也是文章的落脚点。

    This is the focus and the end result of this thesis .

  21. 我已踏上这辆超光速列车,去探索我的落脚点。

    I have got on this light-speed train to explore my destination .

  22. 这部分是文章的落脚点和重点。

    This Part is the end result and focus of the article .

  23. 该部分是本文的落脚点所在,也是本文的重点与难点。

    This part is the focus and difficult point of this paper .

  24. 这是本文研究的难点,也是本文的落脚点。

    This is this article study difficulty , also is this article foothold .

  25. 有效性是质量管理工作的出发点和落脚点。

    Effectiveness is the key point of quality management .

  26. 文章进行到这里,进入到了文章的重点与落脚点。

    The article on here enter in the article key and the foothold .

  27. 此部分为本文的落脚点。

    This section is the foothold of this article .

  28. 第五部分为我国农村劳动力回流问题研究的落脚点。

    The fifth part is the research center of countryside labor reflow problems .

  29. 居住权的立法建议部分是本文的落脚点。

    The aim of this article is to produce the suggestions to legislation .

  30. 这是本文研究的落脚点。

    This is the end result of this study .