
  • 网络regional development
  1. 论统筹区域发展与人力资源能力建设

    Discuss About Regional Development As A Whole And Human Capacity Building

  2. 统筹区域发展才能促进全局发展。

    Plan as a whole to regional development can promote the overall .

  3. 统筹区域发展必要性的理论和实证分析

    A Theoretical and Positive Analysis of the Necessity of Integrated Regional Development

  4. 我国统筹区域发展之路探索研究

    Research on Planning the Regional Development as A Whole of Our Nation

  5. 建立我国统筹区域发展与区域间投入产出模型

    Coordinating the Development among regions and Multi-regional Input-Out model

  6. 统筹区域发展理念与长三角发展的新思路

    Ideas of Overall Regional Development and the New Approaches to Yangtze River Delta Development

  7. 统筹区域发展,促进长江三角洲地区联动发展新思路

    Coordinated Regional Development : New Thinking in Facilitating Integrated Development of the Yangtze Delta Area

  8. 论统筹区域发展的财政税收立法

    On the Legislature on Finance and Tax Revenue to Plan as a Whole to Regional Development

  9. 试论统筹区域发展的财税金融法律规制

    The Legislature on Finance , Tax Revenue and Banking to Plan as a Whole to Regional Development

  10. 统筹区域发展的基本内涵表现在它内容上的广泛性和空间上的多层面特征。

    Pool regional basic ideas of development is in its extension and stage construction characteristic at space and at the content .

  11. 统筹区域发展和调整产业结构,是推动广东科学发展必须重点解决的两大课题。

    Regional development and adjustment of industrial structure is the two significant issues to be resolved for the scientific development of Guangdong .

  12. 统筹区域发展是树立和落实科学发展观,加快构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容。

    For regional development is to establish and implement the scientific concept of development , speed up building a socialist harmonious society important .

  13. 因此,在协调区域发展的过程中,必须重视统筹区域发展与人力资源能力建设。

    Therefore , in the process of coordinating regional development , we must focus on regional development as a whole and human capacity building .

  14. 可行性经验启示:统筹区域发展规划,推动区域资源整合,完善区域合作机制。

    And it also gives feasible experiential revelation , such as making overall district developing plan , impelling district resource conformity , perfecting district cooperation mechanism .

  15. 西电东送是我国西部大开发的一个重要战略决策,是我国统筹区域发展的一条重要路径选择。

    West-to-east power transmission is an important strategic decision of the grand western development of China and an important way of overall regional development of China .

  16. 京津冀都市圈合作是中国统筹区域发展的战略问题之一。

    Cooperation in the Urban Agglomeration of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei is one of the strategic problems concerning with harmony development of different regions in China .

  17. 统筹区域发展,以此完善社会主义经济体制,是针对我国现阶段所出现的越来越大的区域发展差距问题提出的。

    Regional development as a means of improving the socialist market economic system was carried out at the stage of the growing disparities of regional economic problem .

  18. 四是通过中央宏观调控,统筹区域发展,避免城乡差距。

    Fourthly , development of all areas should be planned as a whole to avoid the difference between the urban and rural areas under the macro-control of the central government .

  19. 它山之石用以攻玉&受启于加拿大开发落后地区、统筹区域发展的做法

    A Stone from Other Hills may Serves to Polish the Jade of This One : Inspiration of Ways of Canada Developing Backward Area and Planning the Districts as a Whole

  20. 为了使我国经济平稳健康地发展,政府提出了统筹区域发展、协调区域经济的方针,还有诸如西部大开发的政策。

    In order to make the economy develop steadily and healthily , Chinese government puts forward the policy of overall planning development of regional economics , such as Western Development Policy .

  21. 需要从立法宗旨和基本原则、立法结构和主要内容、法律执行、法律监督以及法律责任几方面共同构建统筹区域发展的财政税收法律。

    We should take all aspects as follows into consideration in making laws : legislative purposes and principles , legislative contents and structures , legal implementation , legal supervision and legal responsibility .

  22. 作者认为,科学地确定区域政策评价的范围与内容,是统筹区域发展的必然要求,是完善中国区域政策的一个不可或缺的重要内容之一。

    The author argues that it is a necessary requirement for coordinated development of different regions and improvement of China 's regional policy to scientifically define the extent and content of regional policy evaluation .

  23. 统筹区域发展,制定区域发展战略,明确发展方向,确定区域土地利用分区,是土地利用总体规划的主要内容之一。

    The Co-ordination of regional development , the policy formulation of regional development strategy , clearing the development direction and the decision of land use zoning are the main content of land use planning .

  24. 第4章新山东农村人力资源开发的对策:从教育、农村医疗保健、农村劳动力迁移、农村互联网建设以及统筹区域发展几个方面来论述如何建立山东省农村人力资源开发的体系。

    From education , rural health care , the migration of rural labor , rural Internet construction and regional development , this paper discusses how to establish Shandong province countryside human resources development system .

  25. 2002年底,缩小地区差距,统筹区域发展,作为我国经济协调发展的重要要求之一,在党的十六届三中全会中被提了出来。

    At the end of 2002 , reducing regional disparities , and coordinating regional economic development has been put forward in third session of the 16th CPC Central Committee as one of the most important requirements for the regional balance development .

  26. 在我国全面建设小康社会目标、统筹区域发展的新时期,“两个大局”的思想及实践为我们发展区城经济提供了可资借鉴的宝贵历史启示。

    In the new period of all-round construction of the well-off society and general planning of regional economic development , the theory of " Two General Considerations " and its practice provide precious historical implication to the development of regional economy in our country .

  27. 在此基础上,提出应该以科学发展观为指针,以构建和谐社会为目标,统筹区域发展,使区域经济的表现形式向经济区经济转变。

    On this condition , it is pointed out that regional economy should behave as real regional economy and regional development should be planed as a whole , taking Scientific View of Development as the guideline and the construction of harmonious society as the goal .

  28. 本文在循环经济理念和统筹区域发展的背景下,对区域循环经济的概念加以界定,进一步分析了区域循环经济发展的现状和存在问题的原因。

    This text takes into the define to the concept that the district circulates the economy under the background of circulating economic principle and " orchestration district development ", further analyzing the present condition of circulating economic development in district and the reason of the existence problems .

  29. 因此,统筹区域发展,必须扩大欠发达地区的对外开放程度和市场化程度,提升该地区的工业化水平和人力资本水平,这将有效地实现区域经济收敛,从而逐步缩小区域经济差距。

    Therefore , to regulate regional development as a whole , we must upgrade the levels of opening to the outside world and marketization , industrialization degree and level of human capital in the underdeveloped regions , which would effectively achieve regional economic convergence and gradually reducing regional economic disparities .

  30. 同时针对我国目前统筹区域经济发展战略,对于实施西部大开发与振兴东北老工业基地的经济发展战略中引入BOT方式的障碍与成功运作的经验以及要注意的问题作了进一步的分析。

    Meanwhile , the thesis analyzes the problems and experience of applying BOT way in the development strategies of regional economy and in the Western Development and in revitalizing the economy of the Northeast Industrial Base .