
  • 网络statistics;statistical thinking
  1. 第二,应用统计思想研究了从证据陈述P得到归纳假设H的归纳过程,提出了P与H之间的协调性理论,并给出了归纳推理的一个较严格的表述。

    The author uses the ideas of statistics to study the process and obtains the " harmony theory " from P to H. A clear statement is given about the " Reasoning from Induction " .

  2. 概率论与数理统计思想的应用

    Application of thought on the probability theory and mathematical statistics

  3. VaR(ValueAtRisk)或称风险价值法是近年来新出现的金融风险管理工具,是一种利用统计思想对金融风险进行估值的方法。

    VaR ( Value at Risk ) is a newly appeared financial risk management tool in recent years , which is a method that uses statistic thought to evaluate the financial risk .

  4. 利用基于统计思想和Bayes分类规则的概率神经网络的基本网络模型预测烤烟产地。

    Based on probability statistic theory and Bayes classification rule , probabilistic neural network model was proposed and was applied to classify the producing areas of the fluecured tobaccos .

  5. 风险价值(Value-at-risk)是近年来发展起来的用于测量和控制金融风险的量化模型,是一种利用统计思想对金融风险进行估值的方法。

    Value-at-risk model developed recently is a mathematical model to measure and monitor market risk and is a method that measure financial risk with statistical principle .

  6. 差异是数理统计思想方法的重要滋生点

    Difference is An Important Origin of the Thinking Method of Mathematical Statistics

  7. 注重统计思想的现代工科概率统计教学方法

    Modern Teaching Method of Probability and Statistics of Technology Focusing on Statistical Idea

  8. 中国于清朝末年开始接受西方统计思想,民国时期引进了以英美国家倡导的数理统计学为主统计学理论。

    China begun to accept the western statistical thoughts from the Qing dynasty .

  9. 一种基于统计思想的网格负载平衡调度算法

    Grid load balancing scheduling algorithm based on statistics thinking

  10. 关于统计思想若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on some statistical ideas from ideological point

  11. 同时本文还从哲学的角度对统计思想的实质进行了讨论。

    Discussions about the essence of statistical thoughts are also presented in the light of philosophy .

  12. 在基于统计思想的重建算法原理基础上,第二章提出一种新的建模方法进行超分辨率重建。

    The chapter two presents a new model for SR reconstruction based on the statistical SR theory .

  13. 传统的统计思想和方法对此往往无能为力,这就需要引入模糊数学的思想和方法。

    The traditional statistics method are always incapable , so it is necessary to introduce the fuzzy mathematics .

  14. 如何在现有的状况下,发展中国统计思想是中国统计学者面临的重要问题。

    The current problem that Chinese scholars have faced is how to develop the statistical thought in current situation .

  15. 玻尔兹曼通过对热力学第二定律的微观解释最终使统计思想成为物理学思想的内容之一。

    Ludwig Boltzmann let the statistical ideology enter the physics realm cpmpletely by explaining second law of thermodynamics with microcosmic point of view .

  16. 依据长度递减与串频统计思想,本文提出了一种中英文混合术语的抽取方法。

    This paper presents an algorithm extracting terms combined with Chinese and English based on string length descending and statistics of string frequency .

  17. 在风险分析中,以模糊集理论为计算工具,借用概率统计思想,建立度量风险大小的模糊风险理论模型。

    On the basis of fuzzy set theory and probability , the fuzzy risk theory model measuring the risk is established in risk analysis .

  18. 如果此拓扑结构存在因果环,则通过不同的拆环方法进行拆环。在拆环策略中运用了统计思想和优先级分级的方法,丢弃比较弱的因果规则或者优先级比较低的因果规则。

    If there is loop in the Topological structure , it also can make it by different method such as Statistics , priority and so on .

  19. 另一方面,通过将假设检验的统计思想融入智能优化算法,分别提出了基于假设检验的模拟退火和遗传算法。

    In addition , hypothesis-test based simulated annealing ( SA ) and genetic algorithms are proposed respectively by incorporating the statistical idea of hypothesis test into intelligent algorithms .

  20. 本文对捕获再捕获与捕获移出模型的历史、基本统计思想、方法及近年来的新进展作一个简要而又较系统的回顾。

    This article tries to give an concise and systematic review to the history , elementary statistical ideas , methodologies and recent achievements of capture-recapture and removal models .

  21. 画面校正是实现无缝多投影显示墙系统的关键环节,针对此,提出了一种基于参数估计和统计思想的全局颜色校正方法。

    Color correction is a key step for implementing seamless tiled display wall , and a new algorithm based on parameter estimation and statistic is proposed in this work .

  22. 按照构成内容分类,统计思想可以分为统计目的性思想、内容性思想和方法性思想。

    Divided by the content , statistical thoughts can be classified into the aim thoughts of statistics , the content thoughts of statistics and the methodical thoughts of statistics .

  23. 其中云模型方法是在传统模糊集理论的基础上,引入概率统计思想,将隶属函数的精确性拓展为具有统计分布的不确定性。

    Cloud pattern method is founded on the traditional fuzzy set theory that introduces into the thought of statistics ; expands the precision of the subject function to the uncertain character on statistical distribution .

  24. 通过讨论,作者指出:所谓的统计思想就是,利用逻辑将一定的形而上学的信念与原子事实相结合并转化为统计方法的思考方式与思考过程。

    This leads the author to come to the conclusion that the so-called statistical thoughts are nothing but the combination of metaphysical beliefs and atomic facts through which statistical ways of thinking and treatment could be developed .

  25. 从影响合理库存的诸多因素中,利用数理统计思想,找出几个主要指标,通过建立神经网络模型,进行模拟仿真,寻求一种解决这个问题的有效方法。

    The paper uses the thought of mathematical statistics to find out some main indexes from a lot of factors which impact rational inventory . By establishing neural network model , it carries out simulation in order to find an effective way to solve the inventory problem .

  26. 论文以特征价格理论为基础,阐述了当前特征价格指数的基本统计思想,建立了特征价格指数一般理论分析框架,在这一框架下给出了特征价格指数的定义和分类。

    Based on hedonic price index theories , exploring the fundamental statistical implications embodied in the current practical hedonic price index . A general framework for classifying hedonic price index is proposed , and definitions for different hedonic price indexes against the proposed classification framework are given out .

  27. 引言部分主要阐述了三个问题:一是从统计思想研究现状、统计学发展应用及目前我国统计学发展中存在的问题等几个角度论述了统计思想研究的理论和实践意义。

    The introduction mainly elaborates three questions : the first is explaining the significance of statistics thoughts research from the point of view of the current situation of statistical thoughts research , the development of statistics and the problems existing in the development of statistics in our country .

  28. 通过分析如何将概率统计的思想应用到基于有限状态机的协议被动测试上,在Markov链模型基础上,提出了一种新的被动测试错误检测算法,并给出了与已有算法的比较。

    A method for applying statistical observations in passive testing based on finite state machine ( FSM ) was introduced . Based on the Markov chain model , a new fault detection algorithm was proposed and a single fault diagnostic was discussed .

  29. 本文的主要内容如下:(1)结合热成像技术原理对红外图像的特征进行了分析,重点研究了红外图像的灰度直方图,提出了隔行/列直方图统计的思想。

    The main achievements of this paper are as fellows : ( 1 ) The thermal imaging theory and the characteristics of infrared image are analyzed in this dissertation . Image histogram is mainly discussed and an interlace row / column histogram statistic method is proposed .

  30. 从软件统计测试的思想出发,提出了窗口导航网(WNN)模型,并通过WNN选择关键测试路径,以降低GUI软件的测试代价。

    To reduce the cost of testing graphical user interfaces ( GUI ) software , a strategy of selecting the critical testing paths based on windows navigation networks ( WNN ) is proposed .