
  • 网络UPFC;Unified Power Flow Controller
  1. 统一潮流控制器的H∞鲁棒控制器设计

    H_ ∞ robust controller design of UPFC LEI

  2. 基于DSP的统一潮流控制器硬件及软件设计

    Hardware and Software Design of Upfc Based on DSP

  3. 统一潮流控制器的Matlab仿真建模及分析

    Matlab modeling and analysis of unified power flow controller

  4. 统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的运行特性研究与实验

    Research and Experiment of the Running Characteristic on UPFC

  5. 研究了自适应统一潮流控制器(UPFC)模糊逻辑辅助阻尼控制器的设计方法。

    In this paper , an adaptive fuzzy-logic damping control scheme is proposed for unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) .

  6. 统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的控制策略研究

    A Study of the Control Strategy of UPFC

  7. 统一潮流控制器(unifiedpowerflowcontroller,UPFC)作为潮流调节能力较强的一种混合型FACTS装置,其对输电线路具有灵活的调节能力。

    Unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) is a hybrid FACTS devices with a strong power flow adjustment ability , which can flexibly control and regulate the transmission line .

  8. 统一潮流控制器(UPFC)是目前功能最为强大的FACTS控制器,它使得电力系统稳态性能和动态性能都能得到显著的提升。

    UPFC is the strongest one of FACTS controllers so far . It obviously improves the static dynamic performance of power system .

  9. 提出了一种包含统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的概率潮流算法。

    A probabilistic load flow algorithm concerning the Unified Power Flow Controller ( UPFC ) is presented .

  10. 利用遗传算法探讨了含统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的灵活交流输电系统最优潮流控制问题。

    Using the Genetic Algorithm ( GA ), the OPF problem of FACTS with UPFC is studied .

  11. 该文采用模糊神经网络(FNN)来控制统一潮流控制器(UPFC)及能量缓冲装置;

    It is presented to control UPFC and its energy snubber by using the Fuzzy Neural Network ( FNN ) .

  12. 统一潮流控制器(UPFC)可以有效控制线路的有功和无功功率。

    UPFC ( Unified Power Flow Controller ) is always used to control the active and reactive power of transmission lines .

  13. 统一潮流控制器(UPFC)在电力系统中稳态调控范围分析

    An Analysis of Steady state Controllable Areas Performed by a Unified Power Flow Controller ( UPFC ) in the Electric Power System

  14. 统一潮流控制器UPFC是新一代的灵活交流输电装置,综合了多种控制功能于一身。

    The Unified Power Flow Controller ( UPFC ) is a new kind of FACTS which is implemented by multiple control functions .

  15. 首先通过对统一潮流控制器(UPFC)工作机理的分析,进而提出了一种实用的潮流计算方法。

    This paper first analyzes the working mechanism of the UPFC , and a practical method of power flow simulation is presented .

  16. 研究了多机系统中使用统一潮流控制器(UPFC)抑制电力系统多模态振荡的可行性。

    This paper investigates the feasibility of damping multi-mode oscillations using unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) in a multi-machine power system .

  17. 本文在分析统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的基础上,导出了UPFC的潮流控制模型,提出了易于同常规PQ分解潮流计算相结合的算法。

    Based on the analysis of Unified Power Flow Controller , Models of UPFC are developed and integrated to the power flow program .

  18. 在现代电力系统中,统一潮流控制器(UPFC)是调节电压和潮流的有效手段。

    The unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) has been proved to be an effective means for regulating voltage and power flow in modern power systems .

  19. 对统一潮流控制器的系统结构和基本原理进行了介绍,重点分析了UPFC串联单元的潮流控制功能。

    The system structure and basic principle of unified power flow controller is introduced , and the power flow control function of UPFC series unit is mainly analyzed .

  20. 统一潮流控制器(UPFC)是极为灵活且功能强大的FACTS装置,可以同时对输电线路上的有功、无功潮流和总线电压进行控制。

    UPFC is a kind of powerful and flexible power flow controller of FACTS . UPFC can control the active and reactive power flow in the line , and it can adjust the bus voltage .

  21. 通过推导统一潮流控制器(UPFC)稳定控制器的状态方程,分析了UPFC稳定控制器对同步发电机电磁转矩的影响。

    By analyzing the state equations of unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) stabilizer , the influence of UPFC stabilizer on electromagnetic torque of synchronous generator is presented .

  22. 分析了统一潮流控制器并联变换器在电力系统中的调节作用以及工作原理,建立了并联变换器的数学模型,提出了一种改进的双环PI解耦控制系统。

    The operation principle and function of Unified Power Flow Controller ( UPFC ) in power system is analyzed and mathematic model of UPFC shunt inverter is established . This paper proposes an improved double close-loop decoupling control system .

  23. 在介绍统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的构成、电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术及带有UPFC单机无穷大系统的数学模型之后,采用两种控制策略来设计UPFC。

    The paper introduces structure of a unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) voltage-space-vector PWM control technique and the mathematics model of single machine infinite power system including UPFC .

  24. 装有统一潮流控制器的多机电力系统Phillips-Heffron模型及其应用

    Phillips-Heffron model of a multi-machine power system installed with a unified power flow controler and Its Applications

  25. 本文结合主导特征值位移法和变结构控制理论,提出了一种新的基于部分状态反馈量的变结构控制系统设计方法,并依据这种方法设计了统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的控制系统。

    A novel variable structure control approach is presented by combining dominant eigenvalue shift with the variable structure . This approach is successfully applied to design the controlling system of UPFC .

  26. 阻尼振荡的GNF统一潮流控制器设计

    Design of damping controller of GNF UPFC

  27. 论文详细分析了统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的原理、特性及其研究进展,并对UPFC以及电力电子变换器的控制策略进行了研究。

    This paper analyzes the principle , performance and research of Unified Power Flow Controller ( UPFC ) . Besides , it construes the control strategy of UPFC and power electronics converter .

  28. 基于对称分量坐标、用附加节点注入功率法,建立了统一潮流控制器(UPFC)在给定控制方式下计算三相潮流的三序解耦模型;

    Based on the symmetrical component coordinate system , using the method of additional nodal injection , this paper presents a decoupling model of UPFC for the three phases power flow calculation .

  29. 广义统一潮流控制器(GUPFC)作为比统一潮流控制器(UPFC)控制能力更强大的FACTS装置,其对最优潮流(OptimalPowerFlow)的影响需要深入地研究。

    The generalized unified power flow controller ( GUPFC ) is a novel FACTS device that has stronger control capability than the unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) . Its influence on optimal power flow ( OPF ) should be further studied .

  30. 针对统一潮流控制器在逆变变换过程中所具有的直流侧电压不断波动的特点,提出了动态SPWM方法,以克服逆变电源的直流电压波动对SPWM法的逆变输出的精确性所造成的影响。

    Taking account of the voltage floating of the DC side of Unified Power Flow Controller in working process , a dynamic SPWM method is proposed , to promote the accuracy of the output of the inverter .