
  1. 智能变电站是统一坚强智能电网的重要基础和支撑。

    The safe platform can share information and are required in smart substation .

  2. 提升国网系统勘测水平服务统一坚强智能电网

    Improve the Survey Capability and Serve for the Unified Strong Smart Power Grid

  3. 建设智能农村电网是国家建设统一坚强智能电网的重要内容。

    Constructing smart country grid is the major theme of constructing uniform Strong Smart Grid .

  4. 配电自动化建设是统一坚强智能电网的重要组成部分。

    The construction of distribution automation system is an important part of united firm intelligent grid .

  5. 智能调度是建设统一坚强智能电网的关键内容,是智能输电网的神经中枢。

    As the nerve central of smart grid , intelligent dispatch is the key component of the strong and smart grid .

  6. 中国的电力专家们提出了建设数字化电网,最近提出了统一坚强智能电网的概念。

    Some new concepts of Advanced Power System , Smart Grid are proposed . Chinese scholars and electrical experts put forward a new idea of ' digital power grid ' .

  7. 随着统一坚强智能电网规划的逐步实施,电力行业技术更新的速度越来越快,电力企业对人才和人力资源管理都提出了新的要求。

    With the strong unity of the gradual implementation of smart grid planning , power industry , technology updates faster and faster , the power of business professionals and human resource management have put forward new demands .

  8. 电力通信网作为统一坚强智能电网的基础支撑平台,在保障电网安全运行、市场经营和公司现代化管理等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    At the same time , electric power communication network , one of the basic supporting platforms , plays an important role in ensuring the security and stabilization of power grid , market management and the modernization of company management .

  9. 中国要构建的统一坚强智能电网,必须以坚强的网架为基础,其中很重要的一点就是要改善电网的安全性,提高电网抵御自然灾害和外部破坏的能力。

    The construction of strong and unified smart grid in China , is the fundament of strong grid structure . One of the keys is to improve the grid security and to improve the ability of withstanding natural disasters and external damage .

  10. 国家电网公司积极转变电网发展方式,在特高压输电技术取得重大突破、试验示范工程成功投运并稳定运行的基础上,确立了建设统一坚强智能电网的发展战略。

    The State Grid change the grid develop style actively , base on a important break in ultra-high voltage transmission technology , a successful commissioning and stable operation of the pilot project , establish the united firm intelligent grid construction develop strategy .

  11. 随着工业化与城镇化的不断加快以及农村生活水平的日益提高,供电负荷呈持续增长趋势,此时国家电网公司适时提出了发展中国特色统一坚强智能电网这一战略思路。

    With the continue development of the industrialization and urbanization and increasing of the living standards in rural areas , electricity load shows a rising trend . The State Grid Corporation of China timely presents the strategic of developing unified and robust smart grids .

  12. 智能配用电服务作为坚强智能电网重要环节,直接面向社会、面向客户,是社会各界感知和体验智能电网建设成果的主要途径,在建设统一坚强智能电网中具有十分重要的地位和作用。

    Building smart grid has a great significance and far-reaching impact . The intelligent distribution and utilization service as an important part of the smart grid directly faces to the society and customer and it is the main way for the society to experience the outcomes of the smart grid .