
  • 网络TOU;time-of-use;time of use
  1. 通过对该模型的目标函数进行优化,得到了一种可操作的峰谷分时电价定价方法。

    By means of optimizing the objective function of the built mathematical model , an operable peak-valley TOU tariff setting method is obtained .

  2. 可以通过该模型来选取利润最大即最优的分时电价组合方式。

    The model can calculate the profitability of power companies , the electricity through various group settings , to select the most profitable that the optimal combination TOU .

  3. 分时电价下电锅炉经济运行的BP网络负荷预测

    Load Forecasting Based on BP ANN for Economical Operation of Electric Boiler with Heat Reservoir Under Time-sharing price

  4. 对模型中未知参数,设计相关确定办法,并利用Matlab软件对模型进行算例仿真,说明电力公司实际分时电价的制定方法和步骤,验证该分时电价模型的可行性和优越性;

    Cases analysis . This paper designs relevant method to confirm unknown parameters of models , then , uses Matlab to simulate the case to show the method and steps for setting TOU price and certificate the feasibility and advantage of this method .

  5. 应用系统动力学专用的仿真软件VENSIM对不同峰谷分时电价定价策略和不同响应类型用户进行仿真和比较研究。

    Simulation and comparison studies of different peak and valley time price policies and different response types of users are carried out by simulation software VENSIM special for system dynamics .

  6. 分时电价下综合利用水库水电站的运营方式研究

    Scheduling of hydropower station with multi-purpose reservoir for timed power tariff

  7. 配网分时电价实用预测模型研究

    Study on the Time-Sharing Price Practical Forecasting Model in Distribution Networks

  8. 考虑电力系统运行风险的峰谷分时电价研究

    Research of peak-valley time-of-use price based on power system operational risk

  9. 峰谷分时电价的成本效益分析模型及其应用

    Cost-Benefit Analysis Model and its Application of Peak-Valley Time-of-Use Electricity Price

  10. 一种可操作的需求侧管理峰谷分时电价定价方法

    An Operable Peak-Valley Time-of-Use Tariff Setting Method for Demand Side Management

  11. 合肥推广分时电价的经验

    Experience of promoting time of use price policy by Hefei city

  12. 分时电价下供电公司盈亏风险分析模型

    Risk analysis model of supplying power company under TOU price

  13. 分时电价制的季节划分方法

    The method of season division on time-of-use electricity rates system

  14. 电力市场中分时电价模型研究

    Research of the Time-of-use Pricing Model in Electric Power Market

  15. 攀钢工业水系统按照分时电价调节运行方式

    Operation Modes of the Industrial Water System According to Time-Sharing Power Prices

  16. 分时电价下多用途水库的运用方式研究

    A optimal operation model for multiple reservoir power with time-varying electricity price

  17. 考虑不确定响应的分时电价分级优化模型

    The Classification Optimization Model of Time-of-Use Price Considering Consumers ' Uncertain Responses

  18. 峰谷分时电价对上海市居民用户用电特性影响分析

    Analysis of the peak-valley TOU tariff effect on Shanghai residential electricity characteristics

  19. 分时电价下的最优输电价格

    Optimal pricing of electricity transmission under time of use tariff

  20. 基于博弈论的需求侧分时电价研究

    Study on TOU Power Price in Demand Side Based on Game Theory

  21. 美国人的时间观利用分时电价政策节约电费支出

    Applied the policy of count by time sharing to economic power cost expenditure

  22. 分时电价的理论及其计算方法

    Electricity Time Segment Pricing Theory and Its Calculation Method

  23. 用户端峰谷分时电价对发电端节煤影响分析模型

    Analysis model on the impact of user TOU electricity price on generation coal-saving

  24. 峰谷分时电价策略在江苏电网的应用研究

    Application of time-of-use price strategy in Jiangsu Power Grid

  25. 基于用户对电价反应曲线的分时电价的研究

    Research on TOU pricing based on consumer response curve

  26. 电力市场条件下分时电价分析

    Analysis on Use Time Pricing under Electric Market Economy

  27. 基于分时电价的水电站调峰模型研究制定发电厂峰谷电价和丰枯电价的探讨

    Study on Peak Load Modulation Model Based on Tou Price in Hydropower Plant

  28. 分时电价下多年调节水库年末消落水位研究

    Research on year-end level of multi-year regulating storage reservoir for timed power tariff

  29. 国外分时电价政策简介及探究

    Brief Introduction and Research of Oversea Timeshare Electrovalence Policies

  30. 发售电两侧峰谷分时电价联动模型综述

    Overview of linkage model of time-of-use electricity price between generating and retail sides